Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dunegon Heroes Of Light
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dunegon Heroes Of Light"We don't really have any leads as to where he could be right now though"
Glade: "I wish dad could help us..."
Yung: "!!!! Ah!! Thank you for reminding me! We need to go see him, I promised to go see him after I found you!"
Yung: "Father!!!"
???: "Yung? What's wrong? What's with the panicking?!"
Yung: "Ah dear! Dad...I..."
???: "Calm down, sit down and start from the beginning."
Yung: "Dad...Glade has..."
???: "What?! What happened to him?!"
Yung: "He's disappeared! I don't know where on earth he is!!"
???: ""
Yung: "Don't worry, I'm going to go and find him, I won't rest until I find him! And I swear...if there was someone that took him...they will pay."
???: "...Yung..."
*He was sitting down but he wanted to jump up and dance. But he knew better in this situation*
"Well...he's definitely not lying about him being a great explorer, take it away."
Glade: "Right right! So before I was born, he lived on the Grass Continent! Where he went to train at Wigglytuff's guild! And he was the youngest member to take the graduation test since the legendary human and his partner saved the world from Primal Dialga! He went travelled to the Water Continent to worl at the Expedition Society! And he discovered all of the dungeons and created a map of the continent!"
Yung: *slightly surprised and worried* "'re not supposed to be here, how did you get in?! On that note...who are you?"
(Gotcha! Welcome to the RP!)