"I just want to live a normal life though, I hate fighting." He
smiled. "And I couldn't be more thankful that I was brought
here...and met you. It might be the best thing that's happened!" He
pressed his face against the diamond pattern
“I am not!” He shook it off “Back to your other legendary friend, I
actually found his tickle spot as well. I just never remembered to
tell you. Want me to tell you where it is?”
"B-below that symbol.....ah! I see! I'll be sure to--"
But before he could say anything else, a flash of light enveloped
both Dia and himself. Spiriting them to Yung's own workd
They were in Yung's dormitory, as he was a student. He got up
stiffly from the floor. "I have to say, Dia...even as a human you
look as impressive as ever."
He stumbled a bit “Two legs... that’s going to take some getting
used to...”His brain was in overdrive “Oh...Thanks...” Even as a
human he still blushed purple.
"Hey, son't worry...I have no idea what just happened, truthfully.
I did not wish to come back here so soon..." he sighed. The
medieval setting of the place was extremely apparent. "Well...since
you're here...do you want to have a look around the school?"
"Just a note. If anyone asks you where you're from...just say
you're from Daphnel. And hat you're a good friend of mine. I'll
cover for you being a student." He stood. "If you need to lean on
me, that's fine."
"Right! Then let's go....this may surprise you but this world is
not as developed as the Pokemon world." He would turn to open the
double doors. And he was greeted with a view of a courtyard.
Looking outside, you could see that they were in a castle