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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 17:04 (10 Years ago)
Welcome to the club, Flari! ^_^

My Dark-type team would be:

And I agree with you on Giratina's type, Finhawk. Dragon-Ghost makes sense.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 16:03 (10 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 2

(Author's note: HUGE edit, because flashbacks are awesome.)

I walked out of the room, closing the door. I walked down the hallway and into the lobby.
"Go, everyone!" I sent out my Pokémon. Roserade, Masquerain, Absol, Butterfree, and Meganium all came out. I didn't sent out Flygon because he would take up a lot of space. There was a fountain nearby.
How nice... I thought, sitting with my back against it to watch my Pokémon play.

While my Pokémon started playing, I became lost in memories of the events of the last few days...

The boat would arrive today. May would be back from her time in Sinnoh. I stood at the place where the boat would arrive in a few short moments, a rose in hand.
Although my training kept me busy, I'd missed her. There the boat was, approaching at the slow but steady pace boats get to places. And there she was, standing at the rail and waving. I would soon have my chance. My chance to finally tell her how I feel...
I waved back at her with my hand that wasn't holding the rose. I wasn't her rival now. I hoped we could be friends, more than friends even.
The boat eventually reached its destination, and May was stepping off.
And that's where things went wrong. Two Skarmory came out of nowhere, and they were after May. She didn't see them.
"May! Look out!" I yelled, and she looked around, then up. I ran through the crowd of panicked people, there were Steel-type Pokémon everywhere now.

I have to get between her and them.
But a Lairon crashed straight into me, and my vision darkened.
I'd failed.
When my awareness returned, everyone was gone. Everyone except for four people: Two Trainers that were trying to get their Skarmory under control, me, and May. I forced myself to stand up, considering myself lucky that nothing seemed to be broken, and ran over to her. She was still unconscious, and her clothes were torn in several places, but she was still breathing.
I had failed to protect her, it was all my fault. It was unlike me to ask anyone for help, but this was different.
"Help! Someone!" Yeah, I was pretty freaked. At least that dreadful Lairon was nowhere in sight, and the two Skarmory were finally under control.

"I'm here!" May's voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"How do I look?" She asked charmingly, striking a pose.
"I can't believe it..." I said.
"Believe what?"
"You look better in my clothes than I do." I replied, standing up.
May blushed, and I think I did too. I gave her a rose, and she blushed even more.
When we were both composed again, I returned my Pokémon into their PokéBalls, and the two of us walked out together, with May still looking at the rose in her hand and smiling.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 15:01 (10 Years ago)
Yay, I didn't think anyone would read my FanFiction! (: I shall get started on the next chapter as soon as I post this.
Hmm.... I agree on the thing about the characters aging. They really should.

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 14:48 (10 Years ago)
(@Flarimew accepted)
"What gives you the right to speak on the behalf of your entire species?" Drew asked, getting annoyed.
I'm the only one of us that's in this area right now. The "dragon" answered calmly. Then it added, aren't you going to take me to your place of residence?
"Why would I?" He growled defiantly, although in his mind, he was slightly panicked. This is happening way too fast. I didn't even think dragons were real... What would my sister think?
And then that arrogant little voice came back into his mind.
Hey. Don't you dare faint or anything like that, because I kinda need you. You have a sister? I feel sorry for her.
"Oh, so now you admit you need me? And why do you feel sorry for my sister?"
And oh my gosh, this thing can hear my thoughts. And it probably just heard that.
Because you're her brother. Is she older than you or younger? And yes, I can hear your thoughts. And stop calling me 'it'. I'm a she, not an it.
"Why am I even talking to you?"
You have nothing better to do.
"I could just walk away right now and forget I ever met you."
But you won't. I could just hatch, and then hurt you. But I'm smarter than that, unlike you. There's danger everywhere in this place, and it would be a much smarter choice to just take me to your place of residence.
"You think I can't defend myself?" Drew was getting more annoyed by the second.
Believe me, human. Even dragons have trouble against what threatens the two of us now. A puny hatchling like yourself would be about as much of a threat as a twig.
"What are you implying?"
That we're both going to die if we don't just go home.
"Fine, fine. I don't believe you, but if you'll be quiet, then fine." With that, he picked up the egg, stood up, and started walking.
Thank you. The dragon said.
"You're welcome." Drew muttered in response.

