Forum Thread
Favorite Pokemon Starter
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Favorite Pokemon StarterHowever, Fennekin is a fox, and I love foxes. Therefor, I must see how well Fennekin does as a starter.
2nd Gen: Tododile
3rd Gen: Mudkip
4th Gen: Turtwig
5th Gen: Snivy
6th Gen: Froakie
Idk why I like water starters so much...
Overall, I'd have to say Snivy. Idk, I mean, the Snivy in the anime had an attitude, and I liked that. Even though it was a female, I thought it fit Snivy the best (even though Trip's Snivy was a male). I even have a Snivy plush from a few years ago.
Favorite Starters (In Order)
1. Snivy
2. Froakie
3. Mudkip
4. Tododile
5. Squirtle
6. Turtwig
Johto: Chikorita
Hoenn: Treeko or Torchic
Sinnoh: Turtwig
Unova: Snivy
Kalos: Chespin
Overall: Chikorita, because it was a wonderful partner in Mystery dungeon and in SoulSilver.

Johto: Cyndaquil
Hoenn: Torchic
Sinnoh: Chimchar
Unova: Oshawott
Kalos: Froakie/Chespin
Favourite: Froakie/Cyndaquil
As for each region it would go something like this:
Kanto: Bulbasaur/Charmander
Johto: Totodile/Cyndaquil
Hoenn: Treecko/Torchic
Sinnoh: Piplup
Unova: Snivy
Kalos: Fennekin/Chespin
(I haven't played a Johto or Sinnoh game yet : ( but I'd probably choose Cyndaquil from the former, and I actually like ALL of the starters from the latter)