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Gek's Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → Gek's JournalTitle: My Opinion of Every Pokemon (as of 6/10/20)
note to self, use this
After an annoying amount of time looking at every pokemon in the main series, I finally have it. With over 75% of the vote from a poll I did like 3 months ago, here is my opinion on every pokemon ever created as of June 10th, 2020. Now to make it so this isnt the longest thing ever created, each region will be in it's own little spoiler box, and each pokemon will have a brief thing saying my feelings about the pokemon and all major forms of pokemon will have their own little abbreviation (i.e. "M" means mega, "A" means alolan, "G" means Galarian, and "GMax" means gigantimax). So without further ado, my opinions on every pokemon as of June 10th are:

- Awesome
Ivysaur - Awesome
Venusaur - Awesome
M- Venasaur - Awesome
GMax Venasaur - Awesome
Charmander - Awesome
Charmeleon - Awesome
Charizard - Awesome
M-Charizard X - Awesome
M-Charizard Y - Awesome, but I prefer the other one
GMax Charizard - Awesome, but I'm annoyed it exists.
Squirtle - Awesome
Wartortle - Awesome
Blastoise - Awesome
Mega Blastoise - Awesome
GMax Blastoise - Hilariously Awesome
Caterpie - Boring
Metapod - Boring
Butterfree - Ok, I guess
Gmax Butterfree - It reminds me of Mothra.... I like it
Weedle - Slightly more interesting than Caterpie, but still boring
Kakuna - Memes
Beedrill - Ok
M-Beedrill - Awesome
Pidgey - Cute
Pidgeotto - Solid Middle stage
Pidgeot - Cool
M-Pidgeot - Awesome
Rattata - Meh
Alolan Rattata - Cooler
Raticate - Meh
Alolan Raticate - Wtf?! Why is it so fat?
Spearow - Cool, but sorta boring
Fearow - Cool
Ekans - Doog Ton (not good)
Arbok - Looc (Cool)
Pikachu - I mean, it's the most well known pokemon ever so..... ok?
GMax Pikachu - Fat Pikachu, but why does it exist
Raichu - Overshadowed
A-Raichu - Very cute
Sandshrew - Cute
A-Sandshrew - Cute, but its face is alittle weird
Sandslash - Cool
A-Sandslash - Its hot as hell.
Nidoran♀ - Cute
Nidorina - Better
Nidoqueen - Amazing
Nidoran♂ - I like it better than the female one
Nidorino - Better
Nidoking - Amazing
Clefairy - I mean.... sort of cute??
Clefable - Sort of cute, but after battling against many, I freaking despise it
Vulpix - Cute
A-Vulpix - Even Cuter
Ninetales - Cool
A-Ninetales - Beautiful
Jigglypuff - Funny in the anime, but it was the favorite pokemon of the person who broke my brothers heart so, I hate it
Wigglytuff - Not great
Zubat - Annoying, but somehow cute
Golbat - Wtf?
Oddish - Blazing
Gloom - Ugly
Vileplume - Meh
Paras - Cute
Parasect - Boeing
Venonat - Boring
Venomoth - Boring
Diglett - Boring
A-Diglett - Stupid
Dugtrio - Stupider
A-Dugtrio - Wtf?! The literally just slapped hair on it and called it new?!
Meowth - Meh
GMax Meowth - Why does this exist?
A-Meowth - Sleak
G-Meowth - Why does this exist?! It already had an Alolan form and a GMax form
Persian - Ok I guess
A-Persian - F*^$^#; terrible
Psyduck - Psy Yi Yi...... its ok
Golduck - Slightly cool
Mankey - Cute
Primeape - So Mankey got bigger and lost the tail.... that's dumb.... but its ok
Growlithe - Annoying in the anime
Arcanine - Dope af
Poliwag - Cute?
Poliwhirl - Ok?
Poliwrath - Boring
Abra - Cute
Kadabra - Cool
Alakazam - Very Cool
M-Alakazam - Kinda stupid
Machop - Ok
Machoke - Ok
Machamp - Cool
GMax Machamp - Very cool
Bellsprout - Boring
Weepinbell - Boring
Victreebel - Better
Tentacool - Annoying
Tentacruel - Annoying
Geodude - Ok
A-Geodude - Better than the regular form
Graveler - Ok
A-Graveler - Better
Golem - Don't understand how it went from man rock to monster rock, but its cool
A-Golem - Kinda stupid
Ponyta - Ok
G-Ponyta - So freaking cute! Cant wait to see its evolution
Rapidash - Cool
G-Rapidash - Waste of potential
Slowpoke - Meh
G-Slowpoke - Weirdly better than its original version
Slowbro - No
G-Slowbro - Very cool, weirdly enough
M-Slowbro -...............
Magnemite - Meh
Magneton - Meh
Farfetch'd - Meh
G-Farfetch'd - Amazing
Doduo - Cute
Dodrio - Cool
Seel - Dumb
Dewgong - Dumb
Grimer - Fun
A-Grimer - Even Funner
Muk - Cool
A-Muk - Even Cooler
Shellder - Ok
Cloyster - Its ok.... but it looks suspiciously like a va-
Gastly - Ok
Haunter - Better
Gengar - Amazing
M-Gengar - Knockout
GMax Gengar - Homerun
Onix - Ok
Drowzee - Creepy
Hypno - Ok, but fanart of it is nightmare inducing
Krabby - Cute
Kingler - Boring, but cool
GMax Kingler - Funny
Voltorb - Meh
Electrode - Worse than Voltorb
Exeggcute - Dumb af
Exeggutor - Not great
A-Exeggutor - The memes about it are amazing, but its ok
Cubone - Cute, and depressing
Marowak - Cool
A-Marowak - Freaking Fantastic
Hitmonlee - Cool
Hitmonchan - Not a fan
Lickitung - Gross
Koffing - Ok
Weezing - Tumor
G-Weezing - Funny
Rhyhorn - Ok
Rhydon - Very Cool
Chansey - Boring
Tangela - Boring
Kangaskhan - Boring
M-Kangaskhan - Boring, but after battling against them, I hate them
Horsea - Cute
Seadra - Cool
Goldeen - Boring
Seaking - Boring
Staryu - Boring
Starmie - Ok
Mr. Mime - Bad
G-Mr. Mime - Better, but not great
Scyther - Cool
Jynx - .......................die
Electabuzz - Cool
Magmar - Meh
Pinsir - Cool
M-Pinsir - Terrifyingly Amazing
Tauros - Amazing
Magikarp - GOD!!
