Forum Thread
~Help Wanted: Dex Completion~
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → ~Help Wanted: Dex Completion~![](
Have extra Pokemon from previous shiny hunts that you don't have any use for? See it on my list of Pokemon I need? Perfect, that's all you need to know! If you are willing to part with the Pokemon, simply fill out the appropriate form (seen below) and set up said Pokemon in a Private Trade. The Donation Form is for people kind enough to gift me the Pokemon. The Sale Form is for people who wish to receive payment for the Pokemon. I ask that everyone please be reasonable with pricing, as I will decline your trade if you try to get more money out of me.
NOTE: All Pokemon set up in trades must have an everstone as the held item, unless it's the final evolution or it won't evolve without a certain item. There's nothing worse than setting up a trade with a specific Pokemon you need and then you get it and it's already evolved before you can put an everstone on it. I will put an equal amount of everstones used in each trade in my returned offer, that way you aren't losing them.
#479 - Rotom (Wash, Frost, Fan, and
#488 - Cresselia
#490 - Manaphy
#491 - Darkrai
#488 - Cresselia
#490 - Manaphy
#491 - Darkrai
#495 - Snivy
#496 - Servine
#513 - Pansear
#514 - Simisear
#515 - Panpour
#518 - Musharna
#532 - Timburr
#533 - Gurdurr
#538 - Throh
#539 - Sawk
#544 - Whirlipede
#554 - Darumaka
#555 - Darmanitan (Zen)
#563 - Cofagrigus
#565 - Carracosta
#570 - Zorua
#575 - Gothorita
#577 - Solosis
#578 - Duosion
#585 - Deerling (Spring and Autumn)
#586 - Sawsbuck (Autumn and Winter)
#589 - Escavalier
#595 - Joltik
#600 - Klang
#605 - Elgyem
#613 - Cubchoo
#617 - Accelgor
#618 - Stunfisk
#619 - Mienfoo
#620 - Mienshao
#624 - Pawniard
#627 - Rufflet
#631 - Heatmor
#632 - Durant
#633 - Deino
#636 - Larvesta
#638 - Cobalion
#639 - Terrakion
#640 - Virizion
#647 - Keldeo (Resolute Form)
#648 - Meloetta
#496 - Servine
#513 - Pansear
#514 - Simisear
#515 - Panpour
#518 - Musharna
#532 - Timburr
#533 - Gurdurr
#538 - Throh
#539 - Sawk
#544 - Whirlipede
#554 - Darumaka
#555 - Darmanitan (Zen)
#563 - Cofagrigus
#565 - Carracosta
#570 - Zorua
#575 - Gothorita
#577 - Solosis
#578 - Duosion
#585 - Deerling (Spring and Autumn)
#586 - Sawsbuck (Autumn and Winter)
#589 - Escavalier
#595 - Joltik
#600 - Klang
#605 - Elgyem
#613 - Cubchoo
#617 - Accelgor
#618 - Stunfisk
#619 - Mienfoo
#620 - Mienshao
#624 - Pawniard
#627 - Rufflet
#631 - Heatmor
#632 - Durant
#633 - Deino
#636 - Larvesta
#638 - Cobalion
#639 - Terrakion
#640 - Virizion
#647 - Keldeo (Resolute Form)
#648 - Meloetta
#651 - Quilladin
#656 - Froakie
#657 - Frogadier
#665 - Spewpa
#666 - Vivillon (Archipelago, Continental, Garden, High Plains, Jungle, Marine, Monsoon, Ocean, Polar, Savanna, and Pokeball)
#667 - Litleo
#668 - Pyroar
#669 - Flabebe (Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#670 - Floette (Orange)
#671 - Florges (Blue, Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#673 - Gogoat
#675 - Pangoro
#676 - Furfrou (Star, Heart, Diamond, Dandy, Matron, Debutante, Pharaoh, La Reine, and Kabuki)
#677 - Espurr
#679 - Honedge
#680 - Doublade
#681 - Aegislash
#682 - Spritzee
#683 - Aromatisse
#684 - Swirlix
#685 - Slurpuff
#688 - Binacle
#689 - Barbaracle
#690 - Skrelp
#692 - Clauncher
#693 - Clawitzer
#695 - Heliolisk
#706 - Goodra
#709 - Trevenant
#713 - Avalugg
#656 - Froakie
#657 - Frogadier
#665 - Spewpa
#666 - Vivillon (Archipelago, Continental, Garden, High Plains, Jungle, Marine, Monsoon, Ocean, Polar, Savanna, and Pokeball)
#667 - Litleo
#668 - Pyroar
#669 - Flabebe (Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#670 - Floette (Orange)
#671 - Florges (Blue, Orange, Red, White, and Yellow)
