After regaining a bit of sense Corey decided to carry on with the
conversation. "So, what's everyone here for?" He asked, still a bit
mesmorized by the glorious pokemon around him.
Jessie: oh there's one last pokemon that you haven't met *sends out
Stuffy: stuffel! (Hello all!)
Cream: *walks back to jessie*
Flappy: *is staying on jessie's head*
Kitsue: *looks at the ninetales*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
"I'm here for my shrine keeper training. I go to different regions
to assess the state of the multiple shrines around and either
restore or put them to rest." Marluxia explained, feeling obligated
to answer Corey. "And you?"
"If you remember even a lick from earlier than it'll make sense
that I came down here to race and to just enjoy travelling the
region. I feel like the only way to enjoy a world as vast as our
own, is to look through it." He said as he popped a berry from his
pocket and fed it to Zebstrika
Jessie: whats the pokemon in your box? Oh that reminds me I also
have two pokemon in my box that I need to show you
Stuffy: *looks at all the pokemon*
Cream: *sits besides jessie*
Kitsue: *slowly walks back to jessie*
Sparky: *looks at all the pokemon and smiles*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Sterlezia walked forward, tilting her head at Inferno. She wanted
to talk but was a little intimidated by the large Pokemon. Lauriam
sensed that his sister was scared and took the Belossom into his
arms, moving back to hide behind their trainer's legs and away from
the other Pokemon.
Marluxia stoped for a second thinking before snapping his fingers.
"Oh right! We meet before didn't we? You're... Um... Corey! From
the Unova region, right?" He exclaimed feeling embarrassed that he
forgot someone so quickly.
"Hey, mind if I switch you guys with other Pokemon?"
Her Pokemon nodded.
She went in her Pokemon Box and she switched Celeste with an
Articuno, Inferno with Zapdos, Sylvia with Moltres, and Alpha with
Mewtwo. "Come on out!" She let out Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and
Corey gave a chuckle. "It was probably just the cold that was
getting to ya, it's alright. I'm actually from Kalos, but I did
stay in Unova for quite some time. As for the heat, we've got this
big lad now." He responded, patting Inferno on the back
Jessie: *goes in pokecenter and takes out charmy and sakura out of
pc* get ready you two to meet some pokemon oh um hey flappy can you
get kitsue and whitey for me?
Flappy: scorbunny! (I always liked playing with charmy! He's so
much fun!) *nods* scorbunny! (Sure) *goes and gets kitsue and
Cream: eevui? (Where did Jessie go?)
Sparky: Pikachu! (My two best pals!)
Stuffy: stuffel? (Why don't I have friends?)
Whitey: *stays quiet* wooloo? (What flappy?)
Flappy: scorbunny! (Jessie wants you and kitsue to switch out!)
Kitsue: vulpix (ok)
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Blushing at the mistake, Marluxia coughed before smiling at
Inferno. But when he felt a small tremble by his legs he looked
down. To see Lauriam and Sterlezia shying away from the large
Pokemon. Letting Elrena down, he instead scooped the siblings up in
his arms. "I don't generally bring fire Pokemon with me." He
admitted, holding each Pokemon with one arm. "They tend to freak
out these little guys. I'd rather not have that."
Jessie: *returns kitsue and whitey into their pokeballs and heads
back outside* here are the two that I have come on out charmy and
Sakura: espeon! *looks at Sparky* (hey sparky!)
Charmy: charizard! (Hey guys!)
Flappy: *plays with charmy* scorbunny! (Hi charmy!)
Cream: eevui! (Sakura!) *runs to sakura and hugs her*
Stuffy: *keeps looking at all the pokemon*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
"I can understand that, a lotta smaller pokemon fear larger ones
for just natural reasons. Cant say I've ever been to high on fire
types myself..." he responded before getting an idea. "Infact..."
he said pulling out another berry and slowly approaching marluxia.
"Maybe thisll settle em down..."