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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2024 12:35 (12 Days ago)

This is a good idea and looks like a compromise I would agree with.
Thank you for bringing up your idea!♡

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 12:47 (18 Days ago)
You're right, the very first sentence in the Castform Weather Wiki Page is indeed "The weather may change randomly every hour.", as this page is very old and only seemed to be updated when Rainbow Castform and the Moon Phases came, I assumed this sentence meant to be cause the weather can change from one hour to another.
I wasn't aware of that isn't a fix time of change, cause the text below "There is also a table shows the next 3 consecutive Castform, with the name and period they will appear later." was how I've understood the change. That the announced weather comes when the time zone is active. If that isn't the case there should be a slightly change of wording I think. (It would be even better to set the weather change on the time change especially because of Thunderstorm and its effect on the beach(Eternal Rock), but that's only my opinion and this isn't the suggestion forum)

However, as the change of weather is always announced with "soon" in the hour before the change comes there is still a bug, even if I consider your explanation of how it works.
On the second example Screenshot it's 16:40. So, if Thunderstorm should appear within its announced time frame "Afternoon -> 2:00 - 5:59" then it should have already changed to "soon", cause there are only 1h and 20min left of the time zone. If Thunderstorm would change to "soon" at 17:00(5:00pm) it can't weather change at 18:00(6:00pm) anymore cause that's already the time frame of "Evening".

And what's about the last screenshot? I know it's from past year, but it still happen. Should I try to get a newer screenshot if it happen again?

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 01:35 (20 Days ago)
I agree, it's always starting with the same friend and doesn't change while clicking until I'm done with that one.

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 00:50 (20 Days ago)
Sorry for the late reply, I was really busy in rl.
Honestly, no it doesn't fall into what Wiki said. 'Cause it should change at 3:59am, but it has changed at 2:59am.

I now have some screenshots to show what I mean and I'll try to explain better.(English isn't my native language)

This is what Wiki said:

ignore the icons upper right, it's a screenshot from my phone and I forgot to cut that out. x')

And here are 3 different examples for the bug:

This is the weather from my original post, sadly I don't have a screenshot that shows Thunderstorm with "Tonight", but as the bug keeps on, I'll show it on the Gusty one.
We can see in the left picture it's 02:07am and Gusty is announced for "Today in the morning". Referring to the weather times from Wiki Gusty will start at 4:00am.
The middle one shows it's already 6:45am, but Gusty still hasn't started as announced.
In the right picture we see it's 7:03 and Gusty now shows "Soon" wich means it'll appear in the next hour. But as Morning is from 4:00 - 10:59 at 7:59 shouldn't be a weather change at all.

Sry for the ugly cut
Left picture shows Thunderstorm announced with "This afternoon", but if we take a look at the clock we see it's 16:40 wich means referring to wiki times wich says Afternoon is 2:00pm - 5:59pm Thunderstorm should already be active since 2 hours. And it shows the Strong earthquakes is announced for "Tomorrow in the evening".
Middle picture shows the next day at 20:59 were Smog is still active and Strong earthquakes announced with "Soon". As "Evening" should start at 6:00pm, St.earth. should already be active since 3h.
Right picture shows it's 21:00 and Strong earthquakes has become active.

As you can see this is an old screenshot from June 2023 wich shows a mixed up weather announcement. "Tomorrow night" is announced before "Tomorrow in the evening". This bug I've seen also several timed, same as sometimes two of the forecast shows the same anouncement like "Tomorrow in the morning" / "Tomorrow night" / "Tomorrow night".

I hope this helpes to understand what I mean. =)

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 19:51 (1 Month ago)
As the previous Great Tusk/Iron Treads Event has ended, I would like to suggest an improvement(in my opinion).

I think we should be able to skip more than one Paldea Quests in once.

Why do I want that?

Cause if you're on a longer hunt(no matter if Event by DC, Legendary DC or Legendary by Summon, any Genderless, Eevee/Rotom cause of many needed shinies or simply having a pretty bad chain) while such an event it is still possible to participate, but it's incredible hard.

Let me explain.

If you aren't on a hunt you can easely do the "hatch" same as the "evolve" quests. Easy as that.
But if you're on a hunt you only can do "evolve" quests.
If all three quests are "hatch x" you only can skip 1 of them, do 2k interactions and hoping for an evolve quest. I tried it and more than one time I did 8k interactions(so 4 tries) to get a single evolve quest, but I didn't. If this happens to you over and over again for the 2 month of the event you just completely lose your motivation to keep trying.
If we were able to delete two or even all three quests, we still don't have the guarantee to get an "evolve" quest, but the chances are way higher to get rewarded with something we can work on for doing 2k interactions.
If we finally get an "evolve by lv/item" quest, we still need to get the pokemon from another user by GTS or AH, so I don't think this is "making the quest too easy".

We shouldn't forget Paldea research is an endgame quest, but many users used to do hard/long hunts in the lategame, so I think those users would feel less excluded from such events(wich are really refreshing), if there is at least a better chance to participate.

What do you think? Let us talk together to workout a great idea!

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 11:27 (1 Month ago)
Na jetzt musst du sie wieder zu Seeds verarbeiten, weil sie nur dabei im Lv aufsteigen.
Geh also zum Tool Shed öffne einen deiner Seedmaker und such die Berries dort in der Liste. :)

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 11:21 (1 Month ago)
Falls die Frage ist woher du die Berries bekommst, die erste 5 Seeds sind mit Beginn dieser task in deinem Seed bag. Geh einfach in den Garden und pflanze sie an, danach muss du sie bis auf Lv 5 ziehen.

