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Forum Thread

~Help Wanted: Dex Completion~

Forum-Index Global Trade Station ~Help Wanted: Dex Completion~
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:16 (4 Years ago)
Help Wanted: Dex Completion

I've been wanting to complete the living dex (own all Pokemon that currently exist, including Event Pokemon and Mega Pokemon) for a long time now, but haven't exactly been motivated in actually doing so. That is... until now! But I need your help!

Have extra Pokemon from previous shiny hunts that you don't have any use for? See it on my list of Pokemon I need? Perfect, that's all you need to know! If you are willing to part with the Pokemon, simply fill out the appropriate form (seen below) and set up said Pokemon in a Private Trade. The Donation Form is for people kind enough to gift me the Pokemon. The Sale Form is for people who wish to receive payment for the Pokemon. I ask that everyone please be reasonable with pricing, as I will decline your trade if you try to get more money out of me.

NOTE: All Pokemon set up in trades must have an everstone as the held item, unless it's the final evolution or it won't evolve without a certain item. There's nothing worse than setting up a trade with a specific Pokemon you need and then you get it and it's already evolved before you can put an everstone on it. I will put an equal amount of everstones used in each trade in my returned offer, that way you aren't losing them.

Forms & Examples

Quote from AmberLikeEmber
I have Pokemon to Donate!

PT Already Set Up?:


I have Pokemon for sale!

Payment Method:
Payment Total:
PT Already Set Up?:

Quote from AmberLikeEmber
I have Pokemon to Donate!

Pokemon: Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Good luck!


I have Pokemon for sale!

Pokemon: Larviprop and Mega-Able Heracross
Payment Method (PD/Nuggets Only): PD
Payment Total: 40k PD
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Thanks!

Pokemon I Currently Need


Show hidden content
None! ❤️


Show hidden content
#194 - Wooper
#201 - Unown U
#244 - Entei


Show hidden content
#344 - Claydol
#380 - Latias
#381 - Latios


Show hidden content
#479 - Rotom (Wash, Frost, Fan, and Mow)
#488 - Cresselia
#490 - Manaphy
#491 - Darkrai


Show hidden content
#495 - Snivy
#496 - Servine
#513 - Pansear
#514 - Simisear
#515 - Panpour
#518 - Musharna
#532 - Timburr
#533 - Gurdurr
#538 - Throh
#539 - Sawk
#544 - Whirlipede
#554 - Darumaka
#555 - Darmanitan (Zen)
#563 - Cofagrigus
#565 - Carracosta
#570 - Zorua
#575 - Gothorita
#577 - Solosis
#578 - Duosion
#585 - Deerling (Spring and Autumn)
#586 - Sawsbuck (Autumn and Winter)
#589 - Escavalier
#595 - Joltik
#600 - Klang
#605 - Elgyem
#613 - Cubchoo
#617 - Accelgor
#618 - Stunfisk
#619 - Mienfoo
#620 - Mienshao
#624 - Pawniard
#627 - Rufflet
#631 - Heatmor
#632 - Durant
#633 - Deino
#636 - Larvesta
#638 - Cobalion
#639 - Terrakion
#640 - Virizion
#647 - Keldeo (Resolute Form)
#648 - Meloetta


Show hidden content
#651 - Quilladin
#656 - Froakie
#657 - Frogadier
#665 - Spewpa
#666 - Vivillon (Archipelago, Continental, Garden, High Plains, Jungle, Marine, Monsoon, Ocean, Polar, Savanna, and Pokeball)
#667 - Litleo
#668 - Pyroar
#669 - Flabebe (Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#670 - Floette (Orange)
#671 - Florges (Blue, Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#673 - Gogoat
#675 - Pangoro
#676 - Furfrou (Star, Heart, Diamond, Dandy, Matron, Debutante, Pharaoh, La Reine, and Kabuki)
#677 - Espurr
#679 - Honedge
#680 - Doublade
#681 - Aegislash
#682 - Spritzee
#683 - Aromatisse
#684 - Swirlix
#685 - Slurpuff
#688 - Binacle
#689 - Barbaracle
#690 - Skrelp
#692 - Clauncher
#693 - Clawitzer
#695 - Heliolisk
#706 - Goodra
#709 - Trevenant
#713 - Avalugg


Show hidden content
#19 - Rattata (Alolan)
#27 - Sandshrew (Alolan)
#50 - Diglett (Alolan)
#53 - Persian (Alolan)
#734 - Yungoos
#736 - Grubbin
#737 - Charjabug
#745 - Lycanroc (Dusk)
#749 - Mudbray
#750 - Mudsdale
#753 - Fomantis
#754 - Lurantis
#755 - Morelull
#757 - Salandit
#758 - Salazzle
#761 - Bounsweet
#765 - Oranguru
#767 - Wimpod
#768 - Golisopod
#769 - Sandygast
#774 - Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, and Yellow)
#775 - Komala
#780 - Drampa
#781 - Dhelmise
#795 - Pheromosa
#796 - Xurkitree
#805 - Stakataka


