Forum Thread
Beach/Honeytree Update: visualise Megas/ShinyMegas
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Beach/Honeytree Update: visualise Megas/ShinyMegasThis is an additional suggestion to the changes from the 14/06/2020 you may look up here, which allow us to see thanks to notification popups if eggs hatch shiny-mega-able.

Today I'd like to talk about the fact that mega-ables have become a big topic for us, especially since they are more common now because the chances got highered through breeding. And since they are part of some features, like the beach or at the honeytree, I think it would be nice if we could spot them as soon as they appear. Because, knowing if a pokemon is a mega-able or a shiny mega-able helps us to decide if we want to adopt/catch something.
This seems to make a lot of sense for the beach at least, because there is set a limit of pokemon you can adopt each day.
Making it visible could look like this:

But also, spotting a mega-able or.. a shiny mega able at the honey tree might help us to decide if we want to catch that pokemon. just for the sake of hunting a special personality or a shiny-mega.

Since we're already able to spot the difference of our hatched eggs through notifications, I think this change would be a great addition. What do you think? Should something like that be implemented, or do you prefer not to know what you catch/adopt, because you like to get surprised? Let me know about it.
Thanks for visiting this suggestion. :)
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Let's not forget this is not only for heracross and magikarp. At the beach we can also catch potential mega able feebas, mudkip or squirtle, while visiting the honey tree there also might be the chance for a mega able slowyore.
We don't know yet if more mega ables will be added in the future and if they will be added to those features.
That's why I'd like you to think for a change for the honey tree as well. After some time, when you've been visiting the tree it is getting very tiring to encounter the same species over and over. But the option to spot a mega able after hours and hours, could help to spice up the whole experience and might help us to visit more often.
On the other hand: The option to know that the shiny you've encountered is NOT a shiny mega, might also help to reduce producing less unwanted shinies. Which can help to rise the value of overhunted shinies due to shinymega hunts again.
I'm your average chaotic artist/animator and I hope you have a nice day
possibly a toggle box in the misc settings?

i think that would solve it if you want a surprise :)