Gyarados - Cool
M-Gyarados - Its fine.... but it needed to be dragon typed
Lapras - Amazing
GMax Lapras - I like it, but personally prefer regular Lapras
Ditto - Copycat gonna cop my glamour
Eevee - Cute
GMax Eevee - I like its dex entries, but why does it exist?
Vaporeon - Ok
Jolteon - Cool
Flareon - Worst of the three, but still good
Porygon - Seizure
Omanyte - LORD HELIX!! its ok
Omastar - Not great
Kabuto - Cool
Kabutops - Cooler
Aerodactyl - Awesome
M-Aerodactyl - Awesome
Snorlax - Amazing
GMax Snorlax - Hilarious
Articuno - Cool
G-Articuno - I liked it at first, but it's not my favorite
Zapdos - Not great
G-Zapdos - Very cool
Moltres - its ok
Dratini - Cute
Dragonair - Larger Dratini
Dragonite - Kinda derpy
Mewtwo - Dope
M-Mewtwo X - Not Great
M-Mewtwo Y - Somehow worse
Mew - Amazing
Ivysaur - Awesome
Venusaur - Awesome
M- Venasaur - Awesome
GMax Venasaur - Awesome
Charmander - Awesome
Charmeleon - Awesome
Charizard - Awesome
M-Charizard X - Awesome
M-Charizard Y - Awesome, but I prefer the other one
GMax Charizard - Awesome, but I'm annoyed it exists.
Squirtle - Awesome
Wartortle - Awesome
Blastoise - Awesome
Mega Blastoise - Awesome
GMax Blastoise - Hilariously Awesome
Caterpie - Boring
Metapod - Boring
Butterfree - Ok, I guess
Gmax Butterfree - It reminds me of Mothra.... I like it
Weedle - Slightly more interesting than Caterpie, but still boring
Kakuna - Memes
Beedrill - Ok
M-Beedrill - Awesome
Pidgey - Cute
Pidgeotto - Solid Middle stage
Pidgeot - Cool
M-Pidgeot - Awesome
Rattata - Meh
Alolan Rattata - Cooler
Raticate - Meh
Alolan Raticate - Wtf?! Why is it so fat?
Spearow - Cool, but sorta boring
Fearow - Cool
Ekans - Doog Ton (not good)
Arbok - Looc (Cool)
Pikachu - I mean, it's the most well known pokemon ever so..... ok?
GMax Pikachu - Fat Pikachu, but why does it exist
Raichu - Overshadowed
A-Raichu - Very cute
Sandshrew - Cute
A-Sandshrew - Cute, but its face is alittle weird
Sandslash - Cool
A-Sandslash - Its hot as hell.
Nidoran♀ - Cute
Nidorina - Better
Nidoqueen - Amazing
Nidoran♂ - I like it better than the female one
Nidorino - Better
Nidoking - Amazing
Clefairy - I mean.... sort of cute??
Clefable - Sort of cute, but after battling against many, I freaking despise it
Vulpix - Cute
A-Vulpix - Even Cuter
Ninetales - Cool
A-Ninetales - Beautiful
Jigglypuff - Funny in the anime, but it was the favorite pokemon of the person who broke my brothers heart so, I hate it
Wigglytuff - Not great
Zubat - Annoying, but somehow cute
Golbat - Wtf?
Oddish - Blazing
Gloom - Ugly
Vileplume - Meh
Paras - Cute
Parasect - Boeing
Venonat - Boring
Venomoth - Boring
Diglett - Boring
A-Diglett - Stupid
Dugtrio - Stupider
A-Dugtrio - Wtf?! The literally just slapped hair on it and called it new?!
Meowth - Meh
GMax Meowth - Why does this exist?
A-Meowth - Sleak
G-Meowth - Why does this exist?! It already had an Alolan form and a GMax form
Persian - Ok I guess
A-Persian - F*^$^#; terrible
Psyduck - Psy Yi Yi...... its ok
Golduck - Slightly cool
Mankey - Cute
Primeape - So Mankey got bigger and lost the tail.... that's dumb.... but its ok
Growlithe - Annoying in the anime
Arcanine - Dope af
Poliwag - Cute?
Poliwhirl - Ok?
Poliwrath - Boring
Abra - Cute
Kadabra - Cool
Alakazam - Very Cool
M-Alakazam - Kinda stupid
Machop - Ok
Machoke - Ok
Machamp - Cool
GMax Machamp - Very cool
Bellsprout - Boring
Weepinbell - Boring
Victreebel - Better
Tentacool - Annoying
Tentacruel - Annoying
Geodude - Ok
A-Geodude - Better than the regular form
Graveler - Ok
A-Graveler - Better
Golem - Don't understand how it went from man rock to monster rock, but its cool
A-Golem - Kinda stupid
Ponyta - Ok
G-Ponyta - So freaking cute! Cant wait to see its evolution
Rapidash - Cool
G-Rapidash - Waste of potential
Slowpoke - Meh
G-Slowpoke - Weirdly better than its original version
Slowbro - No
G-Slowbro - Very cool, weirdly enough
M-Slowbro -...............
Magnemite - Meh
Magneton - Meh
Farfetch'd - Meh
G-Farfetch'd - Amazing
Doduo - Cute
Dodrio - Cool
Seel - Dumb
Dewgong - Dumb
Grimer - Fun
A-Grimer - Even Funner
Muk - Cool
A-Muk - Even Cooler
Shellder - Ok
Cloyster - Its ok.... but it looks suspiciously like a va-
Gastly - Ok
Haunter - Better
Gengar - Amazing
M-Gengar - Knockout
GMax Gengar - Homerun
Onix - Ok
Drowzee - Creepy
Hypno - Ok, but fanart of it is nightmare inducing
Krabby - Cute
Kingler - Boring, but cool
GMax Kingler - Funny
Voltorb - Meh
Electrode - Worse than Voltorb
Exeggcute - Dumb af
Exeggutor - Not great
A-Exeggutor - The memes about it are amazing, but its ok
Cubone - Cute, and depressing
Marowak - Cool
A-Marowak - Freaking Fantastic
Hitmonlee - Cool
Hitmonchan - Not a fan
Lickitung - Gross
Koffing - Ok
Weezing - Tumor
G-Weezing - Funny
Rhyhorn - Ok
Rhydon - Very Cool
Chansey - Boring
Tangela - Boring
Kangaskhan - Boring
M-Kangaskhan - Boring, but after battling against them, I hate them
Horsea - Cute
Seadra - Cool
Goldeen - Boring
Seaking - Boring
Staryu - Boring
Starmie - Ok
Mr. Mime - Bad
G-Mr. Mime - Better, but not great
Scyther - Cool
Jynx - .......................die
Electabuzz - Cool
Magmar - Meh
Pinsir - Cool
M-Pinsir - Terrifyingly Amazing
Tauros - Amazing
Magikarp - GOD!!
