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Forum Thread

Bug: Some free berries don’t count

Forum-Index Bug Reports Bug: Some free berries don’t count
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 913
Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 14:04 (2 Years ago)
Sometimes the free berries that you can feed to the Pokémon on the index page don’t count toward the “feed 25 berries” dream points task. I’ve noticed this many times before, and it just happened again. What happened this time was that the first free berry that I fed to a Pokémon on the index page counted toward the 25 I needed to complete the dream points task, but the second one didn’t.

I didn’t get the chance to see if a third would have or not.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,133
Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 17:16 (2 Years ago)
the feed free berries is not suposed to count for that task, you have to use your own berries
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 913
Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 20:02 (2 Years ago)
But they sometimes do count. So, if they’re not supposed to count, then it’s bugging when they do count, which happens pretty often.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,665
Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 21:07 (2 Years ago)
The bug is that it counts "Free hugs" (interaction with index-egg) as a Berry feed. It doesn't 'sometimes' counts Free Berries, it always counts 'Free Hugs' and never 'Free Berries'.

I remember an older report about this, so it's possible this particular one is a duplicate one.
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