Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: Headshot
Payment type: 10k pd
Anything specific?: A Shiny Mightyena dressed as a shiny leafeon
while wearing glasses
Profile?: No
Password: Leafeon
Other: thank you :3
Name of artist:Lucariolover99
Type of art:cute and cartoon like
Payment type:is 200k pd for two ok?
Anything specific?:Can the color scheme be pastel? android and
Other:tnk u, love ur art style. <3
Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: Don't know what type it is but Lucario will know what
I mean xD
Payment type: Free Art Coupon
Anything specific?: More or less just a Haxorus [like my avatar
now] with a Christmas hat :D
Profile?: I can do it myself since I know your resizer is not
working :D
Password: Umbreon
Other: Thanks :D
Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: pokemon fusion
Payment type: PD
Anything specific?: Umbreon and Nickit fusion please
Profile?: yes, please
Password: Umbreon
Other: you did my avatar before the one I have now so I want you to
do another one for me
Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: Regular Pokemon
Payment type: pd (please pm me how much)
Anything specific?: Lucario (not shiny) please
Profile?: yes, please
Password: (Umbreon)
Name of artist: FurryStar
Type of art: Pokemon (fusion, OC)
Payment type: pd
Anything specific?: Plusle body structure, Plusle/Drifloon
characteristics...Here's my oc, Nemi!
Profile?: nope!
Password: Leafeon
Other: Thank you very much!! :3
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)
Name of artist: lucariolover99
Type of art: cute
Payment type: pd
Anything specific?: light blue mew with cloud wings flying in the
Profile?: no
Password: umbreon
Other: thx