Through the woods a girl came sadly.
Something broken in her chest.
She had dared to love another.
Alas, no better than the rest.
Up my path the girl came gladly.
Something opened up my doors.
I longed to stop her bleeding heart.
And so I called her to my shores.
Those you trust will hurt you badly.
Something now I'm sure you see.
So drown your tears in me my dear.
As you drown, my dear, in me.
⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and
profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!