Gyarados - Cool
M-Gyarados - Its fine.... but it needed to be dragon typed
Lapras - Amazing
GMax Lapras - I like it, but personally prefer regular Lapras
Ditto - Copycat gonna cop my glamour
Eevee - Cute
GMax Eevee - I like its dex entries, but why does it exist?
Vaporeon - Ok
Jolteon - Cool
Flareon - Worst of the three, but still good
Porygon - Seizure
Omanyte - LORD HELIX!! its ok
Omastar - Not great
Kabuto - Cool
Kabutops - Cooler
Aerodactyl - Awesome
M-Aerodactyl - Awesome
Snorlax - Amazing
GMax Snorlax - Hilarious
Articuno - Cool
G-Articuno - I liked it at first, but it's not my favorite
Zapdos - Not great
G-Zapdos - Very cool
Moltres - its ok
Dratini - Cute
Dragonair - Larger Dratini
Dragonite - Kinda derpy
Mewtwo - Dope
M-Mewtwo X - Not Great
M-Mewtwo Y - Somehow worse
Mew - Amazing
And my overall opinion of Gen One: Good

Chikorita - Not great
Bayleef - Better
Meganium - Very disappointing
Cyndaquil - Awesome
Quilava - Awesome
Typhlosion -Awesome
Totodile - Cute
Croconaw - Kinda weird
Feraligatr - Awesome
Sentret - Cute
Furret - Cute
Hoothoot - Fine
Noctowl - Lets face it, if it werent for Ash's shiny one, no one would care about it........ its ok
Ledyba - Cute
Ledian - Weirdly cool
Spinarak - Cute
Ariados - Also weirdly cool
Crobat - Amazing
Chinchou - Cute
Lanturn - Cool
Pichu - Cute
Cleffa - Cute
Igglybuff - Same boat as Jigglypuff
Togepi - Cute
Togetic - Ok
Natu - Cute
Xatu - Meh
Mareep - Cute
Flaaffy - Cuter
Ampharos - The staple of all Johto teams
M-Ampharos - It got lighter colors and it threw on a wig..... that f@#$ing dumb
Bellossom - Why does this exist?
Marill - Meh
Azumarill - Indifferent
Sudowoodo - Meh
Politoed - Cute
Hoppip - Cute
Skiploom - Kinda weird, dont know why though
Jumpluff - Meh
Aipom - Ok
Sunkern - Cute
Sunflora - Bad
Yanma - Meh
Wooper - Meh
Quagsire - You know how in highschool there are the popular kids then there are the emo kids.... Quagsire is the weird and nerdy one. Thats why I named one from my HGSS Randomizer Egglocke Napoleon
Espeon - It's ok
Umbreon - Very cool
Murkrow - Meh
Slowking - Meh
G-Slowking - We havent seen what it looks like yet
Misdreavus - Cute
Unown - ?!
Wobbuffet - Like with Noctowl, if it werent owned by Jesse and James, this thing would just be an annoying nuzlocke ender
Girafarig - Meh
Pineco - Meh
Forretress - Meh
Dunsparce - Meh
Gligar - Meh
Steelix - Awesome
M-Steelix - Very good
Snubbull - Bad
Granbull - Better
Qwilfish - Bad
Scizor - Awesome
M-Scizor - Not the biggest fan, but it looks cool
Shuckle - Not a fan
Heracross - It's cool, but I hate Ash's Heracross
Sneasel - Meh
Teddiursa - Cute
Ursaring - Cool
Slugma - Meh
Magcargo - Meh
Swinub - Not great
Piloswine - Bad
Corsola - Cute
G-Corsola - Way better than regular Corsola
Remoraid - Meh
Octillery - Dont understand the evolutionary line..... it's ok
Delibird - Bad
Mantine - It's ok
Skarmory - Cool
Houndour - Ok
Houndoom - Cool, but alittle bland
M-Houndoom - Very cool, much better than regular Houndoom
Kingdra - Cool
Phanpy - Cute
Donphan - I'm mixed, on one hand I think its cool, but on the other I really hate it
Porygon2 - Better than Porygon
Stantler - Boring
Smeargle - Bad
Tyrogue - Not a fan
Hitmontop - My favorite of it's entire evo line
Smoochum - Bad
Elekid - Bad
Magby - Cute
Miltank - Horrible
Blissey - Ok
Raikou - Very Cool
Entei - Very Cool, but I prefer Raikou
Suicune - Same boat as Entei, but I like it less than the other two
Larvitar - Cute
Pupitar - Ok
Tyranitar - Amazing
M-Tyranitar - Very Amazing
Lugia - Cool
Ho-Oh - I prefer Lugia, but still cool
Celebi - Not my favorite
Title: My Pokemon Teams
Well, I think it's time I did this, since as of 4 weeks ago I have finished every main series pokemon game, so might as well tell yall me teams from each game in order of oldest to most recent:
Pokemon Yellow:

So, when pokemon yellow came out on
the virtual console, I decided I wanted yellow cus.... I wanted to.
