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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 17:24 (4 Years ago)
making it now, thanks! c:

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 20:38 (4 Years ago)
thanks! I'll send the sprite to you in pms when I'm done c:

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 20:30 (4 Years ago)
sure! would you be able to give me a better view of her face, or describe any important facial markings that aren't visible in the photo? ^^

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2020 16:25 (4 Years ago)
"Oh," Quoll nodded. "I'm sure you wouldn't hurt him-- he's a tough little guy, and he's easy to hold. Here," the hybrid offered, handing the lemur over and taking Rainbringer's talons gently. "Like this."

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2020 13:01 (4 Years ago)
Quoll adjusted Kapok in his talons and looked at Rainbringer, a funny smile on his face. "What?" he asked, his scales becoming a mix of ice blue and seafoam, and a few specks of yellow on his snout.

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2020 18:47 (4 Years ago)
Quoll smiled warmly at Rainbringer. "Would you want to hold him?" he asked, offering the lemur up. Kapok was an especially fluffy lemur, in part because he was owned by two dragons that would groom and clean his fur if he were to ever get dirty. He blinked curiously at Rainbringer, then reached a hand out as if to touch his snout.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2020 17:06 (4 Years ago)
Quoll watched Rainbringer's colours with a small smile, then stood up. "It's this way," he explained, his scales lining themselves with gold-- partially at his own interest, as he thought about how cool it must look.
He started down the cave's hallways, mentally running over the map. He showed up at the cave he shared with his sister soon enough, and was somewhat surprised to not see Caiman there-- and that she had left Kapok sleeping on the hammock. 'She's likely in the library...' he thought as he went to the hammock and picked the lemur up. Kapok made a sleepy, indignant squeak and squirmed a bit until he felt comfortable in the dragon's talons.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2020 16:12 (4 Years ago)
Quoll and Caiman had both hung back from asking questions because of the teacher's expression and body language. Quoll was happy to see Rainbringer enjoyed the topic, though: 'We have that in common! This can really go somewhere...' he thought to himself, sprouting pink and gold clouds all along his back and tail.
When the teacher barked at them to leave, Caiman flinched and sulked out of the room silently. Quoll watched her, then looked to Rainbringer. "That... went well," he joked. "Would you still want to talk...?"

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Posted: Fri, 11/09/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)

I'm feeling lazy so I'm just using images for the appearances ^^;

Character Name: Krasnyy Panpas
Age: 19
Gender: agender
Appearance: Krasnyy is short, standing at 4'11", but strong and graceful in their movements. They have long and steady legs and arms, and large hands and feet.
Occupation: hunter/butcher
Known Family: they lived with their mother and their younger brother, Zhevv, and sister, Rozovyy
Starter Weapon: hatchet


Character Name: (Chrisna) Chrissy Natae
Age: 20
Gender: demigirl (they/them preferred)
Occupation: farmer (specialized in tomatoes)
Known Family: they were an only child and lived with their father
Starter Weapon: garden hoe

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Posted: Mon, 31/08/2020 15:17 (4 Years ago)
Kismet and Elentiya | location: city's edge | mentions: alone

