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Forum Thread

Will & Won't!

Forum-Index Forum Games Will & Won't!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 22:11 (2 Years ago)
Lemme explain! Basically, each person writes one thing they're willing to do and one thing they aren't willing to do and respond to the previous person's choices in some way. I'll start.

Will: Wear Nail Polish

Won't: Wear Stiletto/Platform Heels
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 261
Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 00:14 (2 Years ago)
I hate heels xD

Will: Suffocate myself in an attempt to prevent myself from doing homework.
Won't: Do homework

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 00:19 (2 Years ago)
Me, having given up on homework entirely

Will: Catch covid, apparently
Won't: DIE FROM IT! <3
𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 00:21 (2 Years ago)
At least that second one is a won't

Will: Commit planned murder

Won't: Commit spontaneous murder
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 261
Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 00:21 (2 Years ago)
Murder me please

Will: Eat spinach and brocoil

Won't: Eat durin

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 14:51 (2 Years ago)
I've never tried bro coil. How does it taste and what is its appearance?

Will: Never get the shiny ditto or Hippopotas plushie or hatch a shiny
Won't: Get the shiny Ditto or Hippopotas plushie or hatch a shiny

yep, im not feeling creative today lol
What do I put here?

Thanks for reading my post :). That doesn't happen a lot :(.
Since most of my posts are on the plushie exchange forum, I'm just going to put this as well: I try to send favorited plushies if I have enough Dream Points.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 261
Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 14:53 (2 Years ago)
Maybe one day you could!

Will: eat cookies
Won't: eat vegtable cookies

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 14:59 (2 Years ago)
vegetable cookies and cookies are essentially the same thing, but one is healthier. all you need to do is make your mind believe they're both the same.

will: be the newest poster on 90% of the front page forum games
wont: be the newest poster on any advice forum because i have none to give
What do I put here?

Thanks for reading my post :). That doesn't happen a lot :(.
Since most of my posts are on the plushie exchange forum, I'm just going to put this as well: I try to send favorited plushies if I have enough Dream Points.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 261
Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 15:02 (2 Years ago)
it tastes like dirt

will: draw
won't: go to the insanely cold bedroom

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 21:39 (2 Years ago)
if the bedroom is insanely cold, get a torch and light it (the bedroom and the torch) on fire

will: want to sound good on the piano
won't: sound good on the piano
What do I put here?

Thanks for reading my post :). That doesn't happen a lot :(.
Since most of my posts are on the plushie exchange forum, I'm just going to put this as well: I try to send favorited plushies if I have enough Dream Points.