"I'm just about the same. I came here to travel and meet people,
I've spent most of my time in Kalos racing." He said with a
chuckle. "As for Zebstrika here, I usually keep him out with me in
new places, just as a protection method."
"Ok well cynder doesn't trust new trainers and pokemon around him
so if your pokemon walks towards him then he'll just use
flamethrower on them". Cynder just pretended like he didn't hear
Cynder turned and saw fletch approaching him and immediately use
flamethrower on him. "typhlosion! (Don't approach me!)". Hannah
walked over to cynder and petted him again. Cynder purred and his
fire spikes on his back began to appear. She turned back to corey,
" He likes it when I pet him it's the only way to calm him down I'm
still trying to reach him how to get along with other pokemon and
trainers ".
Cynder looked at the deicidueye, "typhlosion! (Quiet!) ", he then
looked back at fletch and used quick attack, " Typhlosion! (Don't
approach me again understand?)". Hannah looked at cynder and
scratched the back of her head a bit and chuckles., "he's got a lot
to learn... ".
"He'll get there eventually, I cant say my pokemon are the most
friendly in the world to others." He said, rubbing Zebstrikas head.
"I always calm my pokemon down with food, seems to always slow em
down a bit."
"I hope so", ever since he evolved from a quilava to a typhlosion,
cynder always had her back even though he never got along with
pokemon. " Speaking of pokemon wanna see the rest of my team?".
Cynder looked at corey angerliy.
He gave a weak smile, still a bit point-guard thanks to Cynder. "I
dont see why not, in fact I encourage it. I wouldnt call myself a
researcher, but theres something about seeing a pokemln in person
for the first time that I find fascinating."
"Ok everyone out!" All her pokemon were out of the pokeball, there
was rai rai the raichu,snowy the alolan ninetales, icy the glaceon,
tyler the tyranitar, and dashie the rapidash. "Alright everyone
meet corey and those two pokemon over here". She commanded everyone
to meet them, Dashie walked up to corey and sniffed him. "Rapidash!
(Hello!)", next tyler refused to do the same and just went besides
hannah, "tyranitar! (I'm not meeting them!), then snowy walked up
to sparky and flappy and made a happy noise, "ninetales! (Hello
sparky and flappy!), then rai rai ran up to corey and went on his
shoulder and sniffed him, "raichu! (Sup!)" And then cynder felt
someone pawed him and turned to see flappy, he lowered himself down
to get a better angle on him, "typhlosion (what do you want?)".
While all her pokemon were talking she walked over to icy, "hey icy
wanna meet the others?", icy nodded, "glaceon! (Yeah!)" She ran up
to corey and pawed him "glaceon! Glace! Glace! (Hello!)". Then rai
rai got off of Corey's shoulder and went back to his trainer.
Cynder kept looking at the scorbunny with anger, "typhlosion!
(Because I am have a problem?)", he was ready to use wuiccl attack
on the scorbunny. Hannah walked up to cynder and gave him an oran
berry, "here this will calm you down". Cynder took the berry
happily. "Typhlosion! (Thanks hannah!)". Hannah smiled. Tyler went
up to cynder and Hannah and hugged them both. "T-typhlosion! (H-hey
Tyler! Stop!)". Hannah couldn't breathe from tylers big hug. "Um
tyler buddy I can't breathe". Tyler then let them go and said in
honesty, "tyranitar! ! Ty! (Sorry!)". Cynder then laughed,
"typhlosion! (It's fine!)". Rai rai went on Hannah's shoulder
Hanging off Skuld's talons, Marluxia lit up when he saw a shrine
and simply let go of Skuld, dropping down to land right next to
Cynder, scaring both Pokemon and trainer
Corey smiled and pet the glace on happily. "This one seems rather
calm in comparison to Cynder" he said with a chuckle before
stumbling back thanks to Marluxias sudden appearance
Icy purred and nuzzles corey's leg, "glaceon! (That feels nice!)".
Neither Hannah or cynder were scared of skuld but instead cynder
used flamethrower at skuld. "Typloshion! (Don't scare me!)".
Hannah looked at icy with a smile, "yeah she's always the calmest
one on my team unlike cynder...", she looked at cynder with a
negative appearance. Cynder looked at Hannah and just ignored what
they were talking about. Rai rai wagged his tail, "Raichu! (Anyone
wanna be my friend?)". Then snowy giggled, "ninetales! Nine! Nine!
(Rai rai we're already your friends)". He looked at snowy,
"raichu... (I know... but I want to be friends with other
Jessie: *walks back to flappy and sparky*
Flappy: *looks up at Jessie* scorbunny! (Was she mean to you?)
Sparky: *climbs on jessie' s shoulder* pikachu! (She probably was!)
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`