No one knows how long she's been battling for. By the time the
attackers have fled, Meso was already tired and exhausted. He was
sitting on the steps, raiding Viola's bag for berries.
"Thank you very much!" A news reporter appeared out of no where,
followed by a professional camera crew "we would like to ask some
questions to air on the news as soon as possible. Is that
"Perfectly fine with me." Viola answered, watching Meso eat some
Mago berries. Ofcouse he took the curvier ones, the sweetest
Ambrosia stepped onto the mantine, surfing across the Alolan waves
Slightly calmed by the Gardevoir's aura, but still feeling a sharp
amount of fear in her from the response. "Please, tell me, did
people who were here during the attack... Die?" Rose got a chill
down her spine, she needed to know, but she didn't want to know. If
the response to the question was yes, her parents could have very
well been a victim of the attack. She wasn't sure if she was ready
for the response, but it was inevitable. All she could do was
assume the worst at this point.
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift Pokeheroes!
I think most of them did yes. there was a lot of destruction.. I
wasnt in town when the attack happened, had to attend a meeting
with the other gym leaders.." He then noticed why she would ask,
remembering who she was and who her parents were "oh my.. I´m sorry
for your loss-"
A quick moment of silence happened. That was it, just like a pencil
dropping on the ground creating a faint reverb in a silent
classroom. She couldn't help but start sobbing. She feared the
worst and it was justified, there's no way they would not come back
home, they always did. They were in town, and the town was
attacked. They were dead. The only blood relation she knew had been
dead for several days and she didn't even know it. She felt a pain
in her chest, she would never see them again. Her mind went blank
as her heart was crushing with the emotion she was feeling, even
with the Gardevoir around, it just couldn't help something so
shocking of this caliber.
Mew was being unintentionally squeezed so she wiggled to free
herself before transforming into Pikachu, who could stand on two
legs and hug her friends leg. Mew was still trying to figure out
what was happening exactly, but she understood that Rose was in a
lot of pain.
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift Pokeheroes!
After a while, the questions died out and the news has been aired
in all regions. Viola recalled Meso and started cleaning up some of
the mess with Psybee, who lifted up objects by using Psychic.
Ambrosia saw a huge wave and prepared to jump off it.
Admin sighed as he lay on the mattress he slept on. Everything was
strange and confusing. Destruction death and blood everywhere and
Admin really missed his friends.