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2014 16:00 (10 Years ago)

Title: BUMP and a question

BUMP and also, since I haven't really started any discussions, let's start with a question: If you had a team of only Dark-types, what would this team be? Dual-types are acceptable.

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2014 15:52 (10 Years ago)
*Facepalm* Sorry, I didn't see your post until just now, yes that would be awesome! Hmm.... Maybe something like, May could be sad about something, and then Drew shows up, and gives her a rose, and they confess their love to each other, or something like that.

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2014 14:39 (10 Years ago)
(OOC: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for taking forever to post! *Bangs head on keyboard* And now I have to backspace some stuff.)
"Hm" Drew's simple, quiet response could've meant anything. He found himself remembering his past, although he'd been so young when he'd ran away that he couldn't remember what his life was like as a human, or what had urged him to leave in the first place.
Will I ever remember? Or will I ever forget? He was often confused by his own thoughts.

Maybe I should just ignore the past, and focus on now. Drew thought, his thoughts making sense for once. His green eyes flickered as he tried to focus on not tripping over anything, if only to keep from thinking about his past.
The past is the past, He thought, The past is over now, so move on. He was actually making sense to himself for once.
(OOC again: Sorry if this post is short. My mind was blank, and I just typed the first thing that came into my head. Sorry.)

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 18:58 (10 Years ago)
Eclipse smiled. "Hm... I think that's it." Eclipse said, looking at a building.

Angel could tell that Sreth was getting increasingly more frustrated, and glanced at him.

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 18:36 (10 Years ago)
Talking rocks? Drew thought, This is ridiculous.
Don't be an idiot. We don't like associating with idiots. The voice spoke.
'We'? Meaning...? Drew couldn't believe he was actually responding to this voice in his head, but he was.
Dragons. We. Are. Dragons. The voice said, almost insultingly.

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 17:55 (10 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 1


The first thing I was aware of was that I was in a bed, somewhere. There was someone nearby, a boy with green hair, who was slumped in a chair beside me. he appeared to be asleep. "Where am I?" I asked for no reason, since the only other person in the room was asleep. Jolting awake, the stranger looked at me.
"May. You're awake." He sounded relieved, but I didn't know why, because I had no idea who he was. "Who... who are you?" I asked.
He flinched, looked at me, and then quietly said, "Oh no. Oh please, no." From how quietly he said it, I'm not even sure I was supposed to hear it.

Regaining composure, he said, "To answer your questions in order, you're in the hospital. You've been out for three days. I'm Drew, I was your rival," He paused to flick his hair, "And a pretty good one, at that." He continued, "We were Pokémon coordinators. We went against each other in Pokémon Contests."

He went quiet, somehow not out of breath after his explanation.
"How about I take you on a journey?" He asked randomly.
I'd just met him, even though he claimed to know me, and he was asking me to travel with him. "Okay..." I replied.
"Your enthusiasm is overwhelming." He said sarcastically. Then he said, "Well, if we set off with you dressed like you came from a hospital, people will think I kidnapped you or something, and something kind of... happened to your clothes, so for now, you should probably wear these." He handed me clothes that looked exactly like what he was wearing, and then walked out of the room.
What just happened?

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 17:11 (10 Years ago)
I am apparently very lucky.
Geodude: Random shiny on my newly started file, but I neglected to delete my old file first, so I couldn't save.

