Forum Thread
PMD Crossover - Rifts of Night
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → PMD Crossover - Rifts of NightYou woke up in an unfamiliar place. You seem to be near a river, in the middle of a forest. There doesn't seem to be any sign of civilization nearby, aside from the silhouettes of a few buildings in the distance. You see a few others near you, but you do not recognize many of them... You seem to be in a different body, and your mind is hazy.... In fact, you remember nothing at all...
Frisk had woken up, near a white and green cat and a dragon... airplane... thing, both of whom were still asleep. She didn't really know what was happening here, and why she has paws now. Huh. She didn't remember very much, but from the little information she did remember, having paws was not part of it. She decided to go over to one of the others, and just lightly tap them on the head with her paw.
Zero woke up soon after, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and felt something was wrong, he tried to remember what happened but his mind was hazy. He sees the Leafeon beside him. He sat back, but his tail landed in the river behind him and he screeched. Why did that hurt do muchhh the Leafeon next to him ran up to him "Are you okay??? You screeched so I ran over."
"I'm okay now, but my tail really hurts- wait, thats why! My tail is on fire!" Zero said noticing that he was more different than he seemed. The Leafeon laughed.
"My name is Kakyoin, what's yours?"
"Zero, nice to meet you!"
Goober remained asleep as Cosmoe repeatedly flicked his wrist, trying to get the little blob's attention. This was when he realised what he was "I-I'M A LAZY FOX? COME ON!"

I woke with a yelp, seeing towering green structures looming above me. I had never seen a color so vibrant - I didn't know they still existed. And beyond those was.. Light. A hiss sounded from my mouth from it's own accord as I covered my eyes with what I had thought to be my hand - only to find it similar to a sheet of paper, though it was black. With another yelp, I scrambled to my feet, unable to take my eyes anywhere away from my... Paper-hand, as my eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of what I now presumed was the world above. I realised then that my paper-feet were sinking into the ground - no, cutting into the ground, slicing through the green abject with ease. How am I supposed to get anywhere? Almost as soon as I had thought the question, I felt myself rise from the ground, as if levitated by something magical; which I presumed this was. It took a few tries, but eventually I found a way to cut through the air, so headed towards the sounds that I could hear - people talking, fairly close by. This world was intimidating, to say the least. Everything was bigger than I thought it would've been, and much more bight and colorful. I zipped around a large, bworn, cylindrical object that rose from the ground, and a reptilian beast with a fire on it's tail appeared, looking rather monstrous. I halted here, wondering if it was safe to continue.
[I just realised how long that is. If you don't want to read it: She woke up, she was surprised at her new form, she found out how to move, she found Zero, and is currently waiting a little way away.]
[oh, and I'll introduce Urami later.]
"If you were a human before coming here, you're not exactly 'human' anymore. You're more like a... cat or something like that." Kakyoin freaked out.
"Wait... I'm not human? How-- What-- WHY?!" Kakyoin said sitting down looking at his paws and then his leaf like tail. He then turned over ot the river and saw that he was definitely not human, but more like a fox. "Ugh... This is a shame... Anyway, were you a human then as well?" Zero shook his head.
"No, infact, I am used to being like this. I was a digimon, a Guilmon to be exact. I almost looked exactly like this, except maybe a bit fatter and without the fire on the tail heheh..." Zero said to Kakyoin. "Ugh... It's so hard to remember everything exactly, but all I know is that I was a guilmon from the digital world." Kakyoin and Zero then had a talk about all they could remember before coming into this world.
"Yeah... Hopefully we find out soon enough why we all are here once everyone has calmed down." Zero said