Elentiya, she thought. She saw this animal battered and broken but with such a fire in his eyes, it was hard to hold his gaze. Where had she heard that name before? Was it in a book?... Somehow she couldn't recall, the memory just out of reach and pushing against her skull: Remember me, remember me! The irritation her forgetfulness had caused was doused suddenly as she heard a new noise.
Kismet hadn't called her spirit animal anything until now, and she couldn't think of a reason why. He just hadn't needed a name, really. The pair didn't talk often enough for her to feel obligated to give him a name or to ask if he had given himself one. Their bond hadn't been strong at first, of course, but how smoothly and effortlessly that had changed! Sometimes she believed they shared the same mind, the way they both looked at strangers, planned and executed attacks, killed for necessity.
He was male, and "Elentiya" was not, but the strength and resilience that practically radiated from him had brought that name forward from the recess of her memories, from a book she couldn't remember the title of.
The noise. A four-legged creature coming from the direction the other had come from-- the other that was now sprawled on the ground underneath the caracal, Elentiya. Kismet exhaled sharply and swung her axe like a baseball bat, lodging it in the creature's neck. Elentiya became an owl and tore at its face as it stumbled to the side. It was gone without having even made a mark on the human or bird.
A third noise-- a bell-- assaulted Kismet's ears and the heightened hearing of Elentiya the owl was abruptly severed. Woman and animal exchanged glances and, without a word, set off towards the sound.
Elentiya, soaring high above, swooped down once he had seen the chaos around the bell. Kismet slowed and stopped, holding her arm out. Elentiya landed gently, his talons almost circling her arm entirely.
It's a mess, perhaps not even worth it. There were humans, though.
With a tired sigh, Kismet looked ahead, then back towards their abandoned camp. Their camps were never permanent, and she hadn't left anything... but they had chosen somewhere dry enough, warm enough, safe enough. Slowly, her mind ticking, she looked back to where the bell's sound had come from.
"We'll continue," she said, stated but also asked. Elentiya ruffled his wings and shifted into his caracal form. A yes from him.
Upon reaching the scene, face to face with the fray, Kismet refused to slow down, immediately embedding her axe in the back of a two-legged creature and using it as a shield against another monster facing her. After the collision, she pushed the fallen creature forward into the other, blinding it for a moment, long enough for Elentiya to go for its throat. Two felled, but three more surrounded them. Kismet hesitated a moment and two lunged-- she jumped nearly too late and managed to dodge their jaws. One was killed by her axe cutting the back of his neck. I should sharpen this, she thought as she blocked the second monster with her axe and slid her knife out to stab it. Elentiya was occupied with the third.

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Posted: Mon, 31/08/2020 14:04 (4 Years ago)
done with my form :)))

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
Username: twoducks

Character Name: Kismet Huntington
Character Age: 23... ish? She can look younger than her true age, closer to 18-20, mostly because of her size.
Personality: Despite being a very quiet and reserved young woman, she's known by strangers as someone to watch out for. She tends to get involved in situations or fights whether or not they concern her at all, other than her morals or opinions disagreeing with some part of it. While she clearly prefers to operate alone, what little friends she does make can always, always count on her to give her life for them. She always looks at situations logically, even if she acts as if her heart is leading-- but, her heart is not and has never been worn on her sleeve, so she can be a confusing book to read. Her "default" seems to be a moody poker face or mildly angry.
Appearance: Her small stature and flat-as-a-board body make her look dull and unassuming, but her big grey eyes give her some beauty. She has a crooked nose on a round face and what some people call "piano hands"-- long flexible fingers, though hers are not skinny or bony. Whether or not she's trying to lose weight, she has the kind of boxy shape that stays soft around the edges-- at least a little chubby. When the world began to fall apart she shaved her previously impressively long and wavy hair caramel-coloured hair down to fuzz-- by now, it has grown out enough to look like a messy boy-short style. She sticks to a plain wardrobe, usually wearing a sturdy-looking jacket over a tee (or hoodless sweatshirt on cooler days) and true jeans. Her shoes-- hiking boots-- look big considering the rest of her, with steel toes and thick soles. She often wears thick fingerless biker gloves as well.
Spirit Creature: male barn owl/caracal, both his forms being on the slightly larger size of the respective species; he's territorial and dislikes most people, and isn't fond of the petting thing humans do for some reason (Kismet isn't either, so they seem to be well-matched). The scar he created is the head of a puma with the wings of an owl on either wise of its face, almost as if Kismet had tiny wings on the nape of her neck.
Assets: Inside her jacket, she has a wicked-looking pocket knife as long as her hand, with two blades and a firestarter as well as the usual tiny scissors and screwdriver. Her other and main weapon is a small hatchet, preferred because she firmly believes melee is more useful and dependable than long-range or projectile.

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2020 15:43 (4 Years ago)
Caiman tried a smile for Rainbringer. She thought he was cute with Quoll, and even though she knew next to nothing about him, she knew that if Quoll liked him he must be a good dragon. 'Hopefully I don't scare him away...'
Quoll caught the exchange of looks between Caiman and Rainbringer and tried not to be nervous. Caiman was nice enough if you got past her spiky demeanour. They'd get along okay, surely... He twined his tail around Rainbringers without really thinking about it.
Both Quoll and Caiman perked up when they heard Darkstalker. From what little they knew about his story, he'd always intrigued them-- especially Caiman, who tended to like the darker parts of true stories from the past.