Show hidden content
#80 - Slowbro (Galarian)
#122 - Mr. Mime (Galarian)
#554 - Darumaka (Galarian)
#555 - Darmanitan (Galarian: Regular and Zen Forms)
#562 - Yamask (Galarian)
#811 - Thwackey
#842 - Appletun
#845 - Cramorant (Regular, Gulping, Shiny Gulping, Gorging, and Shiny Gorging)
#846 - Arrokuda
#850 - Sizzlipede
#851 - Centiskorch
#866 - Mr. Rime
#888 - Zacian (Regular and Crowned Sword Form)
#889 - Zamazenta (Regular)

Emera Events

Show hidden content
#11 - Metacream
#25 - Naruchu / Satochu
#26 - Raizumaki / Raitoshi
#35 - Clawfairy
#36 - Nessy
#37 - Witch Vulpix
#39 - Jigglybath
#50 - Sproutlett
#51 - Sproutrio
#52 - Mewton M. Meowth / Lepreowth
#54 - Psyduck (Selfie)
#59 - Arcaddly
#63 - Autumn Abra
#64 - Autumn Kadabra
#66 - Surfer Machop
#67 - Machotide
#68 - Beachamp
#86 - Gomaseel
#87 - Ikkakugong
#100 - Solorb
#101 - Eclipsode
#105 - Marowak (Hylian)
#108 - Derpatung
#114 - Impasta
#122 - Mr. Moody
#124 - Queen Jynx
#129 - Magikarp (Calico, Orange, Pink, Purple, Apricot, Brown, White, Black, Blue, and Violet)
#131 - Swampras
#132 - Santa Birb
#143 - Candy Belly
#163 - Coocoot
#164 - Nocnoc
#172 - Pichu (Spiky Eared) / Narichu / Satichu
#174 - Igglybath
#179 - Summer Mareep
#180 - Summer Flaaffy / Autumn Flaaffy
#181 - Summer Ampharos
#185 - Applewoodo
#201 - Unown Flake
#203 - Jesterig
#225 - Santa Bird
#234 - Rudolph
#238 - Princess Smoochum
#241 - Dirndltank
#246 - Larviprop
#247 - Pupibot
#255 - Torcharch
#256 - Combowsken
#257 - Robin Blaze
#276 - Tailluchi
#280 - Festival Ralts
#281 - Festival Kirlia
#286 - Super Breloomio
#287 - Easter Slakoth
#288 - Easter Vigoroth
#289 - Easter Slaking
#312 - Minun (Flirty)
#320 - Wailmer (Babylonian)
#322 - Winter Numel
#324 - Ferrerocoal
#334 - Candaria
#335 - Gooseboarder
#338 - Eclipseon
#370 - Chocoluv
#372 - Shelcasso / Sir Shelgon
#373 - Sala Da Menci / Lord Salamence
#399 - Tom Nook (Seller Clothes)
#425 - Driflamp
#426 - Lightblim
#427 - Easter Buneary
#428 - Easter Lopunny
#439 - Jolly Jr. / Sad Jr.
#448 - Lucario Sensei
#450 - Hippowtain
#457 - Lumiday
#465 - Tanghetti
#476 - Probolight
#479 - Rotom (Mixer, Drill, Monitor, and Dex)
#509 - Pharraloin
#510 - Kleopard
#512 - Simisage (Waiter Clothes)
#514 - Simisear (Waiter Clothes)
#516 - Simipour (Waiter Clothes)
#546 - Flower Boy
#547 - Groomicott
#548 - Flower Girl
#557 - Sandwebble
#558 - Sandcrustle
#559 - Rodeo Scraggy
#560 - Sheriff Scrafty
#580 - Baby Ducklett
#581 - Easter Swanna
#585 - Easter Deerling
#586 - Easter Sawsbuck
#610 - Knight Axew
#611 - Baron Fraxure
#613 - Hawaiian Cubchoo
#614 - Hawaiian Beartic
#619 - Mikofoo
#620 - Mikoshao
#636 - Fiesta Larvesta
#659 - Easter Bunnelby
#660 - Easter Diggersby
#662 - Messenger Fletchinder
#664 - Scattercube
#665 - Spewbrella
#666 - Cocktaillon
#669 - Flabebe (Sakura)
#670 - Floette (Sakura)
#671 - Florges (Sakura)
#673 - Gingergoat
#702 - Tendenne
#775 - Anniversary Cupcake


