I need castform so if anybody has them can we trade plz

how do you mega evolve because I have 2 pokemon above level 100
with their corresponding mega stones

If anyone would like to help me figure out what starters I'm
missing and trade me if your willing I would be very grateful and
give you a legendary if you trade, just check my pc there's one for

Currently collecting all starters

Is it just me or is it fun to name bird looking Pokémon Berd

Is there a dark theme for the game because that would be nice

I've finally done it I have all of the Eeveelutions

If you get an egg from 2 flare on in the daycare would the egg
become an eevee

How hard is it to get a ditto or preferably 2 and opposite genders

how do you get sylveon I have all of the eeveelutions except that

I just bought 150 lottery tickets, I cant lose. Right?

Is it just me or does mega ampharos look like someone from an 80's
rock band

What do I use a light ball for

I'm confused, I was training my Pokémon and I clicked on one and it
showed a girl holding a drifblim while looking at the ground and I
couldn't see her eyes what is it also the tab just showed question

I'm building an Eeveelution army

What's the level cap because I have a level 101 caegillo

There are 2 types of people I can't stand #1 being people who say
"its just a game" #2 being people who call anime cartoons or say
"its just an anime". Its uncalled for.

Are there any special achievements for getting a Pokemon to lvl 100