And the team I used was:
Chester, the Pikachu, but I actually boxed it after Misty's gym cus I knew it couldnt become Raichu
Oswald, the Charizard cus Charizard can learn Fly
Squirt, the Blastoise cus I've always liked it and I had never used one up to that point
Hawking, the Alakazam cus I knew it was OP as all hell in gen one
Charger, the Tauros same story with Alakazam
Reptar, the Nidoking cus Nidoking has an incredibly large move pool that I knew would come in handy later on
Chester, the Pikachu, but I actually boxed it after Misty's gym cus I knew it couldnt become Raichu
Oswald, the Charizard cus Charizard can learn Fly
Squirt, the Blastoise cus I've always liked it and I had never used one up to that point
Hawking, the Alakazam cus I knew it was OP as all hell in gen one
Charger, the Tauros same story with Alakazam
Reptar, the Nidoking cus Nidoking has an incredibly large move pool that I knew would come in handy later on
Pokemon Silver

So Pokemon Silver I got when it came
out on the virtual console however, I never actually played it
until around the time my brother died cus while it might have not
seemed like it to yall, I was very depressed around that time and
playing it was really the only thing that I felt like doing. And
the team I used for that was:
Badger, the Typlosion cus Typlosion was my favorite pokemon for the longest time and I knew it was only really good in gen 2
Kenya, the Fearow cus i knew it would be helpful and it got gain experience due to it being a trade pokemon
Einstein, the Alakazam cus I knew Alakazam was still super OP in gen 2
Badger, the Typlosion cus Typlosion was my favorite pokemon for the longest time and I knew it was only really good in gen 2
Kenya, the Fearow cus i knew it would be helpful and it got gain experience due to it being a trade pokemon
Einstein, the Alakazam cus I knew Alakazam was still super OP in gen 2
Pokemon Dword

Congo, the Rillaboom
Hellion, the shiny Grimmsnarl (I randomly encountered one and had it on my team)
Ravenclaw, the Corviknight
Drednaught, the Drednaw
Lamplight, the Orbeetle
and finally
Soldier, the Sirfetch'd
Hellion, the shiny Grimmsnarl (I randomly encountered one and had it on my team)
Ravenclaw, the Corviknight
Drednaught, the Drednaw
Lamplight, the Orbeetle
and finally
Soldier, the Sirfetch'd
Title: PH Oscar's Summary (2020)
About one year ago, an unnamed user came up with the idea to have a Oscar like ceremony to celebrate roleplays. They had almost everything ready, they had nominees, an award commissioned, and a set date. But what it didn't have was organization. They had to move the timing back about three times and even then, the idea just kinda fizzled out until everyone forgot about it. However, back in mid-May, LordSamton of the Mega Club reintroduced the idea for a Oscar's like ceremony to honor fanfictions. I then suggested to honor roleplays as well and backed by the charisma of the Mega Club, the PH Oscar's were born and less than a few weeks later, Samton decided he wanted to get the PH Times involved as well to assist in the big decisions of the voting process. And within a few more weeks, the nominees, host, and date were planned.
Now, this summary in no part is a substitute to just looking at the whole event. Hell, I implore that you go do it and I would link it but I know that I'll get charged for it. I mean seriously, it's not like I'm gonna just put a link to the entire 2 page event right here for everyone to click an get a little money docked from my pay. What am I, crazy? But anyways, the event started in the forums about 3 hours after reset and fanfictions went first. The first category announced was Most Dark Scene and both nominated scenes were created by the same person (Fall_Night) so…. Moving on.
The next category was Most Dramatic Scene and the nominees were The Kingdoms by FurryStar, Prophecy of Claw by LucarioLover99, and Souls Adrift by LucarioLover99 and the winner of that category was Souls Adrift by LucarioLover99.
The next category was Most Creative and the nominees for that were PMD Team Eclipse Comics by FurryStar, Story of Carnage by AdminCrimsonLucas, and Tea Merchant by koindorri and the winner of that category was Story of Carnage by AdminCrimsonLucas.
The next and final category until the Best Fanfiction award was Best Short Story and the nominees were Tea Merchant by koindorii, Pokemon for Health, and Mini Stories you can read any time and the winner of that category was Tea Merchant by koindorii.
Summary of the Event (RP)
The first category in this part of the event was for Best Up and Coming Roleplayer. Now really quick I wanna say, we defined the term "Up and Comer" as "any user who was under the site age of 6 months when they signed up for their nominated role". The nominees were Lunar70, Randodemon, and Kittykat185 for their roles in My Hero Academia RP, The Program, and The Ultimate Vengeance, respectively and the winner was Lunar70 for her role in My Hero Academia RP.
The next category was Best Supporting Roleplayer and the nominees were RoyalGecko in After Presentable Liberty, A_BrokenAngel in The Ultimate Vengeance, theinsaneone in My Hero Academia RP, Lunar70 in My Hero Academia RP, and Kamini in After Presentable Liberty and the winner was RoyalGecko in After Presentable Liberty.
The next category was for Best Adapted Story and the nominees were My Hero Academia based on the anime series of the same name by Kamini, After Presentable Liberty (or APL based on the video game by Robert Brock or Wertpol) by TGGAkane, The Ultimate Vengeance (based on the anime and video game series developed by Nintendo and Gamefreak) by FurryStar (at the time we didn't realize they changed their name to BlackReshiram) and the winner was My Hero Academia by Kamini.
Almost immediately after the previous award was presented, the award for Best Original Story was presented. The nominees were Haven of Beasts by RaRaRasputin, Abnormal Apocolypse by PensiveMadScientist (like with BlackReshiram, we didn't realize they changed their name, XD)The Program by RaRaRasputin, Protect the Star by Uzumaki, and Katsunaki Clan by Uzumaki and the winner was Abnormal Apocolypse by PensiveMadScientist.
The next award presented was award for Best Pokemon Roleplay and the nominees were The Ultimate Vengeance by FurryStar, Pokemon/Hogwarts Crossover by LJVDemonWolf, and Hidden High School by FurryStar and the winner was The Ultimate Vengeance by FurryStar
The next award presented was the award for Best Villain and the nominees were Uzumaki in Katsunaki Clan, RoyalGecko in Haven of Beasts, and A_BrokenAngel in The Ultimate Vengeance and the winner was RoyalGecko in Haven of Beasts.
The final award presented before the Best Fanfiction and Best Roleplay awards was Best Roleplayer and the nominees were TGGAkane in After Presentable Liberty, YungRover in The Ultimate Vengeance, RoyalGecko in Haven of Beasts, and Kamini in My Hero Academia RP and the winner was TGGAkane in After Presentable Liberty.
Best Fanfiction and Best Roleplay
By far the biggest surprise of the event was when the host, Stormy, announced that Riako would present the last 2 awards of the night. The first award he presented was the award for Best Fanfiction and the nominees were The Kingdoms by FurryStar, The Prophecy Of Claw by LucarioLover99, Souls Adrift by LucarioLover99 and the winner was The Kingdoms by FurryStar!!! After presenting that award, he presented the award for Best Roleplay and the nominees were After Presentable Liberty (or APL) by TGGAkane and Cast, Haven of Beasts by RaRaRasputin, RoyalGecko, and Cast, Protect the Star by Uzumaki and Cast, The Ultimate Vengeance by FurryStar and Cast, The Program by RaRaRasputin and Cast and the award went to After Presentable Liberty by TGGAkane and Cast.
