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Trainerlevel: 56

Trainerpoints: 1,492/9,463


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Rapidash40413 / 4,921
Purugly48954 / 5,646
Necrozma333 / 46
Lurantis413,977 / 5,167
Purugly534,009 / 6,870
Whiscash433,605 / 5,677


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Newest gifts
Professor Rowan 9 Months ago
EternityBex 2 Years ago
YiuXL 2 Years ago
DefinitelyNotRif 2 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


DefinitelyNotRif hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #797470575
Registration: 05/04/2021 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 810:24 Hours
Total interactions: 1,457,719
Money: 5,116,226
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Apparently, the ice-type with the lowest body temperature is Ice Rider Calyrex. But I don't have one, so I guess #MyCoolestPokemon would be Regice...?
2 Years ago
How much does a megable Rapidash (without the stone) sell for?

(Also, a huge thanks to whoever's been breeding Ponytas - or rather, probably Dark Ponytas - for the last two weeks... You were an absolute lifesaver!)
2 Years ago
Just woke up to find a shiny Ponyta... FINALLY.
It only took 483 eggs - shiny hunts aren't supposed to last that long, right...?
2 Years ago
This is such a weird hunt... 350 eggs, 3 megables, and not a single shiny Ponyta...
Now let's see if complaining works
2 Years ago
The Mew egg shouldn't break your chain, right...? (Despite being obtained from the Ancient Cave)
2 Years ago
Note to self: Don't start a shiny hunt right before SCS... I can't keep up at all .-.
2 Years ago
F2Ps who forked up 200 nuggets for the Egg Radar+: do you think it was worth it?
2 Years ago
Wait, do you need the two event-related Vivillon forms to complete the Kalos dex?! I have 114/117 and Rowan hasn't given me anything...
2 Years ago
Oof, got a white powder commission for a bunch of level 2 Custap berries... And apparently they take 8 HOURS to grow?!
Might not be able to complete this one in two days...
2 Years ago
And that was the last Tentacool egg in the tall grass... The streak is currently at 122 (plus 75 from the previous hunt), so I hope I won't have to spend too many gems
2 Years ago
Complaining works! Now I need just one more...
2 Years ago
4 Thundurus eggs, 2 Tornadus, but no Landorus quite yet... Let's see if Complaining Works™
2 Years ago
Don't you love it when you get THREE columns of the same picture in the slot machine, but then you remember that none of them count ._.
2 Years ago
Missing exactly (eggsactly?) one egg for the special reward... ><
Hopefully I'll find it before the event ends
2 Years ago
The new Exp. Share looks interesting!

So, if you were to use it on a Rowan Quest mon, you should use it at the very beginning, right? Since the EXP gained from interactions varies with the Pokemon's level, while the EXP gained from Powerorbs seems like it doesn't.
2 Years ago
Zeraora #1 came home after 24k interactions... Sure took its time
2 Years ago
How much does Ditto typically cost? The stonks page says it's ~3.5M, but I've recently seen it being sold for less...
3 Years ago
13.5k interactions in, finally got my first Kyurem... Phew!
3 Years ago
47th place ._. That was a bit too close...
By the way, how do the prizes work? Does everyone who wins on the same day get the same prize (which rotates), or is it completely random?
3 Years ago
Is there any reason to grow apricorns that are above level 2? (Or level 5 blue ones)
3 Years ago


Last Action
Interacting (9 Months ago)

Last Visitors

123butterflyRoseFri, 21/Feb/2025, 22:04
KingOdysseusFri, 18/Oct/2024, 19:19
AthenaHereSun, 28/Jul/2024, 03:41
RiodiseSat, 18/May/2024, 12:09
HenryAllainSat, 18/May/2024, 12:06

Dream World Shop Tasks

"Emera Town": Berrygarden -> Beach -> Gem Cauldron -> Battle.

"Game Center": HoL -> Treasure Hunt -> Hangman -> Concentration -> Coinflip.

"Interactions": Alternates between feeding berries and clicking on the index page, every hour.
In July, if the date is even, the berry task will be on even hours - and the opposite if the date is odd.

TO DO: Record the cycle of the "Adoptions" tasks. 9/7: Route 53. 10/7: Breeding. 11/7: Forgot to check. 12/7: Breeding. 13/7: Route 53. 14/7: Breeding.