I'm surprised none of AfterHours or my characters have bothered to
look outside lol))
Humming, Marluxia examined the apricots that he had gathered from
the store. "Ylw, Pnk and Red, for Skuld, Pnk and Blu for Ienzo, Red
for Elrena, and Blu for Sterlezia. Great... Do they have berries
here? I want to try Pokeblocks..." He picked up a staff Berry and
examined it.
Corey sent out Sawsbuck and salvaged through his bag, tossing the
bag on sawsbuck back and strapping it down. He put some reins on
Sawsbuck and hopped on, grinning. "You ready to go speed around
some nearby forests?"
"Well, welcome to Galar, everyone! Let's go and have a look at this
place!" She hopped onto Inferno. And Sylvia hopped on as well.
Aurora got Celeste's and Alpha's Pokeballs and she put Celeste and
Alpha back in their balls. "Let's go now, Inferno!" At the name,
'Inferno', Inferno leapt and he started flying above the ground.
Now a little bit more broke than before, Marluxia hummed happily
and stepped outside. A piercing whistle cut through the air as
Marluxia called for Skuld, his Corviknight arriving with only a few
seconds in between. "Food." He explained happily when she tried to
peck at the bag in his hand. "Common. I don't think we'll learn
anything about that old shrine here."
Corey took off through the streets, getting a couple looks as he
sped out of town right past Aurora. "Sawsbuck slow down you
stubborn fool!" He yelled as Sawsbuck came to an abrupt stop,
throwing Corey off. Corey had gotten Zebstrika and Gogiat used to
riding but Sawsbuck was just now learning.
Jessie: come on out sparky! *takes Sparky out of pokeball*
Sparky: pika! *looks at flappy getting attacked* (oh no you don't!)
*uses thunder at the lyconroc*
Cream: eevui! (Come on flappy!
Flappy: scorbunny! (Ok!)
Jessie: come on guys!
Sparky: *gets on jessie's shoulder*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Jessie: *sees a pokecenter and a pokemart*
Sparky: pikachu! (That'll teach that lyconroc!)
Cream: *looks at flappy* eevui! (You ok?)
Flappy: scorbunny... (Yeah...)
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Corey brushed himself off and got up. "Oh hey...I'm Corey, I guess
this is a weird introduction." He said, Sawsbuck only grunting.
"This guy right here doesn't seem to be very cooperative" Corey
said angrily as he looked at Sawsbuck