Nominations/Wins (FF)
Nominations/Wins (RP)
The Ultimate Vengeance: 7 Nominations (1 Win (Best Pokemon Roleplay))
APL: 5 nominations (3 Wins (Best RP, Best RPer, Best Supporting Roleplayer))
My Hero Academia RP: 5 nominations (2 Wins (Best Adapted Story and Best Up and Comer))
Haven of Beasts: 4 nominations (1 Win (Best Villain))
The Program: 3 nominations (0 Wins)
Katsunaki Clan: 2 nominations (0 Wins)
Protect the Star: 2 nominations (0 Wins)
Abnormal Apocolypse: 1 nomination (1 Win (Best Original Story))
Hidden High School/Pokemon/Hogwarts Crossover: 1 nomination each (0 Wins Each)
Title: My 5 Worst Roleplay Preformances
#5. Tallahassee, Pokemon Rangers
In my second roleplay ever, I was only using one character, Tallahassee. However, instead of her being a villain, I made her into a comedic hero. Sounds good doesn't it? No it wasn't. In addition to her being a one dimensional character, she was my first attempt at making a character with a disability and it didn't work out due to my inexperience at that point. Now, to be fair this character isn't that high on the list due to the roleplay barely lasting a few days but if it lasted longer than it did, I guarantee it wouldn't have gotten better.
#4. Natchez and Ruby, Abnormal Apocolypse
Funnily enough, these two are here for the same reason. Neither got enough development. In a roleplay where I started late in general, these two came along near the end of it. And where Natchez was my hero character, Ruby was just a wannabe Tallahassee. However, Natchez later became my Oscar winning character Maddy so that's a plus.
#3. Trinity, Silenced Voice RP
Like with my last entry, Trinity got very little character development, however for her I believe it was much worse because at least Ruby was a dollar tree Tallahassee and Natchez became Maddy. Trinity became nothing else. My original plan was to slowly reveal her backstory over time and develop her into a strong character. However, it all went to hell. She ended up becoming a stuck up brat for no reason, causing me to leave the RP very quickly afterwards.
#2. President Snow, Supernatural HG RP
This character is here for one reason. He came after I won my Oscars. After I won, I wanted to do a roleplay character who was based off of a character in pop culture, so I joined this RP. However, I lost interest in the character so early on and it shows.
And finally my worst preformance is......
#1. All of my characters in Mutants RP
If you have known me for a while, you knew this was coming. This roleplay is the prime example of what too many characters can do. I stretched myself so far to play 8 characters who were all one dimensional and boring that I almost single handedly caused this RP to go down in flames
So there we have it, My Worst RP Preformances. I may update my list in the future, but I think for now, these will stay as they are
Title: Hunger Games Sim. (8/3/20)
Most Kills (Top 3): BlazeAssassin (4), Agata (3), Crystalmyst (2)
Best Death: Agata
The Bloodbath
Solipse stabs Emma Wang with a tree branch.
BlackR pushes Pinki off a cliff during a knife fight.
Day 1
No deaths occurred.
Night 1
Crystalmyst severely slices DrHeinzDoofenschmirt with a sword.
Tuna accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Day 2
Mochi bashes Kamini's head against a rock several times.
God, Immortes, and Blaze Assasin get into a fight. Blaze Assasin triumphantly kills them both.
Night 2
No deaths occurred.
Day 3
Blaze Assasin severely injures Budo and leaves her to die.
Night 3
absol girl dies from thirst.
Day 4
Blaze Assasin severely slices Mikoroki with a sword.
Night 4
BlackR poisons RedGirlScar's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Day 5
No deaths occurred.
Arena Event
A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena.
IccyWolf is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.
sugxrsnxps is sucked into the hurricane.
clown is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.
Crystalmyst pushes Mochi into an incoming boulder.
TGGAkane tries to save RedTheHalfShinyVulpix from being sucked into the hurricane, only to be sucked in as well.
HubLight is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
No deaths occurred.
Day 6
Agata sets RedGirlScar on fire with a molotov.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
Agata catches Crystalmyst off guard and kills her.
Night 7
Agata kills Menma with her own weapon.
Solipse bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Day 8
Agata accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
The winner is BlazeAssassin from District 10!
1. BlazeAssasin
2. Agata
3. Solipse
4. Menma
5. Crystalmyst
6. RedGirlScar
7. HubLight
8. RedTheHalfShinyVulpix
9. TGGAkane
10. Mochi
11. Clown
12. sugxrsnxps
13. IccyWolf
14. BlackReshiram
15. Mikoroki
16. absol-girl
17. Budo
18. Immortes
19. God~
20. Kamini
21. Tuna
22. DrHeinzDoofenschmirt
23. Pinki
24. EmmaWang
District Placements
1. District 10 (BlazeAssasin & Budo)
2. District 7 (Agata & Tuna)
3. District 3 (Solipse & BlackReshiram)
4. District 12 (Pinki & Menma)
5. District 9 (DrHeinzDoofenshmirt & Crystalmyst)
6. District 8 (sugxrsnxps & RedGirlScar)
7. District 4 (IccyWolf & HubLight)
8. District 1 (Kamini & RedTheHalfShinyVulpix)
9. District 2 (Mochi & TGGAkane)
10. District 6 (God~ & Clown)
11. District 11 (Mikoroki & EmmaWang)
12. District 5 (Immortes & Absol-girl)
Title: Solo HG Sim. (8/9/20)
Most Kills (Top 3): Endgame (8), Wonder (4), Hellion/Cottonberry/Morph (3)
Most Unbelievablely Overkill Overkill!?!: Caesar, Killer Queen, and Rei kill Strato
The Bloodbath
Wonder stabs Gigavolt while his back is turned.
Unagi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Kamikaze repeatedly stabs Shiri to death with sais.
Day 1
Caesar, Killer Queen, and Rei track down and kill Strato.
Endgame, Wonder, and Morph successfully ambush and kill Sunflower, Maddy, and Monsoon.
Night 1
Tatiana throws a knife into Killer Queen's chest.
