sushi suddenly got a hold of his belonging and crushed most of his
pokeballs before so she checked for pokemon and 3 more pokemon came
out Persian crobat and a eevee... the pokemon suddenly ran into the
woods and sushi finally crushed the pokeballs... the garchomp was
free. and he was happy... so he said these very words... "My life
is in your haaannnds...."
she noticed a pyroar then...
name: Desert
tame or wild: tame a bit wild to
trainer(if tame): team rocket grunt... (not anymore)
type of pokemon:Garchomp gender:Male
Auraora then took the other team rocket's grunt poekballs two and
crushed them and 3 pokemon came out,a flareon,a slvyeon,a kirla
"Good thing there all free now"Auraora said then broke off the
collar since the control was broken
Kyla sighed. She jumped off and walked to a tree. "I'm the
monster..." she said before climbing the tree. "Just get away. I
nearly killed someone... Even if they are a threat."
Desert the garchomp suddenly growls at the team rocket grunt
causing him to scream like a girl
and try to reach for pokeballs but find them all crushed he runs
like a chicken
Auraora then eyes started to grow red meaning something might
happen,it appers sometimes because something in nher past then it
stopped "Lets go on to find a new home before they get out of the
ice"Auraora said moving on
The pyroar used a fire attack on Sage. Sage was near fainting since
she had few health. The grunt returned pyroar and ran to the team
rocket headquarters with Sage.(Pyroar melted le ice :p)
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Auraora then went after the grunt then used cie beam,seeing it hit
him and taking sage back "that was easy"Auraora said walking back
thene veryone could see her eyes going red for so reasons
The garchomp askes if anybody needs a ride on his back to which
sushi politely tells she is fine..\r\nshe looks at the others
wondering if they need one... the garchomp suddenly smiles\r\nbut
sadly looks like hes about to die... "I stole his berries.... so we
could eat"\r\nsaid sushi
Auraora then took out a full heal and throwed it to garchomp "I
foud it in one of the grunts bag's that might help you"Auraora said
smiling hoping it works
Desert.. then starts to blush and askes sushi to put it on as ...
he has big sharp claws as arms...
he feels ok and his wounds look fine desert suddenly roars and
finds a cave just as its about to rain..
"That's where we used to live intill the trainer cave but maybe all
of us could go in there its already big"Auraora said going into the
cave where her children
desert quickly gets in he gets very weak when touched by rain as he
is a ground type he cannot faint from it however he just gets his
stats lowered sushi suddenly looks into the bag and find many
things she finds a phone... "What is it and it has weird things on
Kyla said, "If we ever run out, I'll look for more food. But we
need water. We will run into countless lakes, so whenever we need
water let's go to the lakes for drinks." She jumped along the trees
again. Everything is going fine... I think the eevee thought
"Its a phone,humans or "trainers use it to do things usally bad
guys use it like team rocket"Auraora said and layed down
nuzzlingsage and wondered when the rain will stop