Forum Thread
Unfortunate Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Unfortunate DiaryAlso, i'm planning on making different profile picture but it's gonna take a while and i'll probably forget about it lol
Oh and I'm switching into Impidimp phase.
But chespin is still great and no-one can convince me otherwise.
God i hate myself, this week is gonna be horrible.
And no, I can't go buy myself new ones. I have to wait until next weekend when my uncle comes back since where I am right now the closest shop is an hour by foot and only sells groceries.
I need my headphones to s u r v i v e
My parents will go to a local store to look for it since my mom is worried about how most delivery services handle packages (my uncle works in delivery, I also helped him when I was younger)
So in next 2 weeks I should get nintendo switch and animal crossing, and maybe pokemon shield if my parents will want to buy me one.
Other than that I finished some pokemon retypes which can be seen at my sprite shop, and had a generally averge day. Probably because teachers stopped with the assingments for some reason?? I get like, 2 daily?? When normally i would get at least 6???
Not that I mind ofc, I have to still do a group project on topic I don't care about.
And I (kinda) fixed my headphones! I just have to put them on a veeery specific angle and they work, most of the time. But also online classes without headphones are not as bad as i thought they would be.
God ranting here is fun, I should do it more often and not forget about it's existence.
Also I didn't know that prof Rowan gave special speech for shinies ;0
Other than that I hate math, but I need to do homework, so let's hope I finish it quickly and get to do some sprites people ordered,,
Like honestly I was just that tired (?) that a piece of food dropped on couch and I wanted to cry, other time my niece almost cried but soon as my mom hugged her she began to laugh, while I started crying still scared that I almost got a 1 yr old kid to cry because I zoned out for a second.
And I didn't do anything today, that wasn't like needed 100%. Only maths homework, ignored all stuff form teachers because life sucks.
God I just realised as I'm writing this that I have english and polish assingments for tommorow and I didn't do ANY BIT of them.
Not today, just gonna go to sleep, wake up early and hopefully finish everything before 9am.
Positive note: started playing PokeFarm Q and I'm finding it more enjoyable than pokeheroes tbh, especially becuase of all galar mons being present, fields, albinos etc. but I guess most people know about it i'm just dumb.
Also I'm CreativeCereal there in case you wanna PM me or something
Other than that, I finally got back to art (again!) but this time on my old trusty tablet since the new one has an existencial crisis and doesn't work. Finally working on the Impidimp pfp! It's weird having whole profile themed over Impidimp but with chespin pfp ;D
I also think about reopening my sprite shop and maybe opening some sort of Art Book (maybe even art shop) but that's after I finish fixing up my grades which fallen down a lot, like a lot lot.
Also I might do a giveaway, but after I get something worth giving away, without premium it's kinda hard to get cool stuff, like, I'm still saving up for a year premium thus I don't have that many shinies or anything worthy.
Which honestly gives me complexes.
Like, I traded with a person because they needed missing dex entries, I had pokes they needed in extras so I was ready to give them away for free (only cost being 300 PD for everstone) but bam. They added in a shiny, just, just like that??? They could've made around 40k PD and they just?? I mean I guess it's gratitude (?) but???
Sometimes I feel like without luck and premium you won't get anything here. I got most of my nuggets because of playing golden slot but lately my luck has been falling down and almost no-one cares about lake trio vouchers. Which sucks even more since that was my main source of income! 70 Nuggies for voucher, sometimes I got lucky with maps which sold for 100-120 but now?? Nothing!
I'm just floded with green keys and nothing worthy came out of boxes, maybe aside from those 5-7 fairy gems but that's it! Nothing!
Let's just hope my art will be worth some because I don't see getting enough nuggets for daily rewards :V I need like 4k more and get 5 weekly...
Sorry for the long rant, if someone's actually reading this, have a nice day~
I also really want to start drawing more or start writing cringy fanfictions again, watch these painfully long SCP videos and a lots of other stuff. But lately I just really badly want to sleep. Like, why do my grades matter anyway now? Only next year will matter, I could barely pass and it wouldn't affect my future life. Just like my almost failing biology last year didn't matter, only my next year is valuable since it'll be last year of primary school education (in polish system, keep that in mind).