Day 2
No deaths occurred.
Night 2
No deaths occurred.
Day 3
Kamikaze bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Night 3
Endgame sets an explosive off, killing Diamondhead.
P!nk dies trying to escape the arena.
Caesar taints Submariner's food, killing her.
Day 4
Cottonberry, Hellion, and Endgame successfully ambush and kill Hydra, Morph, and Caesar.
Night 4
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
Indigo throws a knife into Cottonberry's chest.
Lamplight decapitates Hellion with a sword.
Endgame bashes Tapeworm's head in with a mace.
Day 5
No deaths occurred.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6
Rei cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
No deaths occurred.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
Day 8
Indigo kills Tatiana with a sickle.
Lamplight sets an explosive off, killing Wonder.
Night 8
No deaths occurred.
Day 9
Lamplight dies from thirst.
Indigo falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
The winner is Endgame from District 5!
1. Endgame
2. Indigo
3. Lamplight
4. Wonder
5. Tatiana
6. Rei
7. Tapeworm
8. Hellion
9. Cottonberry
10. Caesar
11. Morph
12. Hydra
13. Submariner
14. P!nk
15. Diamondhead
16. Kamikaze
17. Killer Queen
18. Monsoon
19. Maddy
20. Sunflower
21. Strato
22. Shiri
23. Unagi
24. Gigavolt
District Placements:
1. District 5 (Endgame and Indigo)
2. District 10 (Lamplight and Cottonberry)
3. District 3 (Wonder and Diamondhead)
4. District 1 (Tatiana and Tapeworm)
5. District 12 (Sunflower and Rei)
6. District 9 (Hellion and Submariner)
7. District 7 (Caesar and Hydra)
8. District 8 (Morph and Strato)
9. District 11 (Shiri and P!nk)
10. District 4 (Monsoon and Kamikaze)
11. District 6 (Gigavolt and Killer Queen)
12. District 2 (Maddy and Unagi)
Title: My Song Lyric... thingy
August 15th, 2020
Strange... I have a feeling..... woohoo.... that tonight's gonna be a good night..... that tonight's gonna be a good good night
August 23rd, 2020
Guys.... I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Try to make you understand. I'm never gonna give you up. I'm never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you.
September 2nd, 2020
So guys.... I'll be gone.... gone tonight. The ground beneath my feet is open wide.... the way that I been holdin' on too tight.... with nothing in between
September 11th, 2020
So guys... Monday left me broken, Tuesday I was through with hoping. Wednesday my empty arms were open, Thursday... waiting for love... waiting for love... But, thank the stars its Friday, I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday.... guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday... cus I'll be waiting for love... waiting for love, to come around
September 20th, 2020
So... Tell me that you'll wait for me. Hold me like you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go
September 29th, 2020
YAY!!! These are the days we've been waiting for! On days like these who could ask for more! Keep them coming 'cause we're not done yet! These are the days we won't regret! These are the days we won't forget!
October.. 10th?, 2020
Hey guys, I just gotta brag. I know how to run a business, and I can make you wanna buy a product. Movers, shakers and producers, me and my friends understand the future. I see the strings that control the systems and I can do anything with no assistance. 'Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone..... With a microphone... With a microphone. And I can split the atoms of a molecule..... Of a molecule... Of a molecule
Title: Awards and Nominations
Best Roleplay
Nominated For: Haven of Beasts
Best Roleplayer
Nominated For: Talla in Haven of Beasts
Best Supporting Roleplayer
Nominated and Won for: Maddy in After Presentable Liberty (or APL)
Best Villain
Nominated and Won for: Talla in Haven of Beasts
Best Adapted Story
Nominated and Won for: The Awakening (shared with RaRaRasputin)
Best Supporting Villain
Nominates and Win for: Benton in The Awakening
Best Fanfiction
Nominated and Won for: Star Wars
Best Adapted Story
Nominated for: Star Wars
Most Creative
Nominated and Won for: RoyalGecko's Guide to NPC's (shared with CatLady)
Most Dramatic Scene
Nominated and Won for: Star Wars
Most Outstanding Roleplay
Nominated for: The Awakening (with RaRaRasputin)
Most Ingenious Worldbuilding
Nominated for: The Awakening (with RaRaRasputin)
Most Creative Story
Nominated for: The Awakening (with RaRaRasputin)
"Best" (or Worst depending on your POV) Supporting Villain
Nominated for: Talla in The Kingdoms Three
Title: Pokeheroes Vs Pokefarm
For me, this is probably one of the biggest differences between Pokeheroes and Pokefarm. Now on Pokefarm, for those who dont play it or havent played it, basically the only way to communicate with members that is public (note, I am not including PMs as those are mostly private
Due to this, you feel kind of cut off from everyone and like you have to survive on your own, I personally remember that while playing it I could barely do anything because unlike PH, most things that you need to buy that you basically need to progress cost alot and money you get from being on daily is not enough (I believe it was less than 1000 for a 5 day streak). And while the tasks can get you lots of money, you need certain items to do those (i.e. Mega Evolve 5 pokemon to get 5k but megastone cost like 150k per). Now one thing I will say that is good about this system however is that while I was there, there was very little drama due to lack of communication compared to Pokeheroes wide range of communication. However, even then drama (for me) signifies that the site is still alive and not dieing out.
Now, while this isn't a big deal, I do think that I should mention that Pokefarm (in my opinion) has some better custom pokemon sprites and vise versa. Now keep in mind, both sites use pokemon's Generation 5 sprites as their pokemon. However as we all know once Generation 6 came out, Gamefreak stopped using pixelated sprites and started using 3D models. So both sites started creating custom sprites for pokemon that vary wildly. I'll give you an example, Greninja's sprite on Pokefarm doesn't like crap compared to Pokeheroes Greninja, which looks horrible in my opinion. But Pokefarm has some duds as well, specifically Perzerker which looks kind of weird to me.
