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Trainerlevel: 38

Trainerpoints: 2,263/4,369


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These are my closest and dearest friends, they have made me laugh, cry, and finally feel like a part of a family, and here I commemorate them for making my life infinitely better: (totally don’t have contracts for their souls)

Crysticia: She has been a true friend since the beginning and I thank her ever so much for her knowledge and friendship, she is like on of my mentors here. <3 She was my first friend to

Abra~Kadabra: My best friend who has been with me through the hardest days, I wouldn’t know most of you if it wasn’t for them.

ThatNinetalesTrainer: They are one of the kindest and nice people out there and they have been such a help for as long as I can remember

Serendibite: She is my spiritual sister and has supported me with a lot of help during my time here

AlwaysDorky: He has provided me with a ton of laughs when I was sad

Pickle-Flavor-Painter: They have turned my world of monochrome into a world filled with color and amazement

~MelonPiee~: She was the one that showed me that happiness is contagious

Cherry_Blossom: She was the first friend I have made in Pokéheros, and she has forever been engrained into my mind as the human form of kindness

ShatteredDiamond: She has shone her brilliance and generosity all over

Daiko: A very fun at and amazing guy, he is a amazing friend

Lady_Sass:One of the nicest people I have met, we have a lot in common, they are one of my closest friends<3

th3o: One of the greatest people to ever be on this site, he is just an adorable ball of kindness that has become one of my greatest friends.

Sparkleshine: One of the most wholesome and nicest people that I have ever met. They are very creative!<3

~TheDarkPhantom~: My ghostly bestie, helps me out by teaching me the ropes of being an admin for team phantom, an amazing artist too!

clown: My clown comrade who is one of the nicest and funniest people ever, they are also an amazing artist

Frens 2

This is Part 2 of Mes Grand Amies

Kazyaquin: one of my closest and bestest friends, always there to chat and sort of like my mentor

Ignis, one of my favorite people to be around, always makes me happy when i see them^^

Zolarmon: A very nice and amazing person, I can wait to see what they do here^^

Reolist: A very talented and like minded person, tons in common, I love rping with them a ton^^

RC_CLOWN: My mime sister and best friend here on pokeheroes^^

AlienSnowflake: My fellow cat lover and fren, one of the best people on this site, very kind and nice

Kelbunny: one of the best artists ever, and a really cool person, with a great genre choice in games

Razpberry: the coolest insect on this site, very nice and cool, fellow introvert

HisuianZorua: amazing artist fren on this site

Etty: Best artist on the site tied with RC

Foooooooooooooooll!!!! Oh wait, it’s just you


Etty Sister:
She helped make some art of my Pokesona^^

She made art of Chiffon and his Little sister Chiffre

One of my most closest friends made art of me<3

One of my greatest friends made art of me

Was not made by me made by ThePumkaboo please check her art shop out. She is one of the best artists ever

My friend Ullkob made Art of me!
He is such a talented artist and amazing artist, he made this for me, it has all of my favorite babies I have raised here on Pokéheros!


Amazing idea art of a more plague themed spritzee by Sparkleshine

A sprite of Plague spritzee by Zolarmon, I love it <3

Game Records

Trainer ID: #530975074
Registration: 22/03/2021 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 670:02 Hours
Total interactions: 189,082
Money: 245,489
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Riako, how dare u be dissing the peak that is moon and sun, when Pokémon Sword and Shield sound nothing like any other game
16 Days ago
Can’t believe it’s nearly been 4 years on here. Wow, time flies
23 Days ago
The day I reach a million interactions is the day I finally have to get prosthetic fingers
29 Days ago
Official Username: DrGrimm
Nicknames: Grimm, Gimm, Gimmoth, Doc, midget woman, ghost mon mom
1 Month ago
Really wish that the early egg info stuff from premium was made into an item instead
1 Month ago
Hope you all are doing well^^
1 Month ago
If anyone is selling plaguekrow pal pad me, I’ll buy in bulk lol
1 Month ago
I forget, does breeding an event mon with a ditto give that event mon each time? Say plaguecrow and ditto, will I get a murkrow?
1 Month ago
There’s been a surge in plague babies being sold in the auction, MORE FOR THE GUILD
1 Month ago
Dear lord, nuggets have skyrocketed in prices since I left
1 Month ago
It’s been a while, but the reasoning I’ve been gone so long is, *drum roll*

I moved to America!
Yup, I moved to Pennsylvania now, and am studying to become a teacher lol.
1 Month ago
Hello everyone, long time no see
1 Month ago
Salut all, hru
6 Months ago
Hello all, how have you all been?
10 Months ago
Pls interact for Rowan quest
10 Months ago
Finally, lvl 100 berry
11 Months ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Ultra Saddle found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

I never knew that was possible with dark blue boxes
11 Months ago
To those who have gotten berry lvl 100 what been did u use?
11 Months ago
How have you all been mon amies?
11 Months ago
Finally saved enough to get a month of premium
11 Months ago

who am I?

Hello all! I’m DrGrimm, I’m a semi mute French gal who loves to play games and make friends, I’ve been on this site for a while now and have made a lot of friends, I’m known as the crazy mute midget who once spent a million pokedollars on a single normal spritzee for the funny, and the winner of the 2022 Spooky Riddles writing contest here on the site^^ Proof I’m currently 28 and am a single pansexual little gal my pal pad and pms are always open^^

The one sm I wanna get one day is either shiny mega zompette or shiny mega Tsereena (if Riako ever makes it)
Trying to be the best fisher on the site

Bestest boi appreciation shrine



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ShatteredDiamond 21 Days ago
wolfsketcher 23 Days ago
Kazyaquin 25 Days ago
Professor Rowan 25 Days ago

Last Visitors

Espy2015Yesterday, 20:37
CyndaGodMon, 17/Mar/2025, 01:09
SodoWed, 12/Mar/2025, 13:07
ShatteredDiamondSat, 08/Mar/2025, 02:38
spiritwolfy13Wed, 05/Mar/2025, 13:35


Last Action
Watching the Rumble Overview (16 Days ago)

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