Show hidden content
#65 - Mega Autumn Alakazam
#80 - Mega Yorebro
#115 - Mega Kangaskhan
#127 - Mega Pinsir
#181 - Mega Spring Ampharos / Mega Summer Ampharos
#212 - Mega Scizor
#248 - Mega Mecha Tyranitar
#257 - Mega Blaziken / Mega Robin Blaze
#306 - Mega Crystal Aggron
#308 - Mega Medicham
#323 - Mega Winter Camerupt
#334 - Mega Candaria
#362 - Mega Glalie
#373 - Mega Sala Da Menci / Mega Lord Salamence
#381 - Mega Latios
#428 - Mega Easter Lopunny
#448 - Mega Lucario Sensei
#531 - Mega Audino


Show hidden content
#3 - Venusaur (Retro)
#6 - Charizard (Retro)
#9 - Blastoise (Retro)
#109 - Koffing (Retro)
#145 - Zapdos (Retro)
#154 - Meganium (Retro)
#157 - Typhlosion (Retro)
#160 - Feraligatr (Retro)
#183 - Marill (Retro)
#251 - Celebi (Retro)
#261 - Poochyena (Retro)
#263 - Zigzagoon (Retro)
#276 - Taillow (Retro)
#580 - Ducklett (Retro)
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:24 (4 Years ago)
Pokemon: Mega-Able Heracross , Mega able absol , Mega able aerodactyl , Mega able Electabuzz , Mega able claydol , mega able alakazam
Payment Method (PD/Nuggets Only): PD / nuggets
Payment Total: you offer plzz
PT Already Set Up?: After the deal is done
Other: Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:32 (4 Years ago)
@Demon-House: I don't need Mega-Able Alakazam, I need Mega-Able AUTUMN Alakazam, the event pokemon.
As for everything else though, would 300 Nuggets work for all of those mega-ables?

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:34 (4 Years ago)
Sure... Let me set the trade up !
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 17:35 (4 Years ago)
Thank you very much :)

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 18:08 (4 Years ago)
Check pal pad
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 698
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 18:18 (4 Years ago)
I have Pokemon to Donate!

Pokemon: Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Skiploom, Sunflora, Murkrow, Hitmontop, Elekid, Blissey, Quilladin, Frogadier, Litleo, Pyroar, Gogoat, & Pangoro
PT Already Set Up?: Yes!~
Other: Good luck with your Dexes :3
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 18:37 (4 Years ago)
@Scarlet_Witch: Done! ❤️

@MetalHeadKendra: Thank you so much! I’ll offer right away! ❤️

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 20:58 (4 Years ago)
Pokemon: Paras and Lickitung
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: I'll go in Jhoto missing ones
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 03:14 (4 Years ago)
I have Pokemon for sale!

Pokemon: Staraptor, Throh, Timburr, Zorua, Gothorita, Solosis, Espurr, Skrelp, Salandit, Yungoos, Morelull, Flabebe (White and Yellow)
Payment Method: Either works
Payment Total: You can decide I'm not good with prices
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Hopefully you can finish your dex

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 03:55 (4 Years ago)
I have Pokemon to Donate!

Pokemon: Skrelp, Clauncher
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Good luck!
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 04:09 (4 Years ago)
I Have Pokemon for sale!

Pokemon: Mega festival Gardevoir
Payment Method (PD/Nuggets Only): PD/Nuggets
Payment Total: You may offer First plz
PT Already Set Up?: No
Other: Plz discuss through Pal pad /Pm Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 04:44 (4 Years ago)
You know me, I'll help out any way that I can. I'll run through my Trade/Sell boxes (after I get off work on Sunday afternoon) and compare them to your list to see which ones I can send your way.

Rumble Crew

Wormhole Tag-Team

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 04:58 (4 Years ago)
Oh goodness, thanks so much you guys! I’ll be sure to offer on your trades as soon as possible. I’ve been really busy all day and unable to get back to you sooner.

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 23:28 (4 Years ago)
Pokemon: Natu, Deino, Flabebe (Orange, Red), Floette (Orange), Binacle, Barbaracle, Goodra, Avalugg, Wimpod, Mudsdale, and Anniversary Cupcake
Payment Method: Either works
Payment Total: You can decide I'm not good with prices
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Don't forget the everstones

Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,535
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 10:55 (4 Years ago)
I have Pokemon for sale!

Pokemon: Unown (E, G, N, S), Suicune, Rotom (all forms except normal), Giratina (both form) and Palkia
Payment Method: PD
Payment Total: I'm not good at this so 400k PD would be okay? If you want lower then it's fine
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Good luck! ;3

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 11:30 (4 Years ago)
Ahhh thank you guys, I’ll offer on the trades very soon! I’ll update the list in a few hours as well to keep things correct 💕

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 150
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 11:48 (4 Years ago)

Title: pls sent me some money

i need 2000p more to buy a booth pls sent to me i will give it back
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 14:40 (4 Years ago)
This is not what my thread is for. Sorry.

Art by *Alejandra*
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,535
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 16:58 (4 Years ago)
I have Pokemon to Donate!

Pokemon: All Rotom forms
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: I'm sorry that I didn't put them in previous trade. I'm such a forgetful person :'3
So yea, you can have them for free, price has been included in last form ^^