Forum Thread
PMD: Ragnarok (Finished)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → PMD: Ragnarok (Finished)Just then there was a knock on the door and a girl ran in.
"Yung! I challenge you to a practice battle!"
He was taken aback. "S-sorry?"
"Be down at the courtyard in two minutes! Just because you passed your test before I did doesn't make you better!" And with that she ran out.
Yung stood there in shock for a moment before turning back towards Dia. "Well then...that was unexpected."
She gave him a stormy look. "Of course not, I have to be better then you!" She paused. "Who's the other guy in your room?"
Yung kept his composure. "Oh that's a friend of mine, he's just visiting."
"He wears some odd clothes...anyways. This isn't over!" She ran off and Yung went back to Dia. "That's that I guess..!"