"Yup. Years of being together and doing things together have really
done us well. But I cant play favorites or we'll have a fight on
our hands so I've gotta give some credit to these 2." He said back,
patting Zebstrika and Sawsbucks heads, rubbing them gently.
Aurora saw what was happening with Jessie and she got onto Inferno.
"Come on, guys let's go.." She put all her Pokemon in their
Pokeballs except Inferno and Lightning. "Inferno!"
"Charizard!" He leapt up into the air and into the clouds not to be
"You don't like Jessie, do you?" She rubbed Inferno.
"Chari!" He snorted and smoke came out of his nose. He hated Charmy
so much now.
"I'm sorry, Inferno, you're probably uncomfortable around her, I
guess.. I feel uncomfortable around her a bit.." She laid down on
"tell me about it. Ienzo came after these three and spend 90% of
his first week being jealous over them. He rolled his eyes
affectionately, sitting down to lean against Skuld. "At least this
ones better."
Jessie: *returns everyone into their pokeballs except for flappy
and sparky and starts to walking and looks at Sparky and flappy*
you two don't like inferno huh? Me neither...
Sparky: Pikachu... (I don't like inferno that much...) *nods*
Flappy: scorbunny (yeah...) *also nods*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Corey looked around. "Seems that everyone's heading off a bit, I
think I probably should aswell..." he said recalling sawsbuck and
Zebstrika to their pokeballs before hopping on gogoat. "Good luck
guys, cya around!" He said before riding off towards a nearby
Jessie: if it was about me taking charmy out of his ball then I'm
sorry about that! *keeps walking*
Sparky: Pikachu! *electricity comes out of cheeks*
Flappy: scorbunny! *is angry*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
"Cool it you two!" Aurora accidentally spat out the words and she
covered her mouth. Aurora calmed down. "Come with me, Jessie. And
up in the sky is where we will talk." She gave her hand to Jessie.
Jessie: *looks at sparky and flappy* zip it both of you! *looks
back at aurora and takes her hand*
Sparky: *is still angry*
Flappy: *doesn't say a word but is still very angry*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Corey looked back, seeing the commotion. "What in the world is up
with those 2..." he asked himself, stopping gogoat in place and
watching from a relative distance
Corey quietly hopped down, returning Gogoat. "The air feels a
little hostile..." he said to himself as he sent out Zebstrika as
quietly as he could. Zebstrika was more the battler of Corey's
pokemon. "I'f any attacks fly, stand your ground over here and wait
for my instructions" Cirey told Zebstrika quietly.
Jessie: *doesn't say a word*
Sparky: *looks up at Jessie and aurora* pikachu... (Hope jessie is
doing ok with talking to her....)
Flappy: *also looks up at jessie and aurora* scorbunny... (Yeah...)
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Lightning watched as her trainer went up in the sky. She looked at
Sparkly and Flappy and electricity came out of her cheeks.
Alpha saw what was going to happen and he stood between Lightning
and Sparkly and Flappy. "Lycan!" (No, Lightning!)
"Okay, Jessie, the reason I want to talk to you is because.. I want
to be friends with but me and Inferno feel a bit uncomfortable
around you..." Aurora started scratching the back of head and she
felt a bit scared to say this.
"Chari!" (I hate Charmy! Not Jessie!) He heard what Aurora had
Aurora: "Okay, Inferno feels uncomfortable around Charmy but I feel
a bit uncomfortable around you..."
Jessie: ok... *looks down at sparky and flappy* well sparky and
flappy feel like they don't like inferno that much and to be honest
I do too
Sparky: *looks at lightning and electricity comes out of cheeks*
Flappy: scorbunny! (No Sparky! Calm down!)
Sparky: Pikachu.... *is still angry*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`