Forum Thread
Summer Time Shaymin 2020
Forum-Index → News → Summer Time Shaymin 2020
And there is one Pokémon that especially enjoys the sun and all the flowers of summer:
Shaymin is finally back!
I bet many of you have been waiting for our special Summer Event: The legendary Pokémon, Shaymin, visits Emera Town for the rest of the summer and presents kind-hearted trainers very special gifts.
Shaymin likes seeing trainers interacting with as much Pokémon as possible. So take your berries, warm up your hands and get started!

The requirement to meet Shaymin is very simple: Interact. Interact a lot!
There is no set interaction requirement - it appears randomly. Maybe after 100 interactions, maybe after 1,000 interactions - or, if you're pretty unlucky, maybe after 100,000 interactions.
When Shaymin wants to meet you, a small icon pops up in your Userbar:
You can't miss it. Shaymin stays there until you claim its gift.
Notice: It's not possible to have multiple Shaymin in your Userbar at the same time. You have to accept Shaymins gift in order to meet it again.
Shaymin's Gift
This year, Shaymin will give you the choice between four different gifts:
A legendary Shaymin Egg, a Gracidea Flower (Forme-change item for Shaymin), a Shaymin Plushie (which has a 20% of being shiny) and a rare Event Pokémon Egg! The decision is up to you!

Higher shiny chance
The chance of randomly hatching a Shiny Shaymin is drastically increased compared to regular Pokémon! I'd be really surprised if there wasn't at least one lucky trainer this year... maybe it's you?

The Sky Gifts are also back!
You can start sending out Skygifts to your friends here. (You can also find this link under the "Community"-Tab)
Three gifts can be bought with a small amount of Pokedollar every day; any further gift costs a few Nuggets.
#1: Does Shaymin break my shiny chain?
#2: How many interactions do I have to make?
It's random, please re-read this post carefully if you're still wondering about this.
@ShadeUmbreon - it's always random
@Witchel - there's no limit to the amount of Shaymin you can find in a day
@God~ - It's already added in the Community-tab (;
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!