#673 - Gogoat
#675 - Pangoro
#676 - Furfrou (Star, Heart, Diamond, Dandy, Matron, Debutante, Pharaoh, La Reine, and Kabuki)
#677 - Espurr
#679 - Honedge
#680 - Doublade
#681 - Aegislash
#682 - Spritzee
#683 - Aromatisse
#684 - Swirlix
#685 - Slurpuff
#688 - Binacle
#689 - Barbaracle
#690 - Skrelp
#692 - Clauncher
#693 - Clawitzer
#695 - Heliolisk
#706 - Goodra
#709 - Trevenant
#713 - Avalugg
#19 - Rattata (Alolan)
#27 - Sandshrew (Alolan)
#50 - Diglett (Alolan)
#53 - Persian (Alolan)
#734 - Yungoos
#736 - Grubbin
#737 - Charjabug
#745 - Lycanroc (Dusk)
#749 - Mudbray
#750 - Mudsdale
#753 - Fomantis
#754 - Lurantis
#755 - Morelull
#757 - Salandit
#758 - Salazzle
#761 - Bounsweet
#765 - Oranguru
#767 - Wimpod
#768 - Golisopod
#769 - Sandygast
#774 - Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, and Yellow)
#775 - Komala
#780 - Drampa
#781 - Dhelmise
#795 - Pheromosa
#796 - Xurkitree
#805 - Stakataka
#27 - Sandshrew (Alolan)
#50 - Diglett (Alolan)
#53 - Persian (Alolan)
#734 - Yungoos
#736 - Grubbin
#737 - Charjabug
#745 - Lycanroc (Dusk)
#749 - Mudbray
#750 - Mudsdale
#753 - Fomantis
#754 - Lurantis
#755 - Morelull
#757 - Salandit
#758 - Salazzle
#761 - Bounsweet
#765 - Oranguru
#767 - Wimpod
#768 - Golisopod
#769 - Sandygast
#774 - Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, and Yellow)
#775 - Komala
#780 - Drampa
#781 - Dhelmise
#795 - Pheromosa
#796 - Xurkitree
#805 - Stakataka
#80 - Slowbro (Galarian)
#122 - Mr. Mime (Galarian)
#554 - Darumaka (Galarian)
#555 - Darmanitan (Galarian: Regular and Zen Forms)
#562 - Yamask (Galarian)
#811 - Thwackey
#842 - Appletun
#845 - Cramorant (Regular, Gulping, Shiny Gulping, Gorging, and Shiny Gorging)
#846 - Arrokuda
#850 - Sizzlipede
#851 - Centiskorch
#866 - Mr. Rime
#888 - Zacian (Regular and Crowned Sword Form)
#889 - Zamazenta (Regular)
#122 - Mr. Mime (Galarian)
#554 - Darumaka (Galarian)
#555 - Darmanitan (Galarian: Regular and Zen Forms)
#562 - Yamask (Galarian)
#811 - Thwackey
#842 - Appletun
#845 - Cramorant (Regular, Gulping, Shiny Gulping, Gorging, and Shiny Gorging)
#846 - Arrokuda
#850 - Sizzlipede
#851 - Centiskorch
#866 - Mr. Rime
#888 - Zacian (Regular and Crowned Sword Form)
#889 - Zamazenta (Regular)
#11 - Metacream
#25 - Naruchu / Satochu
#26 - Raizumaki / Raitoshi
#35 - Clawfairy
#36 - Nessy
#37 - Witch Vulpix
#39 - Jigglybath
#50 - Sproutlett
#51 - Sproutrio
#52 - Mewton M. Meowth / Lepreowth
#54 - Psyduck (Selfie)
#59 - Arcaddly
#63 - Autumn Abra
#64 - Autumn Kadabra
#66 - Surfer Machop
#67 - Machotide
#68 - Beachamp
#86 - Gomaseel
#87 - Ikkakugong
#100 - Solorb
#101 - Eclipsode
#105 - Marowak (Hylian)
#108 - Derpatung
#114 - Impasta
#122 - Mr. Moody
#124 - Queen Jynx
#129 - Magikarp (Calico, Orange, Pink, Purple, Apricot, Brown, White, Black, Blue, and Violet)
#131 - Swampras
#132 - Santa Birb
#143 - Candy Belly
#163 - Coocoot
#164 - Nocnoc
#172 - Pichu (Spiky Eared) / Narichu / Satichu
#174 - Igglybath
#179 - Summer Mareep
#180 - Summer Flaaffy / Autumn Flaaffy
#181 - Summer Ampharos
#185 - Applewoodo
#201 - Unown Flake
#203 - Jesterig
#225 - Santa Bird
#234 - Rudolph
#238 - Princess Smoochum
#241 - Dirndltank
#246 - Larviprop
#247 - Pupibot
#255 - Torcharch
#256 - Combowsken
#257 - Robin Blaze
#276 - Tailluchi
#280 - Festival Ralts
#281 - Festival Kirlia
#286 - Super Breloomio
#287 - Easter Slakoth
#288 - Easter Vigoroth
#289 - Easter Slaking
#312 - Minun (Flirty)
#320 - Wailmer (Babylonian)
#322 - Winter Numel
#324 - Ferrerocoal
#334 - Candaria
#335 - Gooseboarder
#338 - Eclipseon
#370 - Chocoluv
#372 - Shelcasso / Sir Shelgon
#373 - Sala Da Menci / Lord Salamence
#399 - Tom Nook (Seller Clothes)
#425 - Driflamp
#426 - Lightblim
#427 - Easter Buneary
#428 - Easter Lopunny
#439 - Jolly Jr. / Sad Jr.
