Sushi squealed like a pig and tried to hide but she failed her
light green and yellow fur was just
too bright she was found she suddenly cries out "AHHH please don't
hurt me ill shar- SHARE some berries with you" Sushi is begging as
she is not used to other pokemon... due to her back story
sushi looking really scared... decides to try to scare the strange
pokemon away
she tries to pull out her claws and try to make the pokemon
but their is a chance it might fail... she is not a good
so if the pokemon were to challenge.. she will be doomed.. she so
not to pull out her claws... she insteads tries to escape...
"Its ok I wont hurt you and I don't need any berries'Auraora said
smiling then hearing a noise of footsteps theng ets worried "We
have to go a trainer is coming!"Auraora said running
"uhh ok" sushi trusted the pokemon cause she was more afraid of the
trainer then this pokemon nsushi smiled back at it and ran she
tried to slow down since she was much faster then the other
pokemon... the trainer had a flashlight tho.... so if the trainer
pointed at us we would get caught...
Auraora ran with her children,she was eharing the trainer get
closer since some trainers where faster then pokemon then a collar
got on Auraora started to shock her,she roared in the pain "What
kind of trainer is that!"Auraora said
Sushi suddenly was sad she tried biting the collar but the trainer
hit her sushi was smacked in the face she was crying... sushi was
weak.. in her mind it was dark she kept hearing
"what a loser.." "couldn't even help" "weep like a baby..." sushi
was getting mad and she suddenly grew a angry face
The trainer threw a utra ball at Auraora but in time she elarn how
to ingnore the pain and smacked the pokeball back "YOU WILL NOT
HURT US OR CAPTURE US!"Auraora said then started to use ice beam
crazy around the team rocket grunt
Auraora then was about to scare the trainer away but she was
shocked one last time and was knocked out on the floor not moving
since it must of knocked here out long "Help.."Auraora though in
her mind
... sushi suddenly realized something she had a flashback... when
sushi was young a team rocket grunt beat on her mother they kicked
her mother and abused her.... sushi was always shy after that...
she couldn't trust a thing... sushi bit on the arm of the grunt in
anger and he suddenly screamed and kicked sushi ... but she was
strong and she lived without bleeding
The team rocket grunt then throwed a ultra ball at auraora when she
was knocked out then was finally hit by the shadow ball "I bet im
going tog et captured nest.. no one helps me.."Auraora though since
she was left by her mother when they where chased by a trainer
Auraora slowly got up tired then knocked the ultra bal away then
freezed the grunt hand that had the amster ball in it then went
rage again "YOU WONT CAPTURE US YOU MOSNTERS!"Auraora said then
froze the team rocket grunt's feet
the garchomp looked very beat up and also dead even.. The garchomp
said a few words in a ghostly deadly voice.. " leeeaaavvveee....
ruuuunn..... you cannnooot... fight hiiiimmm..."The garchomp looked
as if he didn't want to fight ... sushi was in shock and stared..
Kyla jumped onto the grunt and was biting at him. "Leave her alone!
eevee roared, even though the rocket grunt couldn't understand what
the Pokemon was saying.
Auraora stopped cie beaming when she forze the team rocket grutns
legs to stomp then from catching us "the garchomp must of been
captured by the grunt and forced to do this for a long time but
maybe you be able to elave now"Auraora said pointing at the grunts
frozen elgs