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Pokemon Sunrise Academy RP (sign ups closing.)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Pokemon Sunrise Academy RP (sign ups closing.)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Sun, 21/11/2021 10:36 (3 Years ago)
You have been accepted to the beautiful Sunrise Island Academy, it's where students get to learn relax and enjoy vacations. In this islands Pokemon can have a human form and be like humans and help learn more about the academy. Here's the RP!


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1. Do not argue.
2. You are allowed to romance.
3. Please try to be creative with your character.
4. Don't use bad language.
5. You have the choice to create your own Pokemon or you can use an already made Pokemon, just don't make it overpowered).
6. Don't make your character inappropriate


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Human Appearance:

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Sun, 21/11/2021 22:06 (3 Years ago)
Name: April (a leafeon)
Appearance: looks like a typical leafeon but just have a lot more vines then a normal, and wears a blueish silver bracelet on her left arm and black leather glove on the other.
Personality: has a patients of a saint, but when she snaps.. oh boy. Anyways, other than extremely calm and patient, she is VERY blunt, doesn’t sugar coat a thing. Doesn’t like work, but when she does do work, she will do her best. Also she masks her emotions very well, so it’s not easy to know what she’s feeling, and don’t even talk about what’s going on with her head. Stubborn as heck.
Age: hmmm 18? I guess? Is that too old to be a student?
Gender: female
Human appearance: yellow kinda curly hair with a green tip. Has short hair, other than her 1 mid length ponytail lied over her shoulder with a minty green ribbon tying it up. Yellow eyes with green arises and pale skin. April usually wore a pale yellow hoodie with an lime imprint which is wore over her white dress shirt. Dark blue ripped jeans and black boots with silver chains that reaches just below her knees with no heels. Wears a silver chain bracelet with icy blue jewels hanging on her left hand. With a black leather fingerless glove on her right hand. And 2 gold leaf piercing connected by A gold chain on her right ear.
Other (aka fun fact): you’ll see her sometimes staring at space while rubbing her bracelet with a look of yearning on her face. Who knows what’s the cause. Straight a’s even though she does not try at all. Sometimes in her human form you may see that sometimes vines will crawl up and wrap around her wrist, neck and legs, don’t worry, it’s nothing.
Sexuality (for fun cause I know you did not ask this): demisexual
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Sun, 21/11/2021 22:36 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! (maybe change the age)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 04:32 (3 Years ago)
Name: Simon (a Gallade)

Appearance: He looks like a normal Gallade except he has a scar on his left eye. He also wears a white coat.

Personality: He is kind but can be a little inpatient . He doesn't get mad often but when he does he quickly calms down.

Age: 17


Human Appearance: He wears a puffy white coat with a scar of his left eye. He wears grey long pants with a purple shirt and he also dyed his hair green. he has short hair that is straight and he wears yellow sneakers.

Other: A small part of his blade is chipped after a fight against an angry Garchomp.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 17:03 (3 Years ago)
Name: Silvertongue

Appearance: Almost totem size, and a small stinger at the end on her tail. She wears a kind of tiara almost all day.

Pokémon: Shiny Salazzle

Personality: Very sassy, and wants everyone to keep in line on what the teacher says.

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Human Appearance: A pretty girl with silver hair, and a Salazzle-themed shirt and pants.

Other: Silvertongue prefers the warmest dorm, where it reminds her of Wela Volcano in Alola. She is always sitting in the quietest area at break, and likes to read up on other Pokémon from other Regions. She is fascinated with Pokémon like Charizard, and wants to meet one someday. She loves Science class, she asks if she could test all these different toxins on different things, she always participates in Science Classes. She has plenty of brothers, but no sisters. Her mother was the Totem Salazzle from Alola, who was defeated by a trainer named 'Amber'. She has wanted to train up to be like her mother and defeat Amber for a long time.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 246
Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 20:51 (3 Years ago)
Name: Dr.Grimm Peckington

Appearance: A 4’11 humanoid with a white beak shaped masked for a face. She almost always wears her cloak.

Personality: Kind, caring, friendly

Age: 624 (appears 24)

Gender: Female

Human Appearance: See above appearance

Other: She is mute. (I am mute irl so it is easier for me to act similarly to I do irl when “speaking” with people)
The mute plague doctress
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 23:30 (3 Years ago)
All accepted!

Name: Botan

Appearance: He wears a red shirt if blue pants. He also wears a backwards hat and blue shoes.

Personality: He is shy but he can be thoughtful at times.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Ralts (Shiny) (BTW, if you don't now how a shiny ralts looks like, it looks like a normal ralts but with blue hair.)

Human Appearance: (His normal Appearance)

Other: Botan is not a Pokemon, he is a human but he owns a Pokemon. He also came from the Sinnoh region so he is not used to a lot of people
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 01:05 (3 Years ago)
Name: Semper
Appearance: Humanoid like body, red and black aura. Covered in black steel plates of sorts and has colors like Arceus.
Personality: Likes to be alone, hunts alone and gloomy. Clear minded in high pressure situations.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Human Appearance- The same as his appearance.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 01:22 (3 Years ago)
Maybe change the Pokemon, that ones too powerful.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 03:08 (3 Years ago)
Here's the RP!
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 20:05 (3 Years ago)
Could I reserve a spot please?