Like, come on! If not the corona me and my class would be on a weekly trip now, all of the exams would be done and teachers would start giving us movies to watch. Why you may ask? All of the grades are now set in stone! Only if you have something in between, you can be saved, but for me who has medicore grades I can't upgrade? I couldn't care less! Just give me my free time, and especially the sun. It's been raining for almost a week and i'm gonna go crazy if this continiues.
God I make such long rants.
Also, I broke my promise to not do any shiny hunt before Impidimp, well my bad, but pink and yellow weasel stole my heart and I won't get it back.
Fun fact: Foutain showed me that i'll get increased breeding chance, my perfect pair gave me 3 eggs, and my 50% compatible pair of lopunnys on pokefarm gave me 100 eggs, if not the adoption limit i would go nuts, and even with it, I got like 30 eggs. Ten times more. Why is it so hard to do anything on PH without premium?
Title: Long rant about PH
I hate myself for this but I really, kinda don't like PH anymore?? I mean, I stopped getting enjoyment out of it rn at least? I, I mean It's fun and all but It seems like without premium you're pretty much screwed. Like, I know that "this isn't only about, PD, shinies and nuggets" but... It is tho'??
PH is a collecting site/game? You have to collect. Trying to fill up your dex and yada yada. But like??? I don't feel a goal?? I don't feel rewarded by it?? I mean, I dig fighting aspect of pokemon, building your own team and storylines. That's why I love fangames, since they can (and mostly do) explore darker contents of pokemon world. While OG games are... meh? Honestly since the main series follows the same path and all the evil teams are pretty much the same game-wise (like you have to kick their butts) it's not as exciting?
While Fangames: Pokemon Reborn, everything is dark, awful, horrible and your train just crashed, also implied torture. Love it. Pokemon Insurgence, cults, summoning legendaries, there's a warning about it being gorey and edgy. Pokemon Rejuvenation, honestly just so much happens it's hard to explain, planning to add gen 8! Pokemon Empyrean, your dad is an agent and you have to save him while getting bundled up in a wierd events and kinda being forced into having lesbian date which I don't mind. Pokemon Castaway, your plane just crashed, good luck. Pokemon Uranium, i think most of the people know this one?
And those are just examples of games that are either finished or really close to finishing! And I love them all! Okay getting off topic here for a bit...
Like, PH is all about collecting, which itself is hard for me to, like that much? But I got over it and now I'm all about getting all the shinies because they look cool. Uh-oh, problems arise!
Without premium it's impossible to complete shiny dex, and everything here is just, expensive. And I'm convinced that it's impossible to enjoy the game without paying cash for it. Like, I just feel like I'm playing mobile game, just without adds.
Pokeradar battery cots 50k PD, daycare costs 100 PD per hour if breeding, perfect pair and fountain don't even give that big of a boost, you can get 10 eggs a day or 2 and it's just luck based. If you're hunting an easy pokemon, you can at least use tall grass. If you try for a harder one, only saving is gem collector, which, sucks. I can't imagine people trying to hunt dragon or fairy types without premium! Gems are already hard to come by, with rumbling getting probably max 20 gems every TWELVE HOURS. Sure interacting gives cash, selling items does, too, berry garden and beach also. But how much really??
Berry Garden gives usually 1k PD per order, which in itself usually costs much more, because orders over 1k always include shakes, sodas or lemonades. Lemonade and Soda cost while milk, christ MILK getting big amouts is hell.
Well, maybe we can get lucky with summon items to get some cool legendaries? NAH MATE. Either have too many keys or just poor luck. I don't care about berries, medicine and even gems for gods sake!
Honestly without outregous amouts of PD, getting nuggets is awfully slow. I was lucky for interacting a lot and now for a bit less, using Legend Slot to get lake trio vouchers and people trying to hunt the lake trio gave me 65-70 nuggets per voucher. And I need to have 8000 nuggets for a yearly premium.
