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Searching for: Posts from NotSmartGuy.
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 21:02 (3 Years ago)
8/10 Now that I've changed my avatar to this, my rating of yours has been improved lol

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:36 (3 Years ago)
Username: NotSmartGuy
What you want: anything lols, honestly just here to try to revive this forum
Password: HappyHolidaysPokeHeroes!
(although its not really a holiday lol)

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:34 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:34 (3 Years ago)
Furfrou and Druddigon

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:33 (3 Years ago)
an unblinking, unmoving dog and yet its heart still beats

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:31 (3 Years ago)
a heart that manages to be alive even though its outside of the body which doesnt really make sense
oh, and a dog

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:30 (3 Years ago)
I blame you for asking people to train your Pokemon.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:29 (3 Years ago)
I'm oatmeal. *insert roblox sound here*

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:28 (3 Years ago)
Staring at... something?

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:27 (3 Years ago)
Wynaut? Wooper supporters are typically pretty cool.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:27 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:26 (3 Years ago)
Raikou, because you are so yellow.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:25 (3 Years ago)
📞🦁<[Where might this virtual convention be?

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:17 (3 Years ago)
You hit a Goldeen, so you bring it to Nurse Joy to heal it. Discovering it has Pokerus, you decide to keep it.

*throws coin*

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:16 (3 Years ago)
Butterfree, as dogs oft like butterflies and it's the avatar's favorite Pokemon rather than the user.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:14 (3 Years ago)
still combee

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:13 (3 Years ago)
I'd pick Quaxly for its natural bulk that comes with the typing, but it seems like something that would have as horrible a moveset as Empoleon, so depending on the moveset, I might choose Fuecoco instead. Since grass-types get hit super-effectively from basically every Pokemon on first few routes (the birds and the bugs), I'd probably choose another grass-type with better coverage later on rather than it.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:10 (3 Years ago)
Wynaut? So long as it doesn't bite...

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:10 (3 Years ago)
10/10 e v e r y w h e r e

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 19:06 (3 Years ago)
i dont know what to respond in the say something nice about the user above you forum :(

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