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Just Us-Sign Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Just Us-Sign Ups
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 03:32 (3 Years ago)
Hidden from society, there is a community. A community of those who are...special. At least, that's what Masked Man tells them. He says that they have to go away so that the outside world won't hurt them. Some are grateful. They believe that one day, the Masked Man will lead them to take their places as the true rulers of Earth. Of the Strange Place, as they call what exists outside the barbed wire fence. But there are some that do not comply with this. Like Mora, or as she's known to the community, 5. She's a troublesome one, always disrupting the plans of the Masked Man and his loyal Soldiers. Somehow she hasn't gone to the Masked Man's Special Place to be "taught the ways of the Community." 5 knows what's really going on. She knows that the Masked Man is no savior. She knows that she needs to escape. But without more of the subjects and their abilities to help her, how will she get out?

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Standard PH rules apply, no godmodding, bunnying, or killing other charecters unless you have permisson from them beforehand. One liners are a big no-no. Please use the proper form to sign up. Password is Trapped

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Alliance: Masked Man, or Revelution?

My Form
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Name: Mora
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Description: She's got short, purple hair that coveres one eye. Her eyes are a strange yellow and she has bruises all over her knees and elbows. There's banages on her fingers and she has a small ponytail that sticks out from her head.
Personality: She's rather infamous and doesn't really have friends. The bandages are from the many attempts to climb the fence, which only ends in her getting dragged back with cuts all over her hands. She's grumpy and not very aproachable. If you provoke her, 5's got a terrible temper. Oh, and never call her Mora. She hates that more than anything.
Ability: Shapeshifting. Mora can turn into amimals, but the largest is a small dog. If she stays in that form for too long, she'll start to lose her intelligence and ability to turn back.
Alliance: Masked Man, or Revelution? Revelution, considering she's the one who's starting it.
Password:None because this is my form.

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 03:47 (3 Years ago)
Personality:reserved, but she loves to help, and always has a dead mouse on hand. She likes to draw, and practice her necromancy. She also tries to help Mora. She is not very good at socializing and is very awkward.
Ability:Necromancy (raising the dead) but she can only raise small things, like mice or blue jays.
Alliance: Masked Man, or Revelution? Revolution
Number: 10

Sorry about using a google image, I am just kinda bad at drawing, and couldn’t exactly describe what she would like look like.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 03:49 (3 Years ago)
Before I accept you, do you think you could maybe fix your ability? Necromancy is kind of op, maybe put a limit on it? Also, could you go into a little more detail about her personality? Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 03:57 (3 Years ago)
Gender: Male
Description: Silvery-blue eyes and hair. Stands at 6' 1" He can change the rest.
Personality: Bravery. He hates heights and seems to look at everyone and everything. He's quite clueless. Often trusts no body. Loyal to friends.
Ability: He shift his skins form to that of super stretchy, spiny, etc. He can also change its color but not its shape. It costs a lot of calories to use this ability causing him to need to eat more.
Alliance: Revolution
Number: 8

Le Gurl
Art by, Me!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 03:59 (3 Years ago)
Sorry, but "losing calories" isn't really a good cost for using an ability. And as I said before, could you go into a bit more detail? Also, what is "Braviary?"

@Sylveon_Wish, accepted!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 04:03 (3 Years ago)
I think what leolitten meant by braviary was Alex is brave and corrected it to the name of a Pokemon.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 04:04 (3 Years ago)
Ok, but he still needs to go into more detail than that.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 04:06 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 277
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:10 (3 Years ago)
Name: Tempest
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description: 6'0'', shoulder length, slightly wavy black hair, deep blue eyes with streaks of a lighter, icy blue scattered through them, facial structure similar to this (but with aforementioned longer hair) (picture owned by original photographer), has a long scar running from the right underside of his chin, over his shoulder, and down his right arm. He wears a tattered grey shirt that is long sleeved on the right side and cut to a short sleeve on the left, an old tan belt, tattered dark grey pants, old, tall, tan boots, and a paracord bracelet on his left wrist, all similar to the first outfit here (not my work, credit to artist).
Personality: Reckless yet restrained, he allows his emotions to run away internally but has the presence of mind, usually, to not express them. At one time, he had the capacity to care for others, but has been forced to bury that deep within himself, and it hasn't seen the light of day for some time. He possesses a willingness to trust and do as he is told. His temper is fierce, though hard to aggravate; if someone succeeds in provoking it, he may lash out viciously. However, he tends to be more of the observing type and less so one of action. Tempest fears showing his own weaknesses, as can be seen in the way he hides his scar, which was a result of the one time he questioned his orders, and loathes running due to his asthma.
Ability: He can manipulate wind/air currents, though he has a tendency to lose control through this, both of himself and of his powers.
Alliance: Masked Man, but not of his own accord.
Number: 19
Password: Trapped
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:14 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:43 (3 Years ago)
Name: Buffy
Age: 17
Gender: female
Description: another quick lil sketch I did on my chromebook~
Personality: Distant and observant, she's often forgotten. Stammers a lot but what she lacks in people skills she makes up in independence. Usually is a "go with the flow" person and takes the neutral position, not helping one side or the other unless she's sure to benefit.
Ability: she can talk to the weather. It'd be a useful skill... if they (the 'sky spirits' she calls them) actually ever listened to her. They do sometimes for small requests, like closing a window or tripping a friend. Meaning she wouldn't be able to summon raging storms and winds without being REALLY convincing... which she hardly ever is. What she can do is swap some juicy tales or learn tomorrow's forecast however. Maybe she could ask the wind to spy on a friend? Who knows. Unfortunately when she does talk with the spirits it drains her energy, hence her being exhausted all the time. The more stressed or urgent the situation is the more stamina she uses (and this rate goes up QUICKLY) as when she's panicked she has a harder time holding a link with them.
Alliance: Neutral
Number: 7
Password: trapped
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:45 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! Of course, nothing wrong with nuteral.