Name: Delphi noryoku no aru


Personality: A shy and timid extrovert at first, but actually a bundle of joy in nature. She's a very sweet and kind individual, her smile bringing happiness to others. Delphi, a naturally extremely-smart student, is often found in libraries, sifting through large piles of thick, leather-bound books.

Even though she's not a huge people pleaser, she does her best to make everyone feel comfortable and safe, which is the reason many people like her. With her quick mind, she



Human Appearance:

Other: WIP


Mirej Sioyhava:


She's a very expressionless, and emotionless person. Brought up in a strict household, she was taught to follow orders. Nothing else. For that reason, Mirej rarely socialises, or even talks. She doesn't like to make eye-contact, and hates physical contact.

Mirej is an orphan, her parents died in a war that decimated her city. She was taken, by unknown strangers, and shipped to a random family. She's quite sensitive about her past. Mirej is very determined and brave, who will stop at nothing to get her way. She can't go down without a fight.

Emotions are non-existent to her. Mirej's father stated that they were a waste of time, and a distraction. She unwillingly agreed with him, and to this day, she hasn't cracked a smile.



A ink-black coloured Corviknight, with silver eyes, and white claws. It's armour is sleek, with chocolate tints on its edges, and streaks of brown on the sides.





Human Appearance:

Mirej has a rather narrow, slender build, with slightly muscled arms and shoulders. She has dark chocolate coloured skin, and deep brown eyes. Her hair is lighter than her skin, with honey tints towards the edges, and light brown streaks at the sides. She tends to wear her hair up in a ponytail, or underneath a scarf. The scarf she wears, isn't for a religious reason. It's a light shade of green, with a small blue pattern at the back.

She dresses like she was in the military, knee-length black boots, black cargo pants, and sometimes a black leather jacket on top. She wears a black belt around her waist. Her hands are covered with tight, grey leather gloves.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 22:32 (3 Years ago)
Ok, but don't forget to make a character.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Thu, 25/11/2021 03:59 (3 Years ago)
Name: Sardina Ly Sila (Sar-di-na Li Sil-la)

Apearence: A Basic Amaura but has a golden pearl headlace with an unknown ability. Silk white gloves on both of her hands.

Pokemon: Amaura

Personality: Upbeat, innocence, can't read the mood very well. Sardina may seem like a pushover, but when she knows what is right she will NOT back down. Righteous, stubborn. Unexpectly, ables to handle tough situations well. Relieable. Elegant


Gender: Female

Human Apearence: Has wavy light blue hair, and a darker shade of pale blue eyes and pale skin. Wears a Light blue Veil over her head, with pink fading into purple pears hanging from the veil over her forhead. Wears a pale blue flowy dress fading into pink and purple at the bottem, with the top piece has a darkblue hue near the top middle and with the same flowy long sleeves that reaches, just over her knees. With white gladiator boot with gold that reach barly to the knee. Has white silk gloves with gold snowflake designs on both of her hands

Other: Sardina came from a rich family, but she isn't cocky like them though, she generous and righteous. One time she personally beat someone up and froze them to ice in front of her family because, that someone bullied her little brother.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Thu, 25/11/2021 04:05 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 04:02 (3 Years ago)
Name: Egg

Appearance: It's a standard white and green spotted Pokémon Egg.

Personality: It's and egg.

Age: Egg form.

Gender: None

Human Appearance: None, it's an egg.

Other: It's an egg. XD
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 04:03 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Fri, 26/11/2021 21:13 (3 Years ago)
Name: Lazu Camel

Apearence: A Normal Noivern, but with more sensitive hearing and larger wings and claws. Multiple scars

Personallity: Caring, teasing, warm, and fun to it's close ones. But cold and serious to strangers, or those he doesn't trust. If you hurts those he cares about. Welp you are dead. Cause there is no running away from him.

Pokemon: Noivern


Gender: Male

Human Apearence: May be 31, but looks like he's only in his early 20's. Black straight hair, curly and green at the end with the back reaching just abit on his shoulders. Has yellow eyes and a huge scar on his collorbone and fair skin. Green dresshirt and black furr trenchcoat reaching to his knees with decorative chains, hooping near the bottom. Blank ripped jean pants, and Dark purple leather boots. Has 2 red peircing on his left ear, 1 gold ring on his right pinky finger. With black fingerless glove on his left hand.

Other: Was Aprils mentor and gardian when April turned 16. Now is a professor in history and battling just for April, and to watch over her

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Sat, 27/11/2021 00:43 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 27/11/2021 01:10 (3 Years ago)
Name: Orchid

Appearance: A Totem-Sized Lurantis, with vivid colors.

Personality: Very nice and caring, and acts like the Mother of any group.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human Appearance: Nobody knows.

Other: She came from Lush Jungle itself, and instantly shot to the the most popular Pokémon with Silvertongue, Grimm, and Boran.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Sat, 27/11/2021 01:11 (3 Years ago)