Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Diaries → RemovedI'll use this place to store some information about me and what I have been doing lately. (Here I also have how to do stuff as well, like missingno. egg, Raylong ect ect)
Please don't post in my here! If you want to tell ask something than PP or PM. Anything I could improve on? Just message me, thanks. I'll try to post every few day. :)
~ Gender: Girl
~ Birthday: November 16th
~ Country: New Zealander
~ Favorite pokemon: Undecidable
~ Favorite color: Blue and Orange
Plushies collecting:

➤ Get Ditto
➤ Complete the whole pokedex
➤ Get premium for 1 year +
➤ Get to 10 million PD

➤ Raise Duckett to level 1000
➤ Get a Mega Stones
➤ Get to Dream level 8
➤ Get 100 of each gem
➤ Find all Harvest Sprites
The lines are pretty crooked because my computer is laggy when I drew this. Removing the background also did somthing to it, but here it is not the best.

The picture is pretty blurry but you get the main picture. My computer does not have a camera so I have to borrow a phone to send it. The arms are also slightly messed up, well I still tried.

Daycare is sometimes annoying when you get too many eggs at once or no eggs. I also bought the Wide Lens, because I wasn't getting egg often. Now it is inconsistent, but I still get eggs. It say it can analyze 1 egg every 10min but yesterday I got none. I got 10 eggs today, but they all expire very quickly so I got to get lucky and hatch all those eggs.

Raylong's quest:
What I know about the quests:
The first one is pretty straightforward, just make 10,000 interactions. I recommend using the clicklists.
The second one is really just luck and game-chips. I would go with logic or guessing.
The third one is the Gem Collector. He'll give you a jade orb if you give him 10 flying gems and 5 dragon gems.
The forth one is in a treasure box. Just keep opening treasure boxes. You will need 500 game chips per try.
The fifth quest is hatching a pokemon and raising it to level 100. You have to hatch it yourself and you can't get it from an auction or trade. In other words, the original trainer has to be you. Also, you have to hatch the egg after you get the quest.
The sixth one is the daycare owner. Talking to an old man (daycare)." Choose the last answer, which is, "I'm fine, thanks." Then, he will ask you your favorite dragon pokemon and you have to choose from a dropdown list of dragon pokemon. If you choose a bad pokemon (I don't know which ones), he will say, "... Please tell me you are KIDDING ME! And you call yourself a good trainer? Get out of my daycare, now. You may retry after 15 minutes, but first I need to calm down." Choose Flygon, because it's his favorite dragon pokemon. After you choose it, he will give you a jade orb.
The seventh, and final quest is buying a jade orb for 25k PD in the item shop in Emera Mall. It's in Misc. Items.
And that's all! When you're done the quests, make sure you have empty space in your party, then go back to the Ancient Cave to Raylong. At the bottom, summon him. He will give you an egg in your party that will hatch into a Raylong.

After activating the quest, you will be asked a question to see if you are worthy of the Stone - if you answered wrong, the Stone will be lost; however, if answered right, you will be given a wounded Pokémon that you have to train so that it recovers. Once the Pokémon is strong enough to leave you, you will then be rewarded with a Reshiram Egg.
You are able to complete this quest multiple times.

Zekrom - dark stone:
After activating the quest, you will be asked a question to see if you are worthy of the Stone - if you answered wrong, the Stone will be lost; however, if answered right, you will be given a wounded Pokémon that you have to train so that it recovers. Once the Pokémon is strong enough to leave you, you will then be rewarded with a Zekrom Egg.
You are able to complete this quest multiple times.
Once you start the quest (Using the Griseous Orb at the Ancient Cave) there will randomly be a mini game where you have to click on a sprite of Giratina so many times. (If I remember correctly, it's easier to spot/click them if you're zoomed out)
Once you complete all the rounds of the mini game, you'll receive the Spooky Manor map, which in turn will get you the Dark Orb, which is used to summon Giratina at the Ancient Cave. And them you should have got it.

Jirachi Quest image.
To obtain Jirachi you need to collect Star-piece.png 5 Star Pieces before you are able to summon it in the Ancient Cave. Star Pieces may be obtained through Rumbling or from the Treasure Hunt game. Your 5 Star Pieces will be used when summoning Jirachi.
It is important to keep an empty space in your party to obtain it, as Jirachi arrives in its egg form.
Note: You can also choose other things to use your star pieces on, only one option will give you a Jirachi egg!

Ordering online: A pair of school shoes - size 4 - $200
* 1 month later
Me: Finally! New school shoes!
* Opens the box: A pair of school shoes - size 8
Notice/message in the box: This is the smallest pair we have left. NO REFUNDS!
Me: I can't fit those!
* Now I have to wear a size 8 shoe to school *
Me: Hate ordering online
This week was good so far. Nothing much happened, but having to adopt 12 eggs, and afterward not getting any (did I break the wide lens?). I finally won an action on a kyogre so now just got to get it on lvl100. I hope my 1st shiny Vulpix will hatch today, I'm planning to get 3 or 4. I'm also improving my art skills since there pretty bad, if you have any feedback or how I can get better than please PP or PM me. Oh, some of my goals are close to getting them achieve,7 pages of plushies left, getting 100 of each gems is getting closer to, just need dragon gems (sadly only 5 at the moment ). Anyway that all I have to say now, have a good day ahead!
Dragon gems I have:

Dragon gems to collect:

Come on daycare I need eggs
Someone at the cook island: Hi, I'm really excited to go to the beach later.. You guys have any plans?
Me: Calm down.
My friend in Australia: I'm stuck in Isolation!
My friend in China: Well um... Nothing planed
Me: New illness in NZ so nothing much either.
Someone at the cook island: Well, have fun I'm off, Bye!
Everyone else: Seriously? Haw can we have fun!?!?! 0.0
I missed the day of Speed Click! Oh well, there is still next time. I got my mew event egg, but no luck(well I got a mew now ^^). My plushie goal is getting super close, and I'm collection items/pokemon for a giveaway. I've been on for 9 months and almost a year! Me and a friend started a pokeshop, I hope people will enjoy it.
All for now :)