I've been saving up for past 5 months (i've been banned for 2, not gonna hide that) and only got (as of writing this) 4,189 nuggets. A bit over half, that's with 5 nuggets weekly and ALWAYS selling any summon item I could get my hands on for nuggets. Dragon gems? Sell for nuggets. Star Pieces? Sell for nuggets.
Of course, I could've gotten half a year, but for what? How am I gonna get retro mew without horrible prices? And what are the chances I'm gonna save up for another year? You could say that buying 1 year isn't gonna change much. And you're right! I really feel like giving up! THERE'S NO REWARD FOR ANYTHING.
Just, what, what is the purpose? I was really excited during my first few hunts, oh! Shiny Ralts! Shiny Emolga! Shiny Cottone! And even now I'm excited to get Shiny Sneasel! Because I want them, that's the purpose, to collect things. But I feel like it's almost impossible because there's so many restrictions.
I really badly want to get Shiny-Mega Gardevoir, but what are the odds? Because of Mega-Powered pokemon, there are people SM hunting for over a year! Wow! That sucks!
Honestly this rant wouldn't happen if I wasn't on my grand search for nuggets on GTS and haven't found someone offering nuggets for PFQ currency. It made me remember I made a account and left because formating sucked on mobile. So 2 weeks ago I came back, and it's great!
I'm not trying to advertise it but it just feels way more fulfiling than PH? Like? Probably because of quests, which give me things to do, but also I have reasons to complete the pokedex! Ranks with rewards! And while Shiny hunting will probably be expensive since I still can't afford a pokeradar, albino hunting is possible due to interacting.
And despite Mega-Evolution still being weird, at least pokemon are not Mega-Powered, it just costs more to mega-evolve them for a valid reason I could explain here if I knew how.
Like, a lot of mechanisms there just seem much more fulfilling?? Just, I might be weird because I found the concepts of Albinos amazing. I still struggle because I don't know how to code in HTML and social anxiety prevents me from using forums. But still, I just feel like PFQ is wayy more, creative than PH?
Honestly, I feel like i'm on PH mostly because I hope that maybe opening an Art shop can help me get nuggets. While trying to find reasons I also found other three: social aspect being easier to grasp here, plushies are cool i guess and fact that I know like, 3 people here, of which i talked to 1 and it's been awkard because I suck at human interaction.
Also, from pure curiosity, who... who are the 2/3 people that are reading this thread? Why are you here? I don't click on this thread THAT much... but also have a nice day, weird person interested in teens drama about not having money~
Fun fact
I get really tired, stressed and depressed late, which to me is around 5pm. Because my body is week and 7/8 hours of sleep barely cover my lessons after 4pm I tend to get... grumpy, awfully tired and really pesimistic. So if you see any pervious or future rants that are past 5pm (3 server time) or around that time or before 9am (7 server time) just... just ignore them.
Some of the parts might make sense but mostly it's just, it's just me venting, not really ranting since my teen brain is awfully tired. So... Sorry about that
Oh and I realised that because it's wayy later now and I don't feel so bad and I slept almost 10 hours.
Have a nice day/night
1. Periods sucks,
2. School sucks,
And I really want to get shiny male sneasel, I'm gonna kill for shiny male sneasel.
Also I hate being so impatient because the urge to buy flutes is getting horrible, but I know I have to save nuggets for two things:
1. Another premium
2. Mega Cuff and Black Flute for SM Lopunny/Gyarados (did i write that right?)
Also next post is gonna be reminders;;
Like shinies are gorgeus, and I just :<<<
So just a little notes here, on how I (probably) plan to do the hunts:
Sneasel (current)
Girafarig (next, perfect pair)
Wooper (no pair)
Glameow (no pair)
Woobat (no pair)
Finish chespin (perfect pair)
Impidimp (kind of?)
Fennekin (perfect pair)
Zorua (no pair?)
Wooloo (no pair?)
Toxel (no pair)
Eevee (no pair once again)
Sentret (no pair)
Skitty (no pair)
Sobble (no pair, what didya expect!)
