Forum Thread
Ye Olde Sprite Shoppe
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Ye Olde Sprite ShoppeWelcome!
My name is Morgan and I make sprites c:
this is a pwyw shop, and ofc tips are appreciated! taking any currency including item gifts and pkmn trades
things I will be especially happy about: fighting gems, water gems, pd
keep in mind that commissions will likely take some time- I will always get back to you asap!
- please be nice I don't like rude ppl ^^;
- I have the right to decline a commission request if it's too complicated
- if you cause tons of problems I may ban you from the shop... which is something I don't rlly want to do
- please use the forms from the examples below!! this keeps things more organized and lets me know what you're planning on paying me C:
I may add more of these later
Note: I will send the sprite(s) by PMs because I don't want people to steal images from this thread :]
(speaking of, please don't steal the images below. I worked hard on them and they are not for sale)
pkmn: Shaymin
new colours: tan underbelly and face, black spikes with some red stripes/accents (the flower can either be red with dark red/black leaves or nonexistent, your choice), and red eyes (I will give you some creative liberty if you want!)
payment: 10k pd
are you tipping me?: why not, I'll surprise you
new colors: reds, do with that as you wish
accessories: Knuckles gloves (because hand spike nubs)
drop shadow: do it
background: Master Emerald
(Knuckles Riolu bc why not)
Also maybe 3.5k or 4K.
Pkmn: houndoom
Pet photo: either one :)
Payment: 5k, but if taxes doesn’t allow that, I’ll lessen it to be 5k with tax
Tip me?: yes. I’ll send you a Pokémon you’re missing in pt