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ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 09/07/2024 23:50 (8 Months ago) |
Pokemon (or links to specific pair): Aurorus Other:noting :) but thanks! [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 03:43 (8 Months ago) |
AND if you have questions PP/PM instead of embarrassing yourselves out here. [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 07/05/2024 05:08 (10 Months ago) |
Pokemon (or links to specific pair): Eldegoss Other: Tysm <3 [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Fri, 03/05/2024 05:56 (10 Months ago) |
Pokemon (or links to specific pair): litwick and banette Other: Thanks! 14 gems payment :) [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Wed, 01/05/2024 04:51 (10 Months ago) |
And please add me to the list for x1 shiny megable absol, (Male perferred, but if it hatches Female, it will do :) ) [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 30/04/2024 02:14 (10 Months ago) |
(I perfer a male gender, but neverless, whatever you hatch is okay :). May you also tell me who long it might take? And how does the payment method work? Do I need to prepay? And you also metioned that I get all the Shines and Megas till the SM is hatched. Is the prepay method for that? Thanks ^^ [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Tue, 30/04/2024 00:12 (10 Months ago) |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 29/04/2024 04:50 (10 Months ago) |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 29/04/2024 04:46 (10 Months ago) |
Pokemon (or links to specific pair): candaria 1 candaria 2 And Cubone (Hylian) 1 Cubone (Hylian) 2 Other: 40 gems, right? [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 09:16 (10 Months ago) |
What Plushie(s): Absol Total DP: 40dp Tips?: I’ll see :3 Other: n/a [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 15/04/2024 04:24 (11 Months ago) |
Title: DonationsSternenNacht - x1 Espurr , x1 Absol Sinsung - x1 Espurr ~Lycario - x1 Absol DarkerNull - x1 Lurantis ImperialHound - x1 Absol ——- Sass - 100k pd Charmander - 12,345 pd Teddi - 10 gimmighoul coins The_DivinePhoenix - 25k pd, mystery box pink x1, armor fossil x1 1x Mystery Box (Green), 1x Mystery Box (Pink), 1x Mystery Box (Red), 1x Mystery Key (Brown), 1x Lugia Egg Voucher, 10,000x PokéDollar Drakonia- 1x Carbos, 10x Dark Gem, 2x Mystery Box (Green), 1x Mystery Box (Purple), 1x Mystery Box (Red), 22x Poison Gem, 11x Psychic Gem, 63 Gimmicoins Beautiful Person(who dosent want their name displayed): 50x Fighting Gem, 50x Grass Gem, 50x Poison Gem, 200x Rock Gem, 50x Steel Gem, Mystery Box (Green) 2, Mystery Key (Green) 2, Old Vinyl 1 BlueberryPiemon - 1x Clover Sweet, 2x Dynamax Crystal, 50x Ghost Gem, 1x King's Rock, 2x Love Sweet, 1x Relic Copper, 1x Relic Gold, 1x Relic Silver, 1x Spray Duck, 2x Star Sweet ——- AND PLEASE DONT POST HERE THANK YOUSome answers to your questions: ![]() What is “The dispenser”? > This is a service/me trying to make someone’s day. I post a feed with the word dispenser linked to this form mostly everyday. You just need to post underneath the feed “Push dispenser button”, and heart the feed. You must heart the feed to receive something. I got a berry.. what does that mean? > This means you either got a voucher or an “error”. > Examples: EXP 1: [error].. you did not like the feed… you cannot receive pd without liking the feed… it’s like an entry ticket… EXP 2: You push the button.. a piece of paper rolls out.. [x1 40dp voucher] received… use this with tomorrows feed and post with button press… upon doing so… list desired plushie(s)… How do I use vouchers? > You use it with the next days dispenser feed. If you get a dream point(dp) voucher, when commenting push button, also list what plushie(s) you want. If you receive a x2 item/pd voucher, just post *uses x2 item/pd voucher* along with you button comment. Do you think I can help? > Yes, PP me if you want to. But this is a non-profit service. If I recieve a message about not liking the feed and I like it after, do I still get the dispensed item/pd/etc? > No you don't, this is because it would be absurd for me to check every time for just you to see if you have liked it yet. This is why you should always like the feed. But ofc, if I haven't sent you the message and you realise you haven't liked the feed, then like it. But once I send the "error" message, it's too late. Is it possible to be banned from this? > Yes, it is. If you are consistently rushing me, making me remind you to like the feed and to not post in this form, or what so ever. Then yes. I will ban you from the dispenser service. You should not take this for granted. Why should I give you free stuff everyday to get mistreated by you? So yes, I will ban if I must. And to the people who has already gotten a lot of warnings for not liking feeds, I will stop reminding you at one point, and just completely ignore you or delete your comment. So please remember to do so. You said the dispenser would run out at one point, I have never seen/experienced it run out before for the day? > It runs out when around 20~30 people have posted. Most likely around 25, but it depends. But the dispenser feed does expire after the next day, so refrain from commenting push dispenser button, because that would only get you ignored or a warning. And if you are still confused, PM/PP me your questions. But there is not much to answer, it’s all in the post above. AND PLEASE DONT POST HERE THANK YOU[Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2024 04:45 (11 Months ago) |
I will post a feed about the money dispenser every day, all you need to do is comment “Pushes dispenser button” below the dispenser feed, and heart the feed. Andddd you’ll get a certian amount of pd.. depending on your luck. Beware! First come first serve.. the dispenser will runs out at one point, and you must wait till the next day. One push on the dispenser per day please! :3 To clarify, you MUST heart the feed to receive pd. This will be linked to every dispenser feed I make :D AND PLEASE DONT POST HERE THANK YOUYou can get a variety of: Pd [40%] Gems [20%] Evo Items + Mystery Items [15%] Vouchers (for plushies, x2 pd, etc) [15%] Summons [6%] Legends [4%] There is an unkown chance of getting just a berry :) Users who have been warned multiple times: AND PLEASE DONT POST HERE THANK YOU[Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 05:17 (1 Year ago) |
When you say variant, do you mean I take an already made emera mon and turn it into a galar or alolan varients? [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Wed, 24/01/2024 18:21 (1 Year ago) |
What Plushie(s): Can I have any missing Total DP: will vary Tips?: gems and mystery items Other: nothing else, thanks though [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Mon, 22/01/2024 03:11 (1 Year ago) |
Username: ALz_ Pokemon needed to shiny hunt castform can you do 5 castforms? Tips: if u can do 5 I’ll tip you over 60k pd and a lot of gems and items after I receive all 5 Note: thxxx [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Wed, 17/01/2024 22:48 (1 Year ago) |
What Plushie(s): Espurr x3 and Absol x3 and Mega Absol x1 Total DP: Espurr 30dp each so 90 and Absol 40 so 120 and mega Absol 100 so 310 total Tips?: I’ll give you some gems and pd Other: nope [Read more] |
ALz_ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2023 04:40 (1 Year ago) |
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