Whether the Capital citizens were deliberately turning a blind eye
to Adelaide's masque as a Peacekeper, or they simply didn't care to
do any further inspection, Adelaide was able to make it to the
Palace gates without interference. Most of the other soldiers she
encountered didn't bother to look twice. And if they did, Adelaide
gave them an icy, imperious glance that gave away nothing. The
armor was in general a little bit stuffy, but not in any way
uncomfortable. She loathed how it easily fit to her powerful frame
as if she had been born to wear it all along. Once she was sure
that no one was looking, she released Nova's arm from her firm
grip, reaching down to tug off the binding white armor. "I'm sorry
about sounding harsh." She murmered, yanking off the chest plate
and leggings. "How do we ring Snow's bell?"
— District D2; Location The
Capital Gates; Tags Nova;
Chakti froze, about to start on a sprint towards the exit from the
cave, and turned, instead running back the way he came, finding
himself exactly where he wanted to be far sooner than he though he
would get there. Trying the handle, he found it unable to be
opened. "I'm sorry, Leaf and Harlow." He whispered the words, then
brought his boot up, his powerful leg driving the door open. He
stepped inside, looking around.
Harlow and Leaf were with Thyme, they are within the crowd inside
the tunnel. They learned the hard way that this whole thing was an
ambush. Escaping out of the cave meant almost certain death. They
had no idea that Chakti was looking around for them. Gran and Fern
and the twins were nearby. They sit against the wall, trying to get
the kids to calm down.
Tempest's heart beats as she walks around the cave, desperately
searching for Chakti. What if he went outside!? . Tempest's
eyes tear up at the thought of Chakti laying outside, his body
littered with bullets. "Chakti!?" Tempest cries out
Chakti nearly broke down weeping, spotting nobody inside the house.
He stopped himself, thinking, "They have to be going
outside." He charged towards the chaotic mess, breaking into
the armory on the way and grabbing a 9mm handgun, enough to defend
himself and his family. He pushed through the crowd, his metallic
arm going to act as a shield and as a brace for his weapon. He
eventually have up pushing through, instead moving to the edge and
sprinting over the rubble. When he reached the tunnel, he cursed
under his breath, then started to force his way through the crowd
The crowd groans and shouts at Chakti pushes through the crowd.
Harlow didn't know who was the cause of this was until she sees the
flash of the metallic arm. "Chakti!?" Harlow calls. "What are you
Chakti looked up, his determined glare searching the crowd.
"Harlow? Harlow! Where are you?" He stood up as tall as he could,
looking all around him. He grunted, trying to stand as tall as
possible. Somebody tried to push him, shouting at his to keep
moving, but he brushed them off, his handgun pointed at the
ceiling, his metallic arm resting on his neck.
Harlow races towards Chakti and places a hand on his shoulder.
"What do you think you are doing with that?" Harlow asks slowly as
she eyes the gun. "You better not think about going outside. It's a
trap. We'll have to wait here for Nova and Adelaide to return. I'm
sure they are coming to help us right as we speak"
Chakti looked directly into Harlow's eyes, a silent apology passing
across his own. "If it's a trap.. Then I have to go out there. I
have to protect these people." he rested his robotic arm on
Harlow's shoulder. " I have to protect my family. " His eyes were
steel, his decision already made.
Harlow's eyes soften. She knows that it's useless to argue with
him. "Just be careful, don't die out there. You have people here
who need you to come back alive"
Chakti brought Harlow into a hug with his on arm, the other holding
his weapon safely away from her. "I know." He let go of her, looked
into her eyes one last time, then continued through the crowd.
While individually calming the people of 13, Gateguard was making
process as he made his way soothing family's and individuals alike.
His voice was hoarse by the time ran into Chakti who he meet with a
steady gaze. Wordlessly, he helped h impush through the crowd,
using his voice to coax people to let the determined man through.
Genesis/Emmie's eyes were dark as she watches other people. As they
scurry around, she just sits there, waiting. She sighs every so
often, making her sadness known.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Nova and Adelaide continued to walk in Snow's mansion until they
finally caught the sent of something. Nova jerked her head and saw
a large lush garden full of roses of many colors from baby blue to
sunset orange and every thing inbetween. THe smell made her gag a
Chakti finally reached the exit to the tunnel. Turning to
Gateguard, he nodded his thanks, then stuck his metallic arm out
the sort of doorway, immediately hearing gunshots and seeing the
earth erupt from the flying bullets. Pulling his arm back in, he
sighed, waiting for the overfire to cease.
Then Nova saw him, the president himself sitting among them as if
he had been expecting her. The two watched each other for the
longest moment as if waiting for the other to move.
Adelaide's lips peeled right back off her teeth at the sight of the
roses and the president herself, a snarl rumbling like thunder all
throughout the room. Poised defensively, her hackles were high, as
if she'd leap right between the two. Or as if she'd simply tear
apart the malevolent monarch with her bare hands alone. It was
difficult to tell what she was thinking right now; but Snow's head
on a silver platter served to her was a fair guess.
— District D2; Location The
Capital Gates; Tags Nova; President Snow;
The president smiled as if he was waiting for Adlaide to attack,
but he made no hostile move. "You know, it's a shame. All those
lives wasted, while we can argue that I do take lives, I'm not
Nova felt her mouth go dry, he was hinting at something. "We know
this, what are you getting at."
"You'll understand soon Nova." The president let out a cackle that
was quickly cut off by him coughing up his own life force. Nova
turned on heel and bolted outside, where it was aboslote hell.
Parents were being sperated form their kids, an announcement was
stating that children would be received by the capital first.
Something in Nova screamed that this was a trap of sorts but she
couldn't see any threat. Yet.
"What the f— is going on?" Adelaide panted, coming up behind Nova
and nearly knocking the Mockingjay over. The sky. She looked up ...
just as silver sleek forms were starting to emerge. No
monsters...but the hovercrafts. With cargo that was in no way
benevolent. Bombs...Adelaide felt her blood-chilling before her
feet started to drive her to the Gates. She barrelled into the
crowd, running past screaming parents. Don't you see this? The
irony...that fate has wrought upon us? How different is it, for
children here to be taken from parents, screaming in fear? The
voice, she vaguely recognized as her own. Her fingers scrabbled at
the Gate, her own fear making her clumsy.