Update-If we can get two more people, we can start.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:50 (3 Years ago)
Name: Kaida
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Description: 5'0". Has blue eyes and short fluffy white hair that isn't quite shoulder length. Wears the fifth outfit out of the ones here (not my art)
Personality: Not the most socially confident person in the world. Is curious about what the outside world is like. Loyal to her friends.
Ability: Can transform into a feathered ice dragon, but she can only turn into a small dragonet rather than a full size dragon, and cannot really fly that well or use her ice breath (For reference on her dragon form... Try to imagine a small/chibi/babyfied version of Haku's dragon form from Spirited Away, but feathered, with a white mane rather than a blue one, and with the wings (minus the claws) and horn-things from Reshiram)
Alliance: Neutral, leaning toward Revolution
Number: 4
Password: Trapped
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:51 (3 Years ago)
Name: Natasha
Age: 15
Gender: female
Description: forest green eyes, dark red hair with purple tints, scars on both sides of her mouth so it appears that she is always smiling, Long fingernails, pale, and 5”6’. She has been nicknamed “Cheshire” and usually carries a dagger around
Personality: appears cold, and unforgiving, she hates the masked man with a fiery passion, she can be kind and helpful too, though it may depend on a mood, she tries to help others, but they always run from her due to her face. rational and collected, she is able to think fast, but sometimes lets her heart rule over her head. She is seen as stubborn but is actually open to ideas. She hates mean people and pities those who fail to see that the masked man is evil
Ability: umbrakinesis
Alliance: Masked Man, or Revelution? Revelution
Number: 11
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2021 05:53 (3 Years ago)
Both accepted! I'll make the thread and gc.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 08:55 (3 Years ago)
Name: Jonathan 'Jake' Spires
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description: Standing at 6' already, Jake supports a steady, well-built frame, with broad shoulders and a slim waist. His auburn hair is unkempt and wild, with soft, flat spikes that hang over his forehead. He has a strong jaw and large, mud-brown eyes that always suggest a certain fury, but contains it with ease, instead painting them with laziness. An arrogant smile completes his high-school jock-like look, along with his sculpted arms and legs. His casual clothing consists of an orange t-shirt underneath red and black undone checker shirt, whilst his lower half is covered by fresh denim jeans.
Personality: A relaxed soul, Jake feels most at home when out with friends or at home. He lacks most intellectual advantages, due to his dyslexia, but makes up for what he has lost with instinctive kindness and tactical application of force. He finds communicating with others easy, and has taught himself how to read body language extremely well, so tends to know how to make someone feel better - which he does often. He believes that everyone deserves a second chance, but will deliver punishment fairly.
Ability: Teleportation. He can teleport himself, though he is rather scared of doing so, and objects or other people, but these take much more energy, leaving him drained after very few jumps.
Alliance: Revolution.
Number: 12

Name: Taniwha Puku, but she goes by Tani.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Description: Tani has a petite build, with long, spindly arms and legs, and a carefully pointed chin. Her volumous brutenne hair ends in dyed red wisps at the small of her back, whilst her line-cut fringe hangs over her forehead and often droops into her eyes, which are bright emerald green with long eyelashes. She has an almost shy and scared demeanour, with hunched shoulders and a hanging head.
Personality: Tani is rebellious in her own right, often undermining her leader in favour of a more violent route. She sees the world as an impurity that must be cured; if it weren't for humankind, Earth would have continued its natural selection, and peace would reign. It is because of this that her heart has turned bitter and unforgiving; she will carry out any tasks mercilessly, without hesitation.
When she's not trying to kill people, Tani is rarely noticed. She prefers to blend into the background, which she does with ease.
Ability: Concealed within her mouth are six spiked tentacles, each of which are around three meters long and as strong as any man. These eject as soon as her mouth is opened, so she is mute. These tendrils do not affect her appearance, though they do affect other things; each breath she takes sounds raspy, and she is unnaturally heavy as the tentacles weigh her down, which also makes her rather slow.
Alliance: Masked Man
Number: 27
I know her ability seems rather overpowered, but I figured that lacking stealth and speed and not being able to speak would make up for that. if you want be to make them less overpowered, I can tone it down a bit :D
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 15:33 (3 Years ago)
Sure, why not. Accepted!
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 19:24 (3 Years ago)
Am I too late to sign up?
Here's the form, in case I can:

Name: Dakota Webb
Age: 16
Gender: Non-binary (any pronouns)
Description: Shoulder length black hair,crudely cut, like it was cut with a knife, cold violet eyes, stands 5' 7 in height. The outfit they wear is this, minus the glasses, bracelet and phone case. Instead of Converse, they wear Combat boots. (if it's broken, try open in new tab)
Personality: Very introverted and cold all of the time, they hate talking to people and mostly stay alone. They also hate loud noises such as sudden bangs, loud crowds, shouting, etc, and may react violently to such noises.
Ability: Shadows. They can manipulate shadows to their will, even make them come alive for a short period of time. In strong light, their ability does not work.
Alliance: Masked Man, or Revelution? Revolution
Number: 13
Password: Trapped
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 19:26 (3 Years ago)
Sorry, it's a bit too late.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 19:28 (3 Years ago)
Ah, okay! Thank you anyway :)