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Posted: Wed, 28/08/2024 02:53 (1 Month ago)
"Thunderstorm" were announced today for "Tonight" and next after that is "Gusty" with "today in the morning"(tomorrow in the morning before daily reset).
I first noticed it at 01:12am, when weather forcast still said "Small earthquake". I checked the wiki for the times of change. It said Night 11pm - 3:59am. Sadly I haven't taken a screenshot.

As I checked the weather at 2:07 again Thunderstorms time changes to "soon", wich isn't a time were weather should change at all. Screenshot

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Posted: Wed, 28/08/2024 02:23 (1 Month ago)
Refreshing the page should let you continue the hunt instead of restart it.
But that still doesn't change the bug you've confirmed.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 12:57 (2 Months ago)
Die Anleitung dafür findest du im BB-Code Thread. Schau mal auf meinem Profil, dort habe ich in den contacts einen Link in den entsprechenden thread. :)
Weitere Fragen kannst du dann dort stellen, allerdings musst du dort wieder english schreiben.

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 03:01 (2 Months ago)
Can confirm. Didn't got the trade message, too. But I got the wonder trade alarm again, wich wasn't working before.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 13:49 (2 Months ago)
Das ist eine Angelrute. Schau einfach mal am Beach bei Leah vorbei, die wird sie dir zum Tausch gegen bestimmte Wasserpokemon an, welche du vorher angeln und in deiner Fischbox haben musst.

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 12:23 (5 Months ago)
Thank you for your Support!

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 10:55 (5 Months ago)
Thank you for your Support!
I agree, they shouldn't be to common. But if this gets implemented many users will go hunt them, for sure we'll get a little flood of spheres in the beginning.

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 11:07 (5 Months ago)
Just read the very first post in this suggestion. :)

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Posted: Tue, 19/03/2024 22:33 (6 Months ago)
Bumping this again, cause it needs to be seen.
As the Events for Kyurem, Shaymin, Zeraora and Zarude has been changed, cause the site get flooded every time and those legys loose their worth drastically, I think it's important to point on this legy hunt again, as they are suffering under the same flood of unneeded mons.
Hunting the eon twins is indeed one of the hardest shiny legend hunts OS(maybe together with Ráylong and Necrozma).
Let's compared with the other Tall Grass hunts.
- Keldeo/Meltan
Same case as Lati@s, you get the summon items only from mystery boxes, wich causes a lot of grinding and luck. You need less Shinies(2 and 3), but most important is, you get the Pokemon you want from the item. Means 300 Resolute Stone give 100% 300 Keldeo, while 300 Enigma Stones can give 123/177 Lati@s, you simply don't know it, wich makes it hard to calculate.
- Cosmog.
You need the same amount of Shinies, but the Summon Items can be found while rumbling. Still a grind, but better chances than out of mystery boxes. Also the Nebula Stone gives a guaranted Cosmog. And on top, as you need only 2 non-shiny Lati@s each, but 8 non-shiny Cosmog, the leftover also have a higher use.

An EggStorage is always helpful, not only for those hunts. But for a Lati@s hunt it's essential needed in a big amount, cause you never know if the next egg is the one you want or not. If you're on an active hunt and found the wrong egg, but the storage is full you need to either break the chain or now as it's possible freeze the chain. But that shouldn't be the solution. If you're already done with one of them and hunting the other, but keep finding the egg of the first hunted, you still be forced to hatch them wich is producing way to many unneeded non-shinies.

So, I'm still supporting this suggestion.
Back then I honestly thought the price of the ticket idea were to high, but now I see that even if nugget prices are exploding, 200/300 Nuggets for a whole hunt(no matter how many shinies) is totally fine. Compared to that is the hunt atm with the egg storage places, the possibly bad luck by keep finding the 'wrong' egg and using a lot more Enigma Stones than really needed, way more expensive than 200/300 nuggets.
But I'm also honest, I like the second option more. Maybe with the idea in the comments mentioned "Search again" instead of "choose the egg". So no one can say the shiny hunt is too easy now(even if it's only equal to other Tall Grass Hunts then, but anyway).

This was a lot of text, but I think it gives a good view about the main point, the RNG wich egg you get and all the problems caused by that.
Thanks for reading and hopefully this will finally be implemented. :3

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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2024 23:08 (7 Months ago)
Thanks a lot!<3

You mean Hoenn Dex, not Sinnoh, do you?👀

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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2024 22:31 (7 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/02/2024 19:50 (8 Months ago)
Thank you for your Support! :3

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2024 12:15 (9 Months ago)
This should be seen again.

Like others(and me) already said, the toggle box is a fair way for both, what ~raspberry said leads me to another thought, but I'm not sure if that should get an own suggestion.

We can't trade shinies to Leah and if we see the mega-ability before obtaining, we won't be able to trade them, too. Maybe this could be fixed that way:

As we can trade with Leah without any "are you sure" pop up. How about implementing something like that, if only shinies/MAs are left of that species.
e.g. you have 6 normal Magikarp, 1 Shiny, 2 MAs. Now you wanna trade with Leah for baits. 6 times you just click "exchange", but then only the special ones are left. If you click exchange again, you get a pop up, like the cooking pot in garden. Where you can choose the shiny/MA, so no one can complain about accidently trading those.
Or all trades with Leah causes such a pop up, so we could choose wich and how many we want to trade.
Maybe those special ones even give more in exchange, so we can redures the overhunted shinys, too, cause we avoid adopting them.

I hope this can help find a way to get implemented. I would really like that option to see the mega ability before obtaining at the Honey Tree, Beach and Safari.

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