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Venture to Fable Island-Legendary Pokemon RP Setup

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Venture to Fable Island-Legendary Pokemon RP Setup
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 20/10/2020 04:46 (3 Years ago)
In the Pokemon World, there are whispers of an island where Legendary Pokemon live in harmony. They say that this island is invisible to all who seek it out, protected by a veil that makes it impossible to find. To its believers, it is known as Fable Island. Are these tales true?
I mean, I guess. It’s technically an archipelago, but its inhabitants just call it Fable Island. Rolls off the tongue better.
But on these islands, trouble is brewing. Many Legendary Pokemon, mostly ones of high status, have been mysteriously disappearing as of late. No one knows why they vanished or where they went, but one thing’s for certain-if the denizens of Fable Island don’t get to the bottom of this, it could spell disaster for the world. From here, you have two choices-figure out what’s going on, or let yourself fade into the darkness as well.
Which one do you choose?

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1) Regular Pokeheroes rules apply.
2) Be kind and respectful to your fellow roleplayers.
3) Make sure to be age-appropriate during roleplay. For example, battles are fine since they're an important part of the Pokemon franchise, but please keep violence and gore to a minimum.
4) Always roleplay fairly. No bunnying, godmodding, powerplaying, or anything of the sort.
5) If you are going to be inactive for a time, please tell me so I can temporarily put your character on standby.
6) Romance is allowed, so long as it is agreed upon by both parties involved (unless, of course, the two characters who are in love are both yours) and you don’t focus too much of the roleplay on it.
7) Necrozma, any of the Ultra Beasts, and Eternatus are not allowed at the moment since any of them appearing in the Pokemon World is a dire event. Arceus is also not allowed, for obvious reasons.
8) Aside from that, you can be any Pokemon you want, even the man-made ones.
9) I will control NPCs unless you want to roleplay as them. If you want to claim an NPC, just PalPad me about it, and I'll let you take the reins from there.
10) In spite of what you might think about this roleplay from reading the plot synopsis, Fable Island is home to non-Legendary Pokemon as well! However, as stated above, the roleplay is a bit more focused on Legendaries, so it is requested that everyone has at least one Legendary or Mythical character.
11) Having multiple of the same species of Pokemon is allowed. At the same time, diversity in species is encouraged, simply because having tons of different Pokemon is more fun.
12) You can make new characters or put old ones on standby at any time.
13) I want this to be more of a small roleplay, so I’m only going to let in a few other people at first. I may reopen later on if I think it’s necessary, but until then, we will only have a few people.
14) Have fun saving Fable Island!

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My Forms

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Username: BluePhox296
Name: Seafarer
Species: Latias
Gender: Female
Level: 28
Moveset: Psywave, Mist Ball, Dragon Breath, Heal Pulse
Shiny?: No
Appearance: Seafarer’s features are a bit sharp for a Latias, but not by too much. Aside from that, she looks like a normal Latias-she has red and white feathers and spirited amber eyes.
Personality: Seafarer is very bold and adventurous. Some say she skirts the line between bravery and stupidity, but that’s just because of her poor impulse control. She sometimes has a hard time communicating what she feels to others in words, and can come off as blunt or rude at times. She has a deep sense of wanderlust and wants to travel around the world when she’s older. She isn’t afraid to stand up for those she cares about, and she will do anything to help them when they’re in danger.
Backstory: Seafarer was born on Fable Island, and has lived there her whole life. She and her younger brother, Evenfall, are part of a small herd with other Latias and Latios, who reside on a small, secluded isle called Prism Island, on which they have lived for generations. They are a very close-knit herd, and they know each other very well. However, the recent disappearance of Evenfall has led to her temporarily splitting off from them in order to find him.
Other: Her and Evenfall are the youngest members of the herd.

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Username: BluePhox296
Name: Moonslice
Species: Absol
Gender: Non-binary
Level: 45
Moveset: Swords Dance, Night Slash, Taunt, Psycho Cut
Shiny?: No
Appearance: Moonslice is just a regular Absol, with a poised posture and long white fur. They have an old-looking bag slung over their shoulder. Their scarlet eyes hold an unreadable emotion.
Personality: Moonslice is a rather introverted Pokemon, preferring solitude to socialization. They don’t get lonely very easily because of this. That isn’t to say they hate other Pokemon, as they are fine with talking to others. Moonslice has a very witty personality, and there are very few things they refuse to joke about. Underneath the snark and charisma, however, they have many concerns about both themselves and the world. Moonslice tries their best to be active and to help people, but their role as an Absol, which is to sense disasters and warn others about them rather than fight them directly, keeps them from doing so, which frustrates them greatly. They have a lifelong passion for mythology, and as such have a great respect towards Legendary Pokemon.
Backstory: Moonslice lives alone on Echoing Peak, a barren mountain that was home to Giratina in its youth before said mountain was destroyed by it in a fit of violence that got it banished to the Distortion World, although it has long since mellowed out by then. They fostered their interest in legends by exploring the mountain’s ancient ruins and studying things they find.