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2020 14:39 (4 Years ago)
"Of course," Quoll agreed with a smile. He started off into a tunnel lit by the occasional torch, just enough to light the way. When he had received the map of the school before they had been called to the mountain, he and Caiman did their best to memorize the way to each of their classes. They were a bit overly eager, to say the least-- any ounce of education given to them by their aunt or mother was like gold found in a muddy creek bed for the hybrid twins.
When he reached the correct cave, he gave Rainbringer a quick smile before going and sitting down near the back, next to Caiman, and mentally crossed his talons that Rainbringer would choose to sit by him. 'He probably will, he seems to like me,' Quoll thought to himself with a little boost of happiness, shown in pink swirls along his legs.

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2020 01:35 (4 Years ago)
(Changed my prior post ^^")

Caiman jolted up at the gong-- 'I must've dozed off...?' she mused sleepily-- and accidentally startled Kapok into falling off of her neck. "Oop-- erm, you stay here, okay?" She scrambled off to history, telling herself to look forward to it-- even if it was a new place filled with strange dragons, she did usually love history.
"Of course it is," he said, pretending not to notice Rainbringer's tail (but he did, and it made his wingtips turn purple). "It's this way--" he started, then heard the gong and paused. 'Do I really have to go? I mean, I should, but... a dragon is more important than a class.' When he thought "dragon" he really meant "Rainbringer", but he didn't admit that to himself... He glanced at the other dragon to gauge his reaction, as a seafoam green edged up his talons.
"Oh," he said after hearing Rainbringer speak. "Well, we are in the same winglet," he recalled out loud. "Afterwards we can pick off where we left off here, yes?" he added in a hopeful tone.

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2020 01:14 (4 Years ago)
Quoll's scales gradually blossomed into light shades of pink with flecks of gold as he smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'd love that," he answered. "Come to my cave?" he offered hopefully.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 15:23 (4 Years ago)
It's evolving!
: twoducks
Pokemon: chespin
Evolution 1: quilladin
Evolution 2: chesnaught
Mega: nah :)
Other: probly buizel

expect tips :))

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 13:56 (4 Years ago)
(sorry I was offline for so long ^^")

Quoll's flustered state dissipated quickly, his compassionate side taking over instantly. He put a gentle talon on the NightWing/RainWing's shoulder. "Are you okay?" he said quietly, wanting to be as private as possible with three other dragons there-- now two, as Caiman backed away and slithered over to the cave that would be her and her brother's home for the foreseeable future. She could tell when she wasn't needed.
"If you need to be alone, that's okay," Quoll offered. "I wouldn't want you to stay in an uncomfortable situation." His scales had rippled into a new palette of colour: light blues swirled under his wings and around his neck and tail, and other parts of him remained magenta. He adopted a few orangey-pink highlights along his snout and wingtips as well, showing his slight discomfort and frustration with the situation.

(btw if you'd like to know, I'm using this colour chart :) link)

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 19:31 (4 Years ago)
"Awesome, Quoll, we're in the same wi--" she was cut short by the other dragon colliding with her brother, and she hiccupped, startled.
Quoll instinctively helped the other dragon up, righting him effortlessly. When he actually registered the other dragon, he turned a deep pink colour, not exactly the happiness pink, but a little darker. 'Holy cow, he's so--'
He didn't finish the thought, having noticed his scale colour. 'Oh no, I hope he doesn't know RainWing colours' he prayed, and they changed to a slightly redder colour without his permission, showing embarrassment. Quoll was horrible at controlling his scales.
"No, no, you're fine," he said quickly. "Not a problem. Um, I'm Quoll," he added, stammering. 'Ugh, this is going so wrong. I'm possibly the least attractive hybrid that exists, my scales are going nuts--' and as he thought this his face and neck turned magenta again, pale green specks dotting his wings and talons, and small bands of silver wound his way around his tail. 'Maybe he doesn't think I'm that much of a mess...'
Caiman stifled another giggle, amused at her brother's infatuation. In her eyes at least, he had a chance with this RainWing/NightWing hybrid: Quoll was a sweet dragon and was cuter than he thought he was. Kapok watched the male dragons' exchange with curiosity.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 19:09 (4 Years ago)
of course! I'll send it over in PMs as soon as I'm done :)

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