Forum Thread
Baby ducklett
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Baby ducklett

And another suggestion if you want to keep it special, we can have another tier on the event shop with only this event Pokemon a 7k --10 k event points tier.
Thank you for your attention ❤
have a nice day/night ❤
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
We could make baby ducklett a complete dex tear Pokemon.
I know that emera dex will never be complete cause we are always getting new event Mon. But and if we recive it from Rowan (idk) one we get all other events disponible at the moment... like "ok I got all emera dex, only need baby ducklett" then you go to Rowan and he goes like "oh you discovered almost all Pokemon from emera. Take this egg as a reward. It's a very special one"
Then it's a baby ducklett. This event would be only obtainable one per player so the ones who already have won't get a 2nd this way.
But for the shiny hunt thing works... when you get the egg and Pokemon entry on the dex you open a special tear on the event market and now you can shiny hunt baby ducklett. But you can't buy baby ducklett if doesn't have it on your dex already (LIKE all dex distributed pokemon)...
That would be my new input on the of post.
Thank you ❤
Booth =
A quote from Raistlin Majere.
#580 Baby Ducklett
Type(s): water flying
Species: Duckling
Egggroup: Undiscovered
EHP: 5,355
EXP. to Level 100: 1,000,000
Height: unknown
Weight: unknown
Tradeable: Yes
Sitewide frequency: 0(shiny)/ 950(normal)
Even though these little ducklings cannot fly or properly swim yet, they are excellent divers right after being born.
As you can see more than half of the site doesn't have the Pokemon and won't have access RN.. that's another reason to vote positive on the suggestion.