But one thing that really sets the two sites apart are their event pokemon. While Pokeheroes event pokemon are different variants of pokemon, Pokefarm undoubtedly has many more. They have albino and melan pokemon which are escentually different shiny colorings for pokemon that involve very pale and very dark colors, they have fanmade pokemon, and they have fusions of pokemon all of which just draw you in. Andi should mention, shiny hunting on Pokefarm is much easier than hunting on Pokeheroes, but it's more strenuous. Again, this isn't a massive difference but I think it made Pokefarm very enjoyable
Title: Movie Reviews with me
This is without a doubt, one of my favorite movies. James Cameron is a very talented director who over came all odds to bring us this visual masterpiece. First off, it contains many important messages and great symbolism with its main character, Jake Sully. In the movie, Jake is a former marine who lost the ability to use his legs some time prior to the beginning of the movie. However when he is given the opportunity to be apart of the Avatar program, he gets second chance. This is symbolism because the main point of Avatar is the fact that Earth has depleted its natural rescources, so people begin mining for a superconductor on the planet where the movie is set, Pandora. Jake Sully represents the human race and his legs represented Earth and a main message is that you dont get second chances and you need to preserve what you have. This is just one of the examples of symbolism in the movie but for the sake of my sanity and the 3 people reading this, I'm only gonna use that but you should definitely look at Wikipedia's explanation of its messages. Preformance wise, everyone does such an amazing job, particularly Zoe Saldana and Steven Lang who are both fantastic in their roles.
However, for all of this movies amazing achievement, it has one glaring flaw. It has a small 'white savior' complex. Now, I'm not really going to go into detail on what that is but basically it's kind of like when a less developed people cant lead themselves until an white individual unites them. Personally, I dont think James Cameron was sitting at a desk like an evil mastermind and decide this movie must have a white savior complex, I think it was a coincidence that the movie has a white man as the protagonist. But even then, its something that I personally and I think alot of people an look past. I mean, the movie made over 2.5 billion dollars at the box office for christ sake. And I personally didnt even notice this until like one year ago when I read something about it.
All in all however, I rate this movie 4.5 out of 5 stars due to its sheer excellence and influence over many films of today.
Title: Hunger Games Sim. (12/7/2020)
Most Kills (Top 3): Goat~Mum (3 kills), LukeArch87 (2 Kills), Jim_Lake_Jr. (2 kills)
Worst Time to Die: Goat~Mum dies of starvation when they could've killed Luke
The Bloodbath
Rainy, Kel, and Jim Lake get into a fight. Jim Lake triumphantly kills them both.
Cherry kills Kiyoomi for his supplies.
Minty attacks Glitch, but Kumi protects her, killing Minty.
Day 1
Queen falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Night 1
Kouji, Tikki, Ancool, and Jim Lake form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Bill Cypher throws a knife into Mememori's head.
Day 2
Jaeger's trap kills Ralsei.
Night 2
Jaeger falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Matso poisons Crystal's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
Crystal dies from hunger.
Day 4
The Radio unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Night 4
G. Mum kills Cherry as he tries to run.
The Feast
Luke, Sens, and Kumi start fighting, but Sens runs away as Luke kills Kumi.
G. Mum shoots a poisonous blow dart into Bilbo's neck, slowly killing him.
Day 5
Shadow Dragon falls into a pit and dies.
Arena Event
A tsunami rolls into the the arena.
G. Mum defeats Sens, but throws her in the water to make sure she dies.
Glitch fatally injures herself on debris.
Luke defeats Bill Cypher, but throws her in the water to make sure she dies.
Night 5
G. Mum dies from hunger.
The winner is Luke from District 11!
1. Luke
2. G. Mum
3. Bill Cypher
4. Glitch
5. Sens
6. Shadow Dragon
7. Bilbo
8. Kumi
9. Cherry
10. The Radio
11. Crystal
12. Matso
13. Jaeger
14. Ralsei
15. Mememori
16. Jim Lake
17. Ancool
18. Tikki
19. Kouji
20. Queen
21. Minty
22. Kiyoomi
23. Kel
24. Rainy
District Placements
1. District 11 (LukeArch87 and -Gl1tch-)
2. District 2 (Goat~Mum and Me)
3. District 3 (BillCypher and BilboChicken)
4. District 4 (SensGirl25 and CrystalBorf_aDORKable)
5. District 12 (ShadowDragon89 and Kouji3254)
6. District 6 (Ralsei and -Mocha-
7. District 5 (-cherryz- and Tikki)
8. District 10 (Jim_Lake_Jr and The_Radio_Demon)
9. District 8 (Ancoolcat and matso)
10. District 1 (Kiyoomi and Jaeger)
11. District 7 (kelbunny13 and mementomori)
12. District 9 (-minty and rainyboy)
Pokemon that sealed the deal: Mega Candria
Pokemon that was super clutch: All the harvest sprites, shadow metal, and Galarian Articuno from Shinigami
On September 15th, 2021 at 6:30, I made ranklist again! #8 on the "Most Pokedex Entries" with 1551!
Pokemon that sealed the deal: Giga Alcremie
Title: Prize Pool Solo HG Sim. (1/12/2021)
Most Kills (Top 3): Nosedive (3 Kills), Hydra/Reptar/Jesse Lanturn (2 Kills), Unagi/Gigavolt/Monsoon/Endgame (1 Kill)
The Bloodbath
Monsoon sets an explosive off, killing Morph.
Day 1
Lamplight unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Gigavolt severely slices Hellion with a sword.
Night 1
No deaths occurred.
Day 2
Reptar sets an explosive off, killing Diamondhead, and Lunar.
Night 2
Hydra kills Monsoon while he is sleeping.
Onion, Caesar, and MUTO get into a fight. MUTO triumphantly kills them both.
Gigavolt falls into a pit and dies.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
Jenny, Navy, and Tatiana get into a fight. Jenny triumphantly kills them both.
Day 4
Jenny forces Maddy to kill Kukri or Unagi. She refuses to kill, so Jenny kills her instead.
Night 4
No deaths occurred.
Day 5
Endgame and Unagi work together to drown MUTO.
Tani dies trying to escape the arena.
Nosedive stabs Reptar in the back with a trident.
Night 5
Cherrybomb accidently steps on a landmine.
The Feast
Jesse Lanturn sets an explosive off, killing Kukri, and Endgame.
Nosedive stabs Jenny while her back is turned.
Day 6
No deaths occurred.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
No deaths occurred.
Night 7
Tapeworm falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Day 8
No deaths occurred.
Night 8
Unagi dies trying to escape the arena.
Day 9
No deaths occurred.
Night 9
No deaths occurred.
Day 10
Hydra and Nosedive track down and kill Jesse Lanturn.
Arena Event
The remaining tributes begin to hallucinate.
Hydra eats a scorpion, thinking it is a delicate dessert.
