Forum Thread
Pokemon Bios
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Pokemon Bios
such as putting the Bio part between Feeding and Trainer Settings, I think it would be a fun little implement to have more personality to our pokemon :D its not something we NEED right away, but it could be a fun little thing added sometime in the future <3
please leave your suggestions too! <3
Add-on: This could also be a spot to put achievements the pokemon earned, like first OS shiny, first SM etc, what chain they hatched, storys for them (like ocs) all that fun stuff
Some people use them to write little short stories about their Pokemon, some just come up with a moveset their Pokemon would have in a normal game, and others just write something personal in the bio (like "This Pokemon was given to me by X, a dear friend of mine," "If lost, please return to Username," or "I hunted shiny Eevee for 65 days and this little guy was egg #370," etc.). I've even seen people post song lyrics in a Pokemon's bio.
I think it's just a cute little quality of life update. I think a lot of people would find some fun in it. Not everyone would use it, but those who are into RP or have OCs would probably like it.
(i'd love to name my mega autumn something else, but i like the 7th OS being there, maybe the Bio would be good place to store that acievement)

Hope this helps, and that someone likes it at least.
but overall that looks really convincing! :OO it would be such a fun thing to play with on your pokemon and so forth<3 <3 im glad you support this, as im open to any discussion about it, wither supporting or not <3
Yeah, a 1000 character limit I could see being good, considering if it would also support BBCode and whatnot, since that can take up a good portion of the limit. Not sure about being able to put images in it, but I know some people would probably enjoy putting small icons and the sort into their biographies which would be really cute/cool. Can always just treat biographies just like nicknames, if they break the rules, or have offensive things in them that are an issue, then it can just be reported.
Really love the idea though, I feel it would make Pokemon more lively, and give more of a reason to share Pokemon around for others to see. It could also make interacting more fun if a lot of people take interest into using this which I feel a good portion would.
This won’t do anything at all
Just put a section in your profile with the mon
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
it could open up so much fun stuff. honestly i'd love to put images into my pokemons bios, but it could also lead to some bad things (if users abuse it too much) so it is kind of iffy for it. Like if i get fanart of my pokemon i'd love to put it in there, but someone can easily put middle fingers and such at their pokemons bios, it just all depends on the staff and their choices <3
im super glad you support this! it just seems super fun tbh
@josiethepanda some people like me don't really want to put a giant section of my profile to one pokemon, that it would be easier to just put the bio in the pokemon itself, cause if you have alot of pokemon you enjoy and want to write about, i personally wouldn't write a 10 paragraph story on my main page and have no idea what to do with it. its just something for fun > w <
Then you'd get a bio and it'd also solve the issue of we can't lock (a lot) of our Pokemon so they can't be released / battle teams not having enough space for all the Pokemon people wanna protect and stuff.