M. Gyarados: Lake of Rage. Currently chillin' in my PC.

M. Gyarados: Lake of Rage. Gave it to my sister when I deleted my file.
White 2
Zubat: Random shiny. KO'd by my rival before I could catch it.
F. Poochyena(Magic): Masuda Method. Currently on my team.
M. Trapinch(Mirage): Masuda Method. Now my Flygon in White, and a valued ally.
M. Dratini(Gadzooks): From Benga. Currently chillin' in my PC.
F. Haxorus(Blackberry): Nature Preserve. Currently chillin' in my PC.
Dialga: Event. Sending it to X as soon as I can.
Palkia: Event. Sending it to X as soon as I can.
Giratina: Event. Sending it to X as soon as I can.

M. Starly(Paradox): Random shiny. Currently on my team in Platinum, disobeying me.

M. Mareep: Random shiny in a horde. Currently on my sister's team.
M. Durant(Lucky): Random shiny in a horde. Currently on my team.
F. Aipom(Pinkie Pie): Random shiny in Friend Safari. In my PC, to be given to my sister.
F. Whismur(Beauty): Random shiny in a horde. In my PC, to be given to my brother.
M. Dragonair(Gadzooks): Random shiny in Friend Safari. Currently my Dragonite on my team.
M. Axew(Twilight): Random shiny in a horde. In my PC, to be given to my brother.
F. Roselia(ShuHaru): Random shiny in a horde. Currently on my team.
F. Geodude: Random shiny in a horde. KO'd by Magnitude before I could catch it.
M. Psyduck(Sapphire): Random shiny in a horde. Currently chillin' in my PC.
I also have a few shinies in Black from my brother, but they aren't legitimate. I'm also Masuda-ing for Absol in White 2, and resetting for Cobalion in White.

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 16:11 (10 Years ago)
"Everything looks so small from up here."

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 16:05 (10 Years ago)
A ContestShipping FanFiction.
When something goes wrong, May loses her memory. Drew blames himself, and so takes May on a journey through the Hoenn region in hopes of bringing her memory back.

I'm not sure how fluffy this is gonna get, so reader discretion is advised.
And also, please don't post. I'd like to keep this organized. If you have any questions or comments, please PM me, though I highly doubt anyone will read this...

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 15:45 (10 Years ago)
"I fly. In the sky. Like a boss. A very majestic boss."

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 15:32 (10 Years ago)
Moonpool started walking, with Smokekit and Silverkit following closely behind. Eventually, they were in a forest.
This looks almost like home... Moonpool thought.

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Posted: Mon, 30/12/2013 17:57 (10 Years ago)

Title: An Old Friend?

As my awareness returned, I found myself on the ground, with Midnight laying a few feet away. It seemed as though we were deeper in the cave, but somehow it was brighter. Everything seemed to be covered in a layer of ice.

I entered a sitting position and gazed around to see if we were about to be attacked, which would be really bad seeing as Midnight was still unconscious. Thankfully, I couldn't see anyone.
Thank goodness for that. I thought.
I stood up and approached Midnight, partially out of friendly concern and partially to make sure he was still breathing. He was.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Please, say something!" I begged. (OOC: This is actually a line in my favorite episode of Pokémon. Now for some originality,)
His tail twitched, and he eventually opened his eyes. I had never been so happy just to see someone's eyes before in my entire life.

And then things got epic. A Glaceon approached from behind a large rock, and I braced myself to attack. Midnight seemed to read my mind again(how does he do that?) and gave me a sharper look than I thought he was capable of.
"Don't." He said, not harshly, just with a flawless calm.
He rose shakily to his paws, and walked until he stood in front of the Ice-type. "Holly?" He asked. The Glaceon looked at him.
"Midnight?" She asked in reply.
"Wait a second... you know her?" I asked Midnight.
Midnight nodded. "I knew Holly when we were both Eevee," He explained, "She was kind of my girlfriend."
"But we had an argument," Holly said "We broke up, and I left."
That awkward moment.. I thought.

