Forum Thread
imagine's poké grab & go
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → imagine's poké grab & goWith that being said, there are a lot of duplicate Pokémon and/or Pokémon that I don't really need.
Those Pokémon are probably sitting in one of 40 "Overflow" Boxes.
Basically the way this works is you can take a look through my boxes, starting with this one, and make your way down all the way to the last "overFlow" box. If you find a Pokémon or more than one that you need, fill out the form below and I'd be more than happy to give it to you free of charge.
The Dex Reward Legends cannot be traded!
Those are Mewtwo, Deoxys, Arceus, Genesect, Diancie & Sivally.
Form below:
[center][i][b]YO, IMAGINE![/b] let me grab
some Pokémon![/i][/center]
♡ [b]USERNAME[/b]: your username
♡ [b]POKÉMON[/b]: list of pokémon that you need from my boxes
♡ [b]LOCATION[/b]: specifically which one of my boxes the pokémon is in
♡ [b]MISC.[/b]: other junk that doesn't fit elsewhere
♡ [b]USERNAME[/b]: your username
♡ [b]POKÉMON[/b]: list of pokémon that you need from my boxes
♡ [b]LOCATION[/b]: specifically which one of my boxes the pokémon is in
♡ [b]MISC.[/b]: other junk that doesn't fit elsewhere
♡ USERNAME: LegendaryWaffles
♡ POKÉMON: Primarina Breeding pair, a Decidueye breeding pair, Arceus, a blazinken breeding pair , toterra breeding pair and emboar breeding pair, Freligatar breeding pair
♡ LOCATION: -HOARD- and [ hoard 21 ], [ hoard 26 ], [hoard 31], [ hoard 36 ]
♡ MISC.: Thanks alot! Last Three come from the same box and weekly quota almost met
♡ POKÉMON: (Darmanitan, Aurorus, Oranguru) , (Retro Charmander), (Sharpedo, Electabuzz, Aerodactyl), (Garchomp) (Blastoise (Breeding pair) (blaziken breeding pair) (toterra breeding pair)
♡ LOCATION: [ hoard 4 ], [ hoard 6 ], [ hoard 12.5 ], [ hoard 17 ], [ hoard 26 ], [hoard 31], [hoard 36]
♡ MISC.: Thanks for doing this giveaway! The pokémon in brackets come from the same hoard :)
♡ USERNAME: CrystalChrissy
♡ POKÉMON: Togepi (Retro), Mawile breeding pair, Unown Z, Retro Charmander, Aurorus breeding pair. Altogether there are 7 Pokémon.
♡ LOCATION: Unown Z in -HOARD- , both mawiles in [hoard 01] and both of the Retros are in [hoard 13], both Aurorus in [hoard 4]
♡ MISC.: Thanks in advance, I just wanted to ask if there is any more unwanted Unowns you own and which boxes they are in coz there are too many boxes
♡ USERNAME: ~Captain_B~
♡ POKÉMON: Magneton, Alomomola, Beheeyem, Golurk, Frillish, Boufallant, Parasect and Weepinbell
♡ LOCATION: Weepinbell is in hoard 9, Alomomola and Golurk is in hoard 33, Boufallant is in hoard 23, Frillish is in -HOARD- and the rest is in hoard 34
♡ MISC.: ^^
♡ USERNAME: SharkWillBraviary
♡ POKÉMON: 2 Arceus, 1 Staid (Victini), 1 Shaymin, 1 Celebi
♡ LOCATION: [ hoard 01 ], [ hoard 03 ], [ hoard 04 ]
♡ MISC.: Thx!
Please level up my Tobies!