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Forum-Index Diaries Removed
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 22:08 (3 Years ago)
Yay! I competed a goal, getting most of the whole plushie collection. Just event and special ones to get then I'm all done!

I also got this nice artwork from ~Yvelette~:
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 23:50 (3 Years ago)
I want to change my username, so go to my profile and answer the poll please. There is also a mini giveaway happening, it ends in 2 days and you have to interacted with my mew. Good Luck!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 21:35 (3 Years ago)
joannas1379 into ~Imagine~

Changed username
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 03:13 (3 Years ago)
This week

This week has been great! I finally hatched my 40th vulpix to start the chain. I also won a guzzlord for 40k pd, my PD has gone up and down because of stuff like that(and buying storage boxes). I am collection items for future shiny hunts, and my giveaway coming up. This week was also my last week of the school holiday D: I haven't done much since of covid and a new illness. 2020, and 2021 have all been weird year and all my holidays have been boring. I hope next holiday will be good.

Thanks for reading ^^ All I have for now
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sun, 25/07/2021 05:56 (3 Years ago)
Please, don't ask for items/pd or pokemon not

in my selling box. And not ask me to buy

something off you or just advertise. Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 20:12 (3 Years ago)
My school holidays is over, and I might be online less and less. It's just because of after school activities and homework. If I don't reply to your posts or pp don't think I am ignoring you. I might just be online for a few minutes.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Wed, 28/07/2021 06:46 (3 Years ago)
View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
heleablackwood 5 Days ago
Diimplez 5 Days ago
pandayays123 5 Days ago
BoomBoy 6 Days ago
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 21:56 (3 Years ago)
My younger sibling: *Drops and smashes bowls and food everyday
My parents: It's ok, I'll clean it up for you. Here is a small treat, no need to worry. *starts cleaning
Day after day that happens

Once in like 2 years
Me: *Accidently tilting my bowl a bit, and one piece of pasta falls off
Me: but I...
My parents: I had enough already, clean up you mess and go to your room.
My younger sibling: *starts laughing
Me: *put the pasta in the bin and go's to my room.

I hate it when that happens.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 01:37 (3 Years ago)
I adopted the egg on accident. And I was dumb enough to click refresh:(


By Agata

this is what is happening ;
I checked the event distribution page & it gave me the option to claim a shaymin egg - since I've already done over 1,000 interactions I claimed it, but when it gave me another egg I figured there was something wrong.

I claimed the second egg and it kept on giving me eggs so, the event is not working properly.

& remember kids,
Rule 5.2 Intentionally abusing a bug to harm the site in any way (e.g. its economy or community) is strictly forbidden. Bugs must be reported as soon as they are discovered, either in the Bugs/Complaints forum, or directly to Riako in case of very urgent and sensitive cases.

Don't get yourselves banned ♡
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 04:56 (3 Years ago)
Offering Looking for
Shiny Rod
✓ 1x Squirtle
✓ 1x Totodile
✗ 1x Mudkip
✓ 1x Piplup
✓ 1x Oshawott
✓ 1x Froakie
✓ 1x Strange Ornament Exchange
A shiny rod. Increases the chance of catching shiny Fish-Pokémon.

So close! Just need Mudkip
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 20:34 (3 Years ago)
This week:

This week was my first week at school and it was boring, test after test. My shiny hunt is also not going well, every few days I get 2 eggs and I bought the wide lens which is support to give me 1 egg every 10 mins. I've been interacting a lot like everyone else trying to get a shaymin. I've also tried to sprite a mega.

That's it. nothing else this week
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 06:23 (3 Years ago)
Some how sorry that my art is not showing I don't know what I did. But yay! Shaymin showed up 3 times!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Wed, 04/08/2021 07:57 (3 Years ago)
Great. I have cross country tomorrow, I am not a sporty person plus we didn't even train. I bet half of my friend are going to fake sick, so they don't have to do it. But I have too, my parents will never let me miss a opportunity like that. The weather is rainy which means the parks field will be very muddy. And tomorrow before cross country, we have to move all the furniture from our class (EG: Tables, shelfs, ect. ect.) so the people can get our class re-carpeted and after cross country we have to move it back.

Well, good luck for me tomorrow.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sat, 07/08/2021 00:55 (3 Years ago)
Mini giveaway:

To enter send me a sky gift, and you could be into win any plushie your choice. I will message the winner and ask for what they want.
Ends next reset. GL!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 07:08 (3 Years ago)
I wasn't online much yesterday. I had a power cut, yay! No, not that great, I got home yesterday and turned on the light at about 6:00pm (Winter in NZ so it was very dark), it was for about 5mins as I got ready to do homework but the click, power gone. Good for because we had no torch so I lied in bed for ages, ages an till morning. I got yelled by my teacher but she thought I lied about the power cut.

Oh well :(
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 21:06 (3 Years ago)
For Fisherman Hat you need:

300 Relic Copper -> 60 Relic Silver -> 30 Relic Gold -> 6 Relic Vase -> 1 Relic Band + 1 Relic Statue (=2 Relic Band, 2+1= 3 Relic Band) -> 1 Relic Crown, in order to get the Fisherman Hat...
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 01:26 (3 Years ago)

If you want to buy one of every SCS pokemon/item, you'll need 6160 SC tokens. That includes the shiny and stuff. That's a lot, I'll never get that much in life.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Sun, 15/08/2021 19:43 (3 Years ago)
Your Gem Cauldron has finished boiling!

... But what is that!! Instead of the expected result, your cauldron produced a Mystery Box (Black)!

1x Mystery Box (Black) obtained!

[Continue] :( Now no dragon gems
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Mon, 16/08/2021 07:18 (3 Years ago)
Finally got the shiny rod, yay! I'm also going to start an art adoption shop, when you bid for art and of you win you get a un-watermarked version. Also after more than 100k interactions, another shaymin egg appeared! I also got the retro egg!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,006
Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 06:59 (3 Years ago)
Lockdown for 3 day's, but our teacher hasn't warned us or given us work...

And started an art auction shop!