Forum Thread
Retro Collection: Mirage Island Rumble Area
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Retro Collection: Mirage Island Rumble AreaMirage Island is one of the iconic areas in the third generation of Pokemon. This island is a hard-to-reach location which can only be visited under extremely rare circumstances in the game. However, once you are lucky to visit it, you can catch wild wynaut and a liechi berry there.
With this, I am suggesting of implementing a way on how to incorporate the "once in a blue moon" encounter of Mirage Island here in Pokeheroes.
What is Mirage Island here in Pokeheroes?
Basically, mirage island is just any other rumble area just like the burned tower, yellow forest, etc. You can send your pokemon there and receive some pokemon or items as a reward. However, unlike the other rumble areas, no other prerequisite requirements is needed to unlock the Mirage Island rumble area. Everyone, as long as they unlocked the Rumble Area feature, has a chance to go to this area. Upon sending your pokemon there, you may have a chance of encountering wild wynaut or retro wynaut eggs with having the chance to be shiny. Liechi berries can also be found while rumbling just like in the games.
However, in the generation III games, once you encounter Mirage Island, it will not stay permanent. The next day, the island will most likely disappear again just like a mirage. Hence, though the island is accessible to all in Pokeheroes, PH users wont always have the chance to encounter one.
How to Encounter Mirage Island?
Method 1: Total Random Encounter
Every day during reset, all players here have a 2.5-5% chance of unlocking Mirage Island the next day. When this happens, an icon will appear on the top of their screen.

Upon clicking the icon, they will be redirected to a screen saying something like:
Method 2: Available Only on a Specific Day Every Month[/b]
Unlike the first method, this one is a bit generic but does not depends on luck. Basically, once a month (maybe a random day), the Mirage Island rumble area is unlocked and everyone has a chance of sending their pokemon out there. When this happens, the same icon will appear on top of the player's screen.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Ive decided to make the rumble map be accessible the day after it's activated since in doing that, users would still have the time to prepare should their rumble map is not available during the time the rumble map is activated. :)
Title: I agree
What if there was an anime version of Zoroark like Goku give it spiked yellow hair and the orange jump suit I know I'm not the only one thinking There should be more versions of Pokémon that are fanbase
Alternatively if the temporary 7th slot were to be the thing implemented then it could require a special rumble bag/item to unlock.
The item pool would also probably need to have additional things added to it (the method of evolution for Woopice could be changed to a item evolution and this item could only be found in the Mirage rumble area) this is because of how little berries are worth now since the berry garden update. Or you could have Pokémon and items from the ORAS Mirage islands added in as well.
Apart from that I think this is a fun idea.