Grookey (._.)
Morelull (._.)
Dedenne (probably no pair)
Mega Buneary (perfect pair, no cuff and flute)
Mega Gyarados (no pair, no cuff and flute)
Okayy, I'll stop right here, think about consequences of my actions and start doing homework. Hopefully I won't forget about this post ; )
So a little itsy bitsy vent:
Why can't i just, talk to people?? Like writing a comment reply, pal pad message or a PM take me AGES because I need to stop every now and then to take breath and distract myself.
And sending things? God I have to count down to 3, press send, cringe and look away for a few minutes
hhhhhhhhhhh please bear with me whoever is reading this and has talked to me, I can't be the one initiating conversations, it's so terrifying.
Like I know my grammar suckss, like really suckss
So I usually get awfully scared that people will think I'm immature because I mispell simple things constantly
And I'm terrified with things like "what if they'll look at my profile?" "what if they'll think i'm cringy?" "what if they hate me and my stuff?"
Things like that. And like, most people here are reallyyy nice, I didn't have any direct attacks, maybe some small arguments/debates about certain things but nothing that would make me terrified of staff or people.
I'm terrified of sending a dumb PM. And I'm terrified of asking questions. Because I forgot something. Like legit, there was this other contest (not on PH) where I would spent FIFTEEN MINUTES reading rules and the whole post over and over again to make sure the question I asked made sense. BECAUSE IM TERRIFIED OF MAKING PEOPLE ANNOYED.
Ok. I'm done.
Really sorry for this rant just had to get it off my chest somehow.
Thanks for reading I suppose.
I actually don't mind drama most of the time, especially on PH since you can easily avoid it by just, not checking feeds. But still, it kinda sucks when you try to check notification wall and there's only people arguing or being passive agressive. I hate passive agressive and overly sarcastic people. Probably because of my short temper but welp, that's life for me.
I think about making more art, since lately I've been getting more creative because school is ending.
Honestly I shouldn't look that much forward into future, I still need to make a presentation with at least 10 slides due TODAY and only made like, 2/3. But let's not worry about that, it's not that hard to *word-I-can't-say-because-rules* my way through.
But really, I would LOVEE to open my own Art Shop. From times I used to be on Amino I remember just loving to draw people ocs
I just love making people's ideas. That's probably why. Also it's the only reason I'm keeping up my sprite shop open, like honestly, the Mega-Evos and Type-Changes/Regional Forms are SOOO much fun to work at. Especially if I get to make pokedex entries for them too! And also people are just really, reallyyy kind.
It might also be due to the fact that if someone just says "hey, I like it" i'm already smiling like crazy. Like, I don't need complements. Since I just want to get better at spriting. But whenever someone says just a little nice thing to me. I usually need to hug a pillow to calm down. That also sometimes happens when people order... It just baffels me that people would take time off their day to order some dumb sprites, and then not only compliment me but also tip me???
Yeah I know, my grammar sucks but I needed a bit of positive rant to go on about :D
Oh yeah, one last thing, I finally started saving up cash for trading Ditto with someone on GTS. As of now I have 1mil PD stored in GTS and my goal is 7mil (because taxes succcc). And I can't wait to end this sneasel hunt, I really want to start SM Lopunny Hunt since they're not only many eggs in the wild, normal gems are easy to get and I already saved up for Mega Cuff and Black Flute!
Good day/night to anyone reading this, hope you get many nice pokes~
While my best friend stays up to 3 am.
Like, how do you do it?? How does anyone do it?? My brain just goes completly blank and it's just me laying in bed, listening to music and trying to make teams on showdown. Also anyone who SUCKS (or at least is bad) at showdown hmu with battle requests because GOD i want to use my team with cringy names.
Also I just found out by typing this sentence that I'm also paranoid of accidentaly swearing, like srrsly, I'm just wayy to used to swearing in real life so here I just correct myself the last second. It's always the last second.
