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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:37 (1 Year ago)
Astra hugged Theo. "Thanks, I knew i could count on you. What about you all?" She turned to the others standing there. "Will you be staying as well?" Saiko shrugged non-challently. "Fine by me, Since time moves slower here, I'm in no rush."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:25 (1 Year ago)
Astra sighed. "Yes, I'll evacuate the island, but first i want to celebrate the anniversary of the island, which is coming up in 6 days. Once it ends, everyone will leave the island except for me, I've decided that if i have to die i might as well do so on my own island. As of finding the person, I supposed we could do that, but i'm not sure if we can change fate that easily. Why don't you stay with me on the island and celebrate the anniversary with me if you're so dead set on your choice? Time moves slower here anyways, and you look like you could use a break to gather together some semblence of a plan."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:15 (1 Year ago)
A look of resignation dawned across Astras face. "I've seen my death in the future, and the fall of this island. I was in some kind of dark room,tapping away at a keyboard, when i was shanked in the back by someone. The someone was hooded, and he got to typing on the keyboard i had been working on. A few moments later, the screens started to flash the words "Impact imminent" and the vision exploded. All of my visions come true, so i don't have much faith for myself. It's better if you run for it. The vision takes place one day later in normal time and a week in the future for delphinus time, so you still have time to run. All i can give you is the fact that someone seems to be actively trying to crash the islands."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:07 (1 Year ago)
Astra chuckled glancing at Athena and Kendo. "As much as i hate to admit it, there're things more important than love. For instance..." Astra inched forward, uncomfortably close to Theo. "You all getting the hell away from this island."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:01 (1 Year ago)
Astra nodded. "Peace...I myself am searching for that. The future has been cloudy, the more i try to tell the future, the worse my migraine gets. Something is wrong, and i believe it has to do with the fall of aetherhaven, lets talk more inside my house...speaking of which, we're here."

The doors of the house were broad oak wood, banded with iron, the doors swung open easily at ones touch. Inside the air smelled of incense. There was a great-room set with tables and benches as if for a feast. A hearth anchored one end, at the other, a corridor led away to the kitchen and bedrooms. It was large enough to hold 3 dozen men, and at every turn Saiko expected to find servants, but no, the house was devoid of ny other signs of life.

Treasures shone on every side: Elegantly carved chests, soft rugs made with the finest egyptian leather and golden hangings, beds, stools, intricate tripods and ivory statues. The windowsills were white marble, the shutters scrolled ash wood. In the kitchen, Astra ran her thumb across the knives, bronze and iron, but also nacre shell and obsidian. Saiko founds bowls of quartz crystal and wrought silver. Though the rooms were deserted, there was no seck of dust, and Astra assured Saiko tht none would cross the marble threshhold. However the crew trecked on it, the marble floor was always clean, the tablrs gleaming. The ashes vanishedbfrom the fireplace, the dishes washed themselves, and the firewood would reappear overnight. In the pantry there were jars of olive oil and wine, bowls of cheese and barley-grain, alwys fresh and full.

Astra sat down at the great table, motioning for the others to join her. "Well then, what brings you here to my humble bode?"

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 05:07 (1 Year ago)
"Business is boomin'! Unlike electronics, love never goes out of fashion, it's the gift that keeps giving! The tarot card industry is doing fine too, you know how couples are with future stuff." Astra waved her hands dismissively. "There was a bit of a dip in people today, followed shortly by a rise. I take it you know the reason why." Astra smiled at Kendo. "I'm glad you like it here, Kend."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 05:02 (1 Year ago)
Astra smiled. "Naturally. I oversaw the making of this segment myself, It was made to represent the home i once lost, and a home i never had..." Astra fidgited with a necklace that hung at the base of their throat. "But yes, Aiaiia is quite beautiful. The city part is seperate from this part of the island, we have to cater to the people on their honeymoons after all."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 04:55 (1 Year ago)
A few minutes ago...

Saiko stared into the abyss as they lurched into the dark sky silently as the boat moved slowly but surely closer to the island. The air blew past them, night receding for every minute that passes. She looked over the side, trying to track the rivers on the island and the artificial sea, the shadowed valleys, but they were going too fast, and she recognised nothing. She closed her eyes.The lands streamed by, and the wind ran across her skin. She imagined pitching over the golden rail into the open air below. It would feel good, she thought, before she hit the ground.

They landed with a jolt onto the runway, Saiko opened her eyes to see a high soft hill, thick with grass. Saiko forced herself to step down the ship, despite her wish to take a closer look at her surroundings. The moment her foot hit the ground, a mechanical whirring sound could be heard, and the ground opened, with Astra and a fleet of harpies standing on the platform that slowly rose up, Athena and Amber standing safe and sound beside her. "Welcome to my personal Delphinus my fellow colleagues, apologies for the bumpy ride, but i wasn't expecting you to visit me here."