The winner is Nosedive from District 3!
1. Nosedive (LonelyGlaceon)
2. Hydra (BlackReshiram)
3. Jesse Lanturn (SensGirl25)
4. Unagi (GoldPeasant)
5. Tapeworm (Uncle_Nugget)
6. Jenny (LuckyLady)
7. Endgame (Changbai)
8. Kukri (Lonewolf8600)
9. Cherrybomb (ChikoritaMining)
10. Reptar (Hsanira04)
11. Tani (TheMinishXiao)
12. MUTO (Koharu)
13. Maddy (Mommy_Flare)
14. Tatiana (Vivixian)
15. Navy (SilverstreamSunshine)
16. Gigavolt (RaRaRasputin)
17. Caesar (Ralsei)
18. Onion (SubwaySandwich91)
19. Monsoon (NootBear)
20. Lunar (Taavi)
21. Diamondhead (BoomBoi)
22. Hellion (-Uhh)
23. Lamplight (Purgatory)
24. Morph (mementomori)
District Placements
1. District3
2. District6
3. District4
4. District5
5. District9
6. District12
7. District2
8. District7
9. District1
10. District8
11. District10
12. District11
Title: Solo HG Sim. (1/16/21)
Most Kills (Top 3): Hellion (9 Kills), Yuichi/Inky (4 Kills), Ariel (2 Kills)
Craziest Kill Streak: Hellion popping of with 9 freaking kills!
The Bloodbath
Happy and Hellion fight for a bag. Hellion strangles Happy with the straps and runs.
Day 1
Maddy taints Coquina's food, killing her.
Night 1
Uranium sets Shiri on fire with a molotov.
Blade spears Valka in the abdomen.
Day 2
Yuichi convinces Blade to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
Night 2
Maddy , Lemon, and Pablo unsuccessfully ambush Inky, Hellion, and Yuichi, who kill them instead.
Overdrive's trap kills Tex.
Day 3
Inky throws a knife into Sam's chest.
Overdrive is unable to convince Warrior to not kill him.
Kitsune bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Night 3
No deaths occurred.
Day 4
No deaths occurred.
Night 4
Tatiana kills Yuichi with a sickle.
Day 5
No deaths occurred.
Night 5
Indigo pushes Uranium off a cliff during a knife fight.
Day 6
Ariel taints Raider's food, killing him.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
Ariel catches Inky off guard and kills him.
Day 7
Warrior attacks Charcoal, but Hellion protects her, killing Warrior.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
Day 8
No deaths occurred.
Night 8
Hellion shoots an arrow into Ariel's head.
Day 9
Indigo, Navy, and Hellion get into a fight. Hellion triumphantly kills them both.
Night 9
No deaths occurred.
Day 10
Hellion decapitates Charcoal with a sword.
Night 10
Hellion accidently steps on a landmine.
Tatiana accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
The winner is Endgame from District 9!
1. Endgame
2. Tatiana
3. Hellion
4. Charcoal
5. Navy
6. Indigo
7. Ariel
8. Warrior
9. Inky
10. Raider
11. Uranium
12. Yuichi
13. Kitsune
14. Overdrive
15. Sam
16. Tex
17. Pablo
18. Lemon
19. Maddy
20. Blade
21. Valka
22. Shiri
23. Coquina
24. Happy
District Placements:
1. District 9 (Tex and Endgame)
2. District 1 (Raider and Tatiana)
3. District 10 (Hellion and Valka)
4. District 5 (Navy and Charcoal)
5. District 7 (Uranium and Indigo)
6. District 4 (Warrior and Ariel)
7. District 3 (Inky and Kitsune)
8. District 2 (Yuichi and Lemon)
9. District 11 (Sam and Overdrive)
10. District 6 (Pablo and Maddy)
11. District 8 (Blade and Coquina)
12. District 12 (Happy and Shiri)
Title: The Best Solo HG Sim. Yet (1/18/21)
Most Kills (Top 3): Tatiana (6 Kills), Lunar (4 Kills), Mr. Hankey/Gigavolt (3 Kills)
Sacrifice for the Champion: Adept
The Bloodbath
Mr. Hankey shoots a poisonous blow dart into TheMountain's neck, slowly killing him.
FrostyTheFireman , Tatiana , and Draco get into a fight. Tatiana triumphantly kills them both.
Minion falls into a pit and dies.
Day 1
No deaths occurred.
Night 1
No deaths occurred.
Day 2
Gigavolt, TheQuaken, and Maddy get into a fight. Gigavolt triumphantly kills them both.
Pikaboo poisons Greenie's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Night 2
Cherry bashes Endgame's head against a rock several times.
The OG overpowers Maelstrom, killing him.
Day 3
Hellion kills Greenie while she is resting.
Night 3
Mr. Hankey shoots a poisonous blow dart into Quenn Boo's neck, slowly killing her.
Day 4
No deaths occurred.
Night 4
No deaths occurred.
Day 5
Lunar sets an explosive off, killing The OG, Lemonade , Cherry and Reptar.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
Adept kills Lunar as she tries to run.
Mr. Hankey kills Veggie with his own weapon.
Day 6
No deaths occurred.
Night 6
Tatiana severely slices Tapeworm with a sword.
Day 7
No deaths occurred.
Night 7
Tatiana kills Hellion as he tries to run.
Day 8
No deaths occurred.
Night 8
No deaths occurred.
Day 9
No deaths occurred.
Night 9
Gigavolt poisons Sunflower 's drink. She drinks it and dies.
Day 10
No deaths occurred.
Night 10
Tatiana strangles Gigavolt with a rope.
Mr. Hankey dies from thirst.
Day 11
Adept is unable to convince Tatiana to not kill her.
The winner is Tatiana from District 4!
1. Tatiana
2. Adept
3. Mr. Hankey
4. Gigavolt
5. Sunflower
6. Hellion
7. Tapeworm
8. Veggie
9. Lunar
10. Reptar
11. Cherry
12. Lemonade
13. The OG
14. Quenn Boo
15. Greenie
16. Maelstrom
17. Endgame
18. Pikaboo
19. Maddy
20. TheQuaken
21. Minion
22. Draco
23. FrostyTheFireman
24. TheMountain
District Placements
1. District 4
2. District 11
3. District 1
4. District 12
5. District 9
6. District 2
7. District 3
8. District 8
9. District 7
10. District 5
11. District 6
12. District 10