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Username: BluePhox296
Name: Plumule
Species: Shaymin
Gender: Female
Level: 56
Moveset: Solar Beam, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Synthesis
Shiny?: No
Appearance: Plumule looks like a regular, albeit rather tired Land Forme Shaymin, except for the fact that she has a couple of leaves where either of her flowers would be.
Personality: Plumule has the general demeanor of a secretary who has had to compose seven different emails in this day alone and is just sick of everyone at this point. She is easily stressed and irritated by others, and rather curt. When she was younger, Plumule was very self-conscious of her lack of flowers, since she wasn't allowed to perform the regular duties of a Shaymin because of it. Not being able to live up to the expectations of others for something that isn't her fault led to her having a compulsory need to feel useful, although she has fortunately shed that mindset a bit since then. In spite of this, she still feels a bit insecure about her lack of flowers. However, underneath all of her bluntness and apprehensiveness, Plumule has a very compassionate heart and a surprisingly optimistic outlook. She is very faithful to both her friends and Xerneas, whom she serves as a dutiful vassal, and she is a very worthwhile ally because of her loyalty.
Backstory: Plumule used to live in Petelsoar Hills when she was younger, which is home to a large colony of Shaymin. Once they reach a certain age, they are allowed to assume Sky Forme and travel across the world, cleansing polluted areas and spreading gratitude to others. However, while Plumule can assume Sky Forme, her lack of flowers keep her from being able to clean pollution, and as such, she was faced with a dilemma, as she would most likely be barred from performing her Shayminly duties because of this. Plumule didn't know what to do, at first, but she had heard of a group of Pokemon who lived in Verdant Glade. At the heart of Verdant Glade grew a tree-not just any tree, but the Tree of Life, the slumbering form of Xerneas. Since she couldn't go around the world spreading gratitude, she decided to help spread it on Fable Islands, by joining the ranks of the Tree of Life's caretakers-the first step to realizing that she doesn't only have one set of choices for her future.

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As the roleplay hasn't started yet, this folder is currently empty. If you want to claim an NPC as your own character to roleplay as, please refer to Rule 8.

Accepted Characters
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BluePhox296 - Seafarer (Latias), Moonslice (Absol), Plumule (Shaymin)
Immortes - Kioshi (Shiny Mismagius), Morrigan (Yveltal)
Hipsterpotamus - Bartholomew Le Doux (Gible), Phoebe Flickerbelle (Shiny Suicune)
BlackReshiram - Devi (Shiny Reshiram)
Arwen - Afterstorm (Silvally)
HeartlessHoundoom - Alex (Ho-Oh
Uh123456789 - Dart (Lugia)
TooniGodly - Asher (Impidimp), Mellow (Xerneas)

On Standby
This section is for characters that are inactive for whatever reason. It is currently empty.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 20/10/2020 05:42 (3 Years ago)
I might join later
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 20/10/2020 14:36 (3 Years ago)
On second thought, it would probably be more fun if we could be any Legendary we want and the species restrictions are just making this less fun. I'm going to edit the original post.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 20/10/2020 14:57 (3 Years ago)
That's alright with me. I still kinda feel like Creation Trio + Arceus and Weather Trio would be a bit OP
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Wed, 21/10/2020 01:43 (3 Years ago)
I might yeet in my Pokésona and actually give her some kind of backstory
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 21/10/2020 01:45 (3 Years ago)
The backstory doesn't have to be too detailed, you can just put a detailed variation of "She just lives there" for her backstory. I did that for Moonslice basically.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 22/10/2020 04:50 (3 Years ago)
Could I be Absol?
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 22/10/2020 12:15 (3 Years ago)
Sure thing! As long as you have at least one Mythical or Legendary character as well, you're good to go!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 711
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 14:16 (3 Years ago)
Chara #1
QuoteUsername: Immortes
Name: Kioshi - silent
Species: Mismagius
Gender: Female
Level: 48
Moveset: Nasty plot | Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Psybeam
Shiny?: Yes.
Appearance: Kioshi is a shiny mismagius, meaning she has a dark yellow cloak instead of the usual dark violet one. The cloak’s color turns into bright dandelion yellow toward the top of Kioshi’s cap, as do the fringes of the cloak. She has a bright lavender jewel toward her bosom area as well. She has cunning golden eyes with pink irises, one of which is sealed shut by a jagged scar.
Kioshi is a clever, cunning girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She is easy to warm up to and easy to befriend due to having a charming, witty and easygoing demeanor. Her propensity for easygoing, bubbly behavior that many would call childish only makes this easier. She, in fact, is quite naïve, which has led her to trouble in the past. To top it off, Kioshi is very coquettish, sometimes encroaching upon personal boundaries (though this is mostly by accident.) When looking at the bigger picture, though, it seems as if the pokémon she flirts with are just distractions. In reality, the mismagius is very guarded, and quite uninterested in a romantic or platonic partner. Kioshi is known for not talking much, if at all, and has spoken very little words throughout her entire life. Her gaze is haunted, and not just because she is a ghost pokémon. Kioshi has seen many things that would terrify another pokémon, and as such tends to remain antisocial until approached for this reason.