Saiko stood on the runway, which had suddenly become a grassy clearing.The breeze blew sharp against her cheeks, and the air had a fresh scent. She could not savour it. Herhead felt heavy, and her throat had begun to ache. Astra immediately noticed and offered a smile to Saiko.

"You must be tired, come with me, let's head to my private estate." she waved her hands towards where her back faced haphazardly, making Saiko peer up where she was indicating. On the hilltop before her was a house, wide porched, its walls built from finely fitted stone, its doors carved half again the height of a man. A little below stretched a hem of forests, and beyond that was a glimpse of the artificial sea they flew over.

It was the forest that drew Saikos eye.It was old growth, gnarled with oaks and lindens and olive trees, shot through with spearing cypress. Tht's where the green scent came from, drfiting up the grassy hillside. The trees shook themselves thickly in the sea-winds, and birds darted through the shadows. Saiko knew then, that she would remember this place for years to come. All her life she had been used to the same old dimly lid hallways and paperwork, same old boring routine every day. She wasn't prepared for such profusion and she felt the sudden urge to throw herself in like a frog in a pond.

She hesitated. She was no wood nymph, she didn't have the knack of feeling her way over roots, of wlking through brambles untouched. She could not guess what those dshadows concealed. What if there were sinkholes within? What if there were bears or lions?

She stood therr for a long time even as Astra stared at her and the others to make the first move, fearing such things and waiting as if Astra would reassure her, say yes, she may go, it would be safe. The sun slipped over the artificial sea and began to douse itself in its waves. The shadows of the forest deepend, and the trunks seemed to twine against ech other. It is too late to turn back now, she told herself. Taking a deep breath, they finally strode forward and led the group to Astras house at the top of the hill.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 04:18 (1 Year ago)
"Great! Um, lady Astra should be waiting for us at the port to meet our new prisoner, we can knock off there! I'll meet you oncr I get a change of clothes outside the barracks!" Chase nervously tittered, flying farther to the front as they tried to control their tomato red face.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 04:10 (1 Year ago)
The harpy blinked, reeling back in shock. He hadn't expected it to work this easily, he thought knew he was handsome, but he thought the lady might've put up some resistance. Suddenly feeling self concious, they brushed their hair to the side, trying to look a bit more presentable. "Oh, um, wow. Is there...Any place you'd like to go to in particular?" their face was a deep shade of red, steam practically rushing out of their ears. "I know some great places we could go to! So, what's your name? I'm chase!"

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 04:00 (1 Year ago)
One of the harpies guarding Amber sidled up to Athena and smiled. "Hey beautiful, nice wings. Care to go grab a drink after work?" They winked at Athena saucily, clearly thinking they were the hot stuff.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 02:24 (1 Year ago)
Astra frowned at the unconcious body of Andrius. "...Sure, at least they're not dead. I'd just like to say that i dissaprove of you shooting down my fighters, but whatever, head right in, I'll meet you at the foot of the clock tower."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 01:58 (1 Year ago)
The harpy headbutted Kendo, getting swiped across the arm by barley in the proccess. They hissed, backing away as they clutched their bleeding arm, soaked in their white blood. "I'M NOT GONNA STOP TILL ONE OF US DIES, SO COME AT M-" Before Andrius could finish his sentence, Saiko slammed their steel briefcase to the back of Andrius's head, knocking them out cold. "Well, there's that."

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 01:01 (1 Year ago)
Andrius snarled and charged, flipping and and erforming a perfect roundhouse kick to Kendos groin, while also firing their stun gun at his chest.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:56 (1 Year ago)
Andrius just kept coming, repeatedly slapping Kendo in the face with his gun and kicking at Kendo with their powerful legs.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:53 (1 Year ago)
The harpy stumbled back yowling, but for some reason, there wasn't a hole in them. They pulled back their feather dress and revealed a kevlar vest. "TITANIUM AND TOP QUALITY STEEL SPIDER THREADS, MADE TO SPECIALLY RESIST CLOSE RANGE BULLETS, NOW SINCE YOU'RE USING A GUN, I'M GOING TO EVEN OUT THE PLAYING FIELD A BIT." Drawing a taser from their holster, Andrius lunged forward and pistol whipped Kendo across the face.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:47 (1 Year ago)
Andrius jumped on Kendo, planting a knee in kendos chest and clamping their clawed hands on Kendos neck, squeezing with all their strength.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:45 (1 Year ago)
While kendo was saying that, the harpy had hooked kendos leg with their own, tugging it in an attempt to trip him.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:43 (1 Year ago)
The harpie screamed in rage, expertly twisting the gun out of kendos grip and plunging their two fingers into Kendos eye sockets.

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Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 00:39 (1 Year ago)

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