Forum Thread
Defenders of the Dex.
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Defenders of the Dex."I gotta go fetch the rest of my Pokémon from my house," he said. "Will you guys be okay if I leave for a bit?"
Carefully, Felix brought out Spins. He continued to move forward when he saw another moving shadow, and Spins used Flame Charge in order to reach whatever it was.
Marshadow fell to the floor, growling at the Cinderace who had attacked it.
"Woah, it's okay!" Felix quickly tried to calm down the Myth. "We didn't mean to hurt you!"
Marshadow ignored Felix and rushed forward, using Close Combat on Spins. She stumbled back and quickly retaliated with a Pyro Ball. Felix threw his last Master Ball before any more damage could be done, catching Marshadow.
"Sorry about that..." he said as he picked up the ball, pocketing it before running to his house.
Felix crossed his arms. "Amy, are you eating after bed again?"
Amy silently took a bite of a slice of cake.
Felix shook his head. "Whatever, that's not important right now. Wake the others, we need to leave!" he commanded, rushing upstairs to the drawer where he kept the Poké Balls, he hurried downstairs, retrieved all his extra Pokémon and put the Balls in his bag.
He made his way back to the others, calling them along the way. "I got Marshadow!"
Shaye was still looking. Once Symbol was rested she flew to Poni Island.