Alpha: Hmm... Ryari?
Luciel: Alpha, please.
Alpha: Right. "Luciel," did you sense something odd, walking
Luciel: Aside that everyone feels hostile upon seeing me... No.
Alpha: Innocent and I will investigate, Cerberus will attend to any
questions you have. Both she and Innocent left the room, leaving
an injured Cerberus to the group.
Cerberus: Ahem. Feel free to look around the caverns, don't invade
anyone's personal space. Especially you, Ryari. Cat. He sat
down, yawning.
*Yung sat down where he was and looked through his bag. He took out
a book as well as quill and started writing. He was documenting
everything that he had been told*
Yung: *looking up briefly* "Really now?"
*He then looked back down and focused on hos notes, making sure
they are as clear and concise as they can be*
Glade: "Hey I didn't know you play music Yung!"
Yung: "It's not like I had an instrument when we were together
Yung: "Least he'll be fine in the heat..."
*He sighed, as he tore a page out of his book and put the crumpled
page into his bag and started writing again*
Yung: "I'm not a diary writer, this is just notes"
*He finished documenting what Alpha, Innocent, and Cerburus had
told them and then he turned the page and began mind-mapping*
Yung: "Photos are often enough for me. I keep an album of photos of
each adventure. Oddly enough, the Kecleon Brothers had a camara for
sale. I just have to keep finding materials for the film."
*He began writing about all the different possibilities of how and
why a Pokemon would get corrupted. Though one thing stuck out for
him; where did the corruption come from? He had a theory concerning
dark types*
Ruby: "Oh. We are talking about
diaries now, because Trinity is kind of like a diary to me."
*Ruby tell Trinity about everything that has happened to her, since
the sword spirit has a really good memory.