Fun fact: I always do my sprite requests either right after they're ordered or just before waking up. The second reason is because it helps me, well wake up, and most sprites are really simple to do (like, evo families is just to sprites SMASHED together and outlined)
Also (I overuse also i know) I for some reason rlly hate those emojis: 🤷♀️💅
because they're 90% of the time passive aggresive or sarcastic. And I know, i'm getting triggered but when I see people using stuff like "hon" "sweetie" etc. with these emojis I just roll my eyes and move on.
Okay let's end this because my brain is not ready for this to be too long of a rant.
Imma end this saying two things: give me the pink weasel for the gods sake and i need nuggets for gods sake i'm below 1k
I got back into art! And I'm proud of myself! Now I only need to start writing fanfiction again and I'll be the best I can be
So a redraw.
Version from 2018:
and a version from today!
I'm like— So proud of myself! Both took a little over 2 hours and are yet sooo much different!
I know I'm bragging but since I don't plan on opening an Art Gallery of any sorts I'll post any (Bigger) drawings here along with regular entries.
That reminds me... I probably WILL open an Art Shop, tho I need to lok at other galleries to get a better grasp on acceptable prices here. Since I don't want to both overprice or underprice my work. I'll probably care more about how long does it take me to make something, rather than "quality" (that sounds bad, it's hard to understand but bear with me)
Like I think piece like ones above (2020 obvs) would count as fully shaded half-body with a background (simple one if I'm gonna divide them like that, I"ll probably have to...) so it would be like, around 20k PD maybe? Okay that's the price without checking, I'm gonna check now and write it down...
Okayyy I checked few shops. Did... Did I underprice myself so much???
Ahhhhh wait I might've, PH currency is weird and I'm used to DA points and Amino Coins as a payment. So I mainly know how to change DA points to Amino Coins, not really what to do with nuggets.
Another search...
I also noticed a LOT of people posting and making art for free, which is something I'll probably never do in a long run. Since drawing takes me faaar too long, and as much as I'd love to be more generous I still don't want to overthrow myslef with work. I did it once Amino when drawings took me around 1h, I made 23 requests. Never again.
Search continues... (yeah different timestamps I just don't want to edit post over and over again)
A lot of great artists...
So far, during my research that has to be stopped by headache:
And nugget ration 1:1500 as always, maybe even gem payment, since gems are always cool
(probably not gonna include if DW Gem update comes in)
that's basically it, well I *might* put stuff up cheaper since well, my lineart is sketchy and a lot of different stuff but...
yeah i'm gonna open an art shop soon
God I'm in such a good mood lately, I mean. Not only school is ending, but I also got back into drawing. Like, just what I drew today:
Took me around 8 hours, but am I proud? OF COURSE.
I've never been so productive, I dunno what's happening but it's a good thing!
Hopefully I manage to finish headers and all aesthetic stuff for my art shop or at least sprite shop. I give up trying to fix my profile, It'll stay the way it is for now xd
Tho I might make better dividers when I get an idea. Especially since I lately started moving toward yellow mons.
I'm also starting to lose all my Bells (I keep forgeting the name, friendship bell or smth?)
Daycore slaps 90% of the time.
My self-esteem gone up 100% especially with art and sprites.
I'm not perfect but I'm improving
Good night/day/whatever to whoever is reading this.
I lately found daycore/anti-nightcoe Spooky Scary Skeletons remix and also Halloween scp video and halloween memes so— yeah
Also Imma post layout of my *future* art shop in case I don't finish coding today. If nothings under the line that means I'm a dunce and I forgot to delete this part (wouldn't be suprised rlly)
My anxiety: how about no
I mean I would love to rp with someone who doesn't care too much about grammar (most people don't seem to at least from most rp forums I checked) but I've never rp'ed in english.
I'm rlly unexperienced because the only *real* rp I joined that took a long time, like few months really, was a one on one rp on warrior cats amino in polish ;V
But hey, maybe on lucky day, someone reads this and talks to me because I'm too awkward and even writing a simple feed such as "hey anyone wants to rp one on one because I want to gain experience and have fun?" would probably cause me to cringe and log out for an hour before coming back.