Forum Thread
[C] Scavenger Hunt
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [C] Scavenger HuntInfo:

There are a series of 5 riddles, cryptic texts etc., each leading you to a site, which may or may not lead you to further sites. Each site has some data hidden, it may be in the image, or some wikipedia page with some specific words you can find. Take the first letter from each word you get at end of each riddle. Each hint you get takes you one step towards your goal. At the end of each puzzle, you get a word. The order of the letters in the word is same as that of the riddle, i.e. the letter from first riddle comes first and so on. The first person to get the correct word gets an amazing prize! Excited? Go ahead then!
You have to post the final word only. Please don't post other words/hints you find. The final word is 5 characters long.
Psst... The 5th one is the easiest & 4th one is the hardest!

1. Each player gets only three guesses.
2. No cheating.
3. No spoiling the solutions to anybody!
4. Make sure you Enjoy!
5. The more you play honestly, the more you're going to enjoy the prizes at the end!
The Grand Prize for the first person to decipher the 5 letter word is 3 Shinies + 1x Lake Trio Voucher of Their Choice + 100K Pokedollars!
DefinitelyNotRif beat it first.
Next user to beat it gets 50k Pokedollars + A Shiny
P.S. : Only the lake trio voucher will be of ur choice, shinies will be my choice... But don't you worry! You won't complain when you get the shinies!
It's going to be tough though! What? Still Interested? Okay then. Go ahead, down below are your puzzles, good luck solving them!

There are 4 short poems/riddles here. Each is ambiguously referring to a word, whose first letter you have to pick up and put it in the url in lowercase,
Here, x is the first letter of the word you cracked in lowercase. The order of the words is same as that of parent riddle.
This thing has black and white stripes
But it isn’t a barcode
It is something with four legs
But it’s not a slimy toad
What Am I?
I have blades but I’m not grass
I’m sometimes held in your hand but I’m not a razor
I can change speeds but I’m not a car
I spin but I’m not a washing machine
I help cool you down but I’m not air conditioning
I was the name of the band
Led by Freddie Mercury
I can be found in a hive
I’m the most important bee
There are four in a deck of cards
And it is a size of bed
In countries with a monarchy
This is the female head
Never resting, never still. Moving silently from hill to hill. It does not walk, run or trot, All is cool where it is not. What is it?
What to do next? Are you kidding me? Obviously, visit the site dude!
P.S. : You are not allowed to search the internet for the solution of these riddles!

Wait... You already got the first letter! Man you're amazing!
But! Don't get too excited. If you thought the letter was way easy, then I advice you to reconsider, as this one is wayy more tougher than the first one!
Not intimidated? Well then! Here's your Next bit of puzzle!
Go to the following url:
For the hint of Xs, go to this link.
1,4,5,6,7 - Caps
You're going to get only one more hint -- this cipher text is somehow related to Sus scrofa!

If you managed to get the second letter as well, then congrats! Pat yourself in the back, take a break & chill out! 'Cause you might be feeling a sense of elatedness, and if you don't calm down, this elatedness might be converted into revulsion by this next piece of puzzle!
Still here? Well... then here you go!
Go to
The hint for Xs are:
--... ...-- - .--- -.-. -- -
Another hint: If you are having trouble finding which letters are caps & which are not, look into the previous puzzles, you'll get some hints about it!

So you got the 3rd one too, eh? Well then, I hold a grudge against you now. Mwahahaha! I give you the hardest puzzle in this hunt, & only luck will help you this time! Guess who's lucky?
Well no hints now, you're on your own this time, mate.
01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01110010 01101110 01110100 00101110 01110011 01100011 00101111 00110001 00110010 00110000 01110100 00110010 01100111 01100010
No! These aren't my marks in high school! I used to be class topper, dude!

You hated me while solving the last one, didn't you? Well, I did throw you into an abyss in the last one, and... well I'm a kind person... So, this one is the easiest of all.
The hint for this one is:
Vowel common in words of 1st, 3rd & 4th puzzles.
Yep, that simple. What do you mean you chose to do this first because this is the easiest? You should've known how cranky I am!
The following list is the names of players and their guesses...

1. √
He won, & has given up a shiny for the person who solves it next.
1. X
Best of Luck Guys!
This was a lot of fun!

with my pokemon :D
Let's get past level 2000!
I use unreturned favors clicklist :)
Let's get past level 2000!
I use unreturned favors clicklist :)

Also, it's a scavenger hunt, you have to figure it out yourself! This one is wayy easy than the second one I'm developing, as this one has all the hints laid out in front of you!
PS: Everyone reading this, remember to subscribe to this forum post to be alerted when the new one goes live!