#448 - Lucario Sensei
#450 - Hippowtain
#457 - Lumiday
#465 - Tanghetti
#476 - Probolight
#479 - Rotom (Mixer, Drill, Monitor, and Dex)
#509 - Pharraloin
#510 - Kleopard
#512 - Simisage (Waiter Clothes)
#514 - Simisear (Waiter Clothes)
#516 - Simipour (Waiter Clothes)
#546 - Flower Boy
#547 - Groomicott
#548 - Flower Girl
#557 - Sandwebble
#558 - Sandcrustle
#559 - Rodeo Scraggy
#560 - Sheriff Scrafty
#580 - Baby Ducklett
#581 - Easter Swanna
#585 - Easter Deerling
#586 - Easter Sawsbuck
#610 - Knight Axew
#611 - Baron Fraxure
#613 - Hawaiian Cubchoo
#614 - Hawaiian Beartic
#619 - Mikofoo
#620 - Mikoshao
#636 - Fiesta Larvesta
#659 - Easter Bunnelby
#660 - Easter Diggersby
#662 - Messenger Fletchinder
#664 - Scattercube
#665 - Spewbrella
#666 - Cocktaillon
#669 - Flabebe (Sakura)
#670 - Floette (Sakura)
#671 - Florges (Sakura)
#673 - Gingergoat
#702 - Tendenne
#775 - Anniversary Cupcake
#25 - Naruchu / Satochu
#26 - Raizumaki / Raitoshi
#35 - Clawfairy
#36 - Nessy
#37 - Witch Vulpix
#39 - Jigglybath
#50 - Sproutlett
#51 - Sproutrio
#52 - Mewton M. Meowth / Lepreowth
#54 - Psyduck (Selfie)
#59 - Arcaddly
#63 - Autumn Abra
#64 - Autumn Kadabra
#66 - Surfer Machop
#67 - Machotide
#68 - Beachamp
#86 - Gomaseel
#87 - Ikkakugong
#100 - Solorb
#101 - Eclipsode
#105 - Marowak (Hylian)
#108 - Derpatung
#114 - Impasta
#122 - Mr. Moody
#124 - Queen Jynx
#129 - Magikarp (Calico, Orange, Pink, Purple, Apricot, Brown, White, Black, Blue, and Violet)
#131 - Swampras
#132 - Santa Birb
#143 - Candy Belly
#163 - Coocoot
#164 - Nocnoc
#172 - Pichu (Spiky Eared) / Narichu / Satichu
#174 - Igglybath
#179 - Summer Mareep
#180 - Summer Flaaffy / Autumn Flaaffy
#181 - Summer Ampharos
#185 - Applewoodo
#201 - Unown Flake
#203 - Jesterig
#225 - Santa Bird
#234 - Rudolph
#238 - Princess Smoochum
#241 - Dirndltank
#246 - Larviprop
#247 - Pupibot
#255 - Torcharch
#256 - Combowsken
#257 - Robin Blaze
#276 - Tailluchi
#280 - Festival Ralts
#281 - Festival Kirlia
#286 - Super Breloomio
#287 - Easter Slakoth
#288 - Easter Vigoroth
#289 - Easter Slaking
#312 - Minun (Flirty)
#320 - Wailmer (Babylonian)
#322 - Winter Numel
#324 - Ferrerocoal
#334 - Candaria
#335 - Gooseboarder
#338 - Eclipseon
#370 - Chocoluv
#372 - Shelcasso / Sir Shelgon
#373 - Sala Da Menci / Lord Salamence
#399 - Tom Nook (Seller Clothes)
#425 - Driflamp
#426 - Lightblim
#427 - Easter Buneary
#428 - Easter Lopunny
#439 - Jolly Jr. / Sad Jr.