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Posted: Mon, 30/12/2013 17:15 (10 Years ago)
(Wow. So much happened when I forgot to check this thread. Wow.)
Moonpool lifted her head and looked around.
We must've fallen asleep at some point.
Silverkit eventually rose to his paws.
"This isn't LeafClan..." He said, then remembered what had happened.
Smokekit sat up, glancing around. "Why don't we go explore? Maybe we'll find somewhere that's like back home." Smokekit spoke.
"Yeah." Silverkit agreed with his brother.
"I don't see a reason not to." Moonpool said, rising to her paws.

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Posted: Mon, 30/12/2013 16:38 (10 Years ago)
"I've lived here for years, I lived on the streets because I wanted to look after myself." He explained. Then added hastily, "But it'll be nice living with you."
"Yeah." Angel agreed, gazing around.

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Posted: Mon, 30/12/2013 16:15 (10 Years ago)
(OOC: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for not posting for so long.)

Eclipse kept walking, and decided to try to start a conversation.
"So.." He started, "Where are you from?" He asked casually.

Angel gazed blankly at Sreth.
"I have no idea." She admitted. Well, this is problematic. She thought, But where there's a will, there's a way. I wonder if that applies here?

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2013 17:10 (10 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 1

Pallet Town, Kanto
"Go! Charizard!" Chase Ketchum called, sending the Fire-and-Flying-type into battle. He was in a stadium, battling a boy whose eyes were obscured by his cap.
"Pikachu, I choose you!" The Trainer shouted, and a Pikachu leaped off his shoulder onto the battlefield.
"Charizard, use Flamethrower!" Chase commanded, and his Pokémon launched a jet of flame, which the little Electric-type dodged easily.
"Pikachu, use Electro Ball!" The mysterious Trainer ordered, turning his cap backwards to reveal intense brown eyes.

And then Chase woke up.
Remembering how his Dad's journey had started, he rushed to put on daytime clothes, and then bolted down the stairs so fast it's a wonder he didn't trip.

"Good morning, Chase." His Mom said.
"That it is!" He agreed happily.
"Do you have an idea of which Pokémon you're going to choose?"
"You'd better get going, then." A third voice joined in the conversation, playfully.
"Yeah, I probably should." Chase agreed with his Dad. He walked over to the door, and felt a cap being placed on his head as he walked out the door to start his journey.
The first thing he heard when he walked out the door was something crying out, "Pakaaaaaaa!" He glanced around, his dark blue eyes flickering, and then sprinted in the direction of the sound.

What he saw nearly broke his heart.
A Pikachu lay motionless on the ground, and a massive bird Pokémon was rising into the sky above it.
Immediately, instinct took over. He bolted over to the wounded Electric-type and picked it up. Then he ran.

"Fearoooooow!" The bird Pokémon screeched. Chase continued to run, fearing for the Pikachu's safety and well-being.

Fearooooooow!" The sound came from directly above him.
He felt the bird Pokémon's talons take hold of his shoulders and begin flapping its massive wings steadily and with immense power.
"Paka... Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The Pikachu cried, a ray of yellow light shooting from its small body and striking the Flying-type, somehow not causing Chase any harm.
Letting go of its prey, the sky terror flew off, screeching one last time,
And then Chase and the Pikachu were left in peace.
"We make a pretty good team." Chase said, petting the Pikachu's head.
"Paka!" It agreed, nodding.
Chase got an idea.
"Well, I was on my way to get a Charmander, but how about you be my partner instead?"
"Paka!" The Pikachu replied, nodding and then leaping out of Chase's arms and onto his shoulder.
"I'll take that as a yes." Chase said, happy that things had gone so well.
"So... Do you have a name?" He asked.
The Electric-type shook its head sadly.
"Well, can I call you Paka?"
"Paka!" The Pikachu answered happily.
"Glad to meet you, Paka. I'm Chase." He introduced himself.
"Paka Cha!" Paka chirped.
And so Chase walked to Professor Oak's lab and stood, waiting for the others, whoever they may be...

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