Chara #2
QuoteUsername: Immortes
Name: Morrigan - goddess of death and war
Species: Yveltal
Gender: Female
Level: 75
Moveset: Oblivion Wing | Dark Pulse | Hurricane | Spectral Thief
Shiny?: No.
Appearance: Morrigan is a normal Yveltal. Due to having light blue eyes, she is actually blind
Even to the best of her friends, Morrigan is described as harsh and unforgiving. Known for her grim, no-nonsense and oftentimes violent demeanor, she had a high level of bloodlust, living for the thrill of war. No surprise that she is entirely something else during a battle; she fights with a brutish, cunning and near barbaric air. This likely stems from her ability to end thousands of lives, just by flapping her wings; a gift that she regards as both a blessing and a terrible curse. Morrigan does not form relationships easily, and with a barbed tongue, smart-mouth, and innate desire for solitude...it's understandable. Morrigan is also extremely proud and dignified, as well as defiant; arrogant and haughty, and toxic as one might expect of a death goddess.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 14:38 (3 Years ago)
Both are accepted! I'll add them to the original post.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 711
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 14:46 (3 Years ago)
I’m a bit curious. Do you usually roleplay a lot?
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 15:15 (3 Years ago)
I haven't roleplayed all that much in a little while, but I do have a good deal of experience.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 711
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 15:16 (3 Years ago)
Like for how long? I’ve been rping only for 2 years
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 15:45 (3 Years ago)
Probably around 5-6 years? Well, more like 4-5 if you aren't counting my days of disorganized Warrior Cats roleplays on Animal Jam.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 15:59 (3 Years ago)
I also liked to do Warriors RPs on AJ
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 711
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 16:38 (3 Years ago)
This is the discussion I thought
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 26/10/2020 17:09 (3 Years ago)
This is just the signup thread. The real rp hasn't been made yet.
Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Tue, 27/10/2020 20:04 (3 Years ago)
QuoteUsername: Hipsterpotamus
Name: Bartholomew Le Doux (Bart)
Species: Gible
Gender: Male
Level: 3
Moveset: Tackle and Sand tomb
Shiny?: No

Appearance: Newborn, Bart looks like any regular gible. However, he cares deeply for his appearance and will spend hours cleaning the dust off his body.

Personality: Very selfish, Bart only cares for himself and will not let anything boss it around. Independent, the little guy named himself after seeing the name in an abandonned book lying next to his egg. Even though he seeks companions, he fights those he meet in hopes of getting stronger.

Backstory: Born only 2 days ago, Bart knew nothing of the world and had found himself all alone.

QuoteUsername: Hipsterpotamus
Name: Phoebe Flickerbelle
Species: Suicune
Gender: Female
Level: 65
Moveset: Surf, Ice fang, Mist, Extreme speed
Shiny?: Yes

Appearance: Extremely beautiful, she has a long flowing mane of sapphire colors that flows with the wind. Her icy blue gaze inspires awe and sadly, feer.

Personality: Contrary to her elegant looks, Pheobe is clumsy and a busy bug. Restless, she is always on the move trying to mingle with others and please them. Hovewer, because of that naivety, she gets getting taking advantage of. Thankfully, she never gets hurts thanks to her powers.

Backstory: Feered and envied for her powers, Phoebe has known a life of solitude. The only ones that would approached her were either those in command of power themselves or those that seeked to control her. Seeking refuge in the Fable Island, she has found peace with the inhabitants and now spends her days cheerfully interacting with the other pokemons.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 27/10/2020 20:35 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Tue, 27/10/2020 20:42 (3 Years ago)
I remember making a roleplay similar to this, and I have an OC I want to roleplay, so this sounds fun!

Username: BlackReshiram
Name: Devi
Species: Reshiram
Gender: Male oriented
Level: 75
Moveset: Fusion Flare, Flamethrower, dragon pulse, extrasensory
Shiny?: Yas
Appearance: Here
Personality: Snobbish, basically the spoiled rich kid that thinks he can have whatever he wants. Talks with a brittish accent
Backstory: Devi was born into a rather average place in his Legendary paradise. His guardians fought all the time, so he spent his time away from them. he realized he had a love for destruction, so he'd go out and kill things to vent his frustration and satisfy his boredom. After a while, he'd perfected his hunt, and now charges people to kill for them, an assassin, and a murderer.
Other: Hope this is okay! I know it involves killing, but I hope it won't be a problem if all his kills are offscreen