#448 - Lucario Sensei
#450 - Hippowtain
#457 - Lumiday
#465 - Tanghetti
#476 - Probolight
#479 - Rotom (Mixer, Drill, Monitor, and Dex)
#509 - Pharraloin
#510 - Kleopard
#512 - Simisage (Waiter Clothes)
#514 - Simisear (Waiter Clothes)
#516 - Simipour (Waiter Clothes)
#546 - Flower Boy
#547 - Groomicott
#548 - Flower Girl
#557 - Sandwebble
#558 - Sandcrustle
#559 - Rodeo Scraggy
#560 - Sheriff Scrafty
#580 - Baby Ducklett
#581 - Easter Swanna
#585 - Easter Deerling
#586 - Easter Sawsbuck
#610 - Knight Axew
#611 - Baron Fraxure
#613 - Hawaiian Cubchoo
#614 - Hawaiian Beartic
#619 - Mikofoo
#620 - Mikoshao
#636 - Fiesta Larvesta
#659 - Easter Bunnelby
#660 - Easter Diggersby
#662 - Messenger Fletchinder
#664 - Scattercube
#665 - Spewbrella
#666 - Cocktaillon
#669 - Flabebe (Sakura)
#670 - Floette (Sakura)
#671 - Florges (Sakura)
#673 - Gingergoat
#702 - Tendenne
#775 - Anniversary Cupcake
#65 - Mega Autumn Alakazam
#80 - Mega Yorebro
#115 - Mega Kangaskhan
#127 - Mega Pinsir
#181 - Mega Spring Ampharos / Mega Summer Ampharos
#212 - Mega Scizor
#248 - Mega Mecha Tyranitar
#257 - Mega Blaziken / Mega Robin Blaze
#306 - Mega Crystal Aggron
#308 - Mega Medicham
#323 - Mega Winter Camerupt
#334 - Mega Candaria
#362 - Mega Glalie
#373 - Mega Sala Da Menci / Mega Lord Salamence
#381 - Mega Latios
#428 - Mega Easter Lopunny
#448 - Mega Lucario Sensei
#531 - Mega Audino
#80 - Mega Yorebro
#115 - Mega Kangaskhan
#127 - Mega Pinsir
#181 - Mega Spring Ampharos / Mega Summer Ampharos
#212 - Mega Scizor
#248 - Mega Mecha Tyranitar
#257 - Mega Blaziken / Mega Robin Blaze
#306 - Mega Crystal Aggron
#308 - Mega Medicham
#323 - Mega Winter Camerupt
#334 - Mega Candaria
#362 - Mega Glalie
#373 - Mega Sala Da Menci / Mega Lord Salamence
#381 - Mega Latios
#428 - Mega Easter Lopunny
#448 - Mega Lucario Sensei
#531 - Mega Audino
#3 - Venusaur (Retro)
#6 - Charizard (Retro)
#9 - Blastoise (Retro)
#109 - Koffing (Retro)
#145 - Zapdos (Retro)
#154 - Meganium (Retro)
#157 - Typhlosion (Retro)
#160 - Feraligatr (Retro)
#183 - Marill (Retro)
#251 - Celebi (Retro)
#261 - Poochyena (Retro)
#263 - Zigzagoon (Retro)
#276 - Taillow (Retro)
#580 - Ducklett (Retro)
#6 - Charizard (Retro)
#9 - Blastoise (Retro)
#109 - Koffing (Retro)
#145 - Zapdos (Retro)
#154 - Meganium (Retro)
#157 - Typhlosion (Retro)
#160 - Feraligatr (Retro)
#183 - Marill (Retro)
#251 - Celebi (Retro)
#261 - Poochyena (Retro)
#263 - Zigzagoon (Retro)
#276 - Taillow (Retro)
#580 - Ducklett (Retro)
Payment Method (PD/Nuggets Only): PD / nuggets
Payment Total: you offer plzz
PT Already Set Up?: After the deal is done
Other: Thanks!
As for everything else though, would 300 Nuggets work for all of those mega-ables?
@MetalHeadKendra: Thank you so much! I’ll offer right away! ❤️
Pokemon: Staraptor, Throh, Timburr, Zorua, Gothorita, Solosis, Espurr, Skrelp, Salandit, Yungoos, Morelull, Flabebe (White and Yellow)
Payment Method: Either works
Payment Total: You can decide I'm not good with prices
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Hopefully you can finish your dex
Pokemon: Unown (E, G, N, S), Suicune, Rotom (all forms except normal), Giratina (both form) and Palkia
Payment Method: PD
Payment Total: I'm not good at this so 400k PD would be okay? If you want lower then it's fine
PT Already Set Up?: Yes
Other: Good luck! ;3