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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ProfessorGreenie.
Posted: Tue, 12/02/2019 19:00 (6 Years ago)
I've reached the point now where ALL I'm missing are event mega-ables (well, those and un-tradables :T). Anyone who's hunted those can imagine how annoying they are to find!

Please let me know if you have any you'd be willing to sell to me (especially for a reasonable price). Also, if you know of anyone breeding events and they're willing to hunt for a mega-able event, let me know as well! I couldn't have gotten this far without help from the community! ^ ^

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Posted: Fri, 08/02/2019 02:04 (6 Years ago)
Here's the art from this batch! :o

Gonna go on break now for the weekend~! Shop should be open again on Monday at the earliest! ^ ^

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Posted: Sat, 02/02/2019 16:12 (6 Years ago)
@Maguro: Thank you! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

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Posted: Sat, 02/02/2019 01:43 (6 Years ago)
@Mimpii: Yay, lucky bag! And yes, shop is still open since most of the customers have been from art tickets! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

@Hopelin: Looks good! I've marked your ticket! c:

@All: Returning customer slots are full! Newcomer slots (and ticket uses) are still available! :o

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 21:36 (6 Years ago)
@Rascal: AAA what a cutie! I've added you to the slots! ;w;

@Amilee: Yay! A lucky bag! I've marked your ticket; no need to pay! ^ ^

@Sansmaeda: Another cute character! I've added you to the slots as well! :3

@ONIKITSUNE: The cost is covered! The only problem is, I'm unable to view the reference images (gives me the "invalid character selected" error). Once those are fixed I'll get started (you can send them via palpad if needed). ^ ^

@Rose~Kitty: Yay! I've marked your ticket, thank you! ^ ^

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 18:38 (6 Years ago)
Looking like the Old Chateau in here, ohohoho!

SHOP IS BACK OPEN AGAIN! Roto Lotto is finally finished so I figured I'd open this place back up again!

I HAVE MADE SOME CHANGES, so please re-read the first post to make sure you're up to date. (Yes, even if you've read them recently~)

-I've stopped offering matching avatars. You can still buy one avatar with your order, just specify which character you'd like if you had more than one character in a picture.
-I'm no longer accepting Rotom as payment. At this point, I need the PD and nuggets more, so it's with a heavy heart that I'm removing them from the payment list. ...That said, you can still send them to me as a tip if you'd like. c;
-Likewise, I'm no longer accepting shinies. Not a lot of people sent them, so it shouldn't affect very many of you!
-I've also removed sketches from the shop. They were never ordered, so they're likely not going to be missed, haha!
-Old Dex has been added as a payment option. I'm valuing them around 500k, so if you manage to find one, that's basically two free pictures!

Now some big changes!
-I've started a thing called "Themes" in which I'll only accept requests of characters that fit a certain theme in a certain period of time, like plant/flower-based characters, Dark-Type Pokemon (the base Pokemon, not retypes), Digimon, Eeveelution-based OCs, etc. Any artist can understand the feeling of wanting to draw a certain type of thing sometimes, so I figured, why not do that in the shop? There is no theme active at the moment, but I'll announce when I'm running a certain theme. This should help with burnout AND help people with certain types of characters snag a slot.
-I've been doing this on the side, but I've now formally added the option for character design to the shop! As before, you'll contact me privately if you're interested in this option. I don't have a set price for this option, so it entirely depends on what you feel is fair. If the offer is too low I'll have to reject your request (I'm not drawing a Rayquaza/Lucario/Yveltal fusion for 100k haha!)
-WINNERS OF ROTO LOTTO now have a section at the bottom of the first post detailing how to use their art tickets. You can either use them according to the instructions OR you can continuously get art until they run out of uses. Slots do not apply to lottery winners!

...I believe that's it! Everything else should be the same as it had been. Whew!

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 01:06 (6 Years ago)
*~*Here they are! The Lottery Winners!*~*

Show hidden content

Site used: RandomLists.com; was NOT going to roll and screenshot every number individually orz
No screenshots taken for rerolls since most of them ended up with more rerolls.

-Ticket for one free art request a month from my art shop (12 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 3 million PD)-16125, Hopelin Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request a month from my art shop (12 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 3 million PD)-27610, TomatoSoup Claimed!

-1000 Nuggets-10728, Zerenity Claimed!
-1000 Nuggets-21658, Zerenity Claimed!
-Shiny Beldum Evolution Set (Beldum, Metang, Metagross)-8766, Amilee Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request every two months from my art shop (6 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1.5 million PD)-25754, Amilee Claimed!

-1 million PD-18363, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Mega Metagross-18705, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Mega Lucario-3019, JosieThePanda Claimed!
-Mega Ampharos-6087, DarkIceball Claimed!
-Mega Gallade-13672, Amilee Claimed!
-Shiny Santa Furfrou-9700, Amilee Claimed!
-Shiny Santa Furfrou-9453, Amilee Claimed!
-Shiny Santa Furfrou-9140, Amilee Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1 million PD)-14831, Amilee Rerolled: 26375, Zerenity Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1 million PD)-26842, Zucchini Claimed!
-Ticket for one free character designed by me; contact me via PM upon receiving this prize for details-8877, Amilee Rerolled: 3329, LinkOfHyrule
-Ticket for one free character designed by me; contact me via PM upon receiving this prize for details-18515, TomatoSoup Rerolled: 549, Meggy124124 Claimed!

-Mega Gyarados-2366, Fionna49 Claimed!
-Mega Pidgeot-7887, ONIKITSUNE Claimed!
-Super Event Pack 1 (Witch Vulpix, Sproutlett, Perchaun, Slowyore, Autumn Mareep, Summer Mareep, Sala da Menci, Blossomly, Rokkyu, Valenfloon)-12359, Amilee Claimed!
-Super Event Pack 2 (Autumn Ampharos, Festival Gardevoir, Snowbuck, Candaria, Lord Salamence, Raylong, Cosmoneon, Flower Girl, Messenger Fletchling, Floette Sakura)-6291, DarkIceball Claimed!
-Snowbuck breeding pair-13743, Rascal Claimed!
-Mesprit Egg Voucher-27996, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)-27243, Zucchini Rerolled: 7951, ONIKITSUNE Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)-11953, Amilee Rerolled: 16957, Rose~Kitty Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)-6442, JosieThePanda Claimed!
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)-24144, Amilee Rerolled: 27271, Sartor

-Shiny Shinx (m)-21986, Buchanan Claimed!
-Shiny Shinx (f)-17167, Ferret~
-Shiny Absol-20439, Zerenity Claimed!
-Shiny Sableye-24464, Amilee Claimed!
-Shiny Mawile-18822, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Palkia-15215, Hopelin Claimed!
-Celebi-13222, Amilee Claimed!
-9 Random Unown-21180, Zerenity Claimed!
-9 Random Unown-15446, Hopelin Claimed!
-Safari Zone Summon Pack (Hard Stone, Cold Stone, Light Stone)-21828, Buchanan Claimed!
-DNA Splicer Pack (Black and White)-27971, TomatoSoup Forfeited!
-Super Smash Bros Pack (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, Greninja, Incineroar)-12414, Amilee Claimed!
-Buttercream breeding pair-1391, Zucchini Claimed!
-Thunderus Pack (Therian and Incarnate)-27194, Zucchini Claimed!
-Fossil Starter Pack (Jaw, Root, Sail, Cover, Plume, Skull)-27064, Zucchini Claimed!
-Relic Gold x4-11754, Amilee Claimed!

-Shiny Jigglypuff-17660, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Shiny Graveler (evolves once traded; specify if you'd like it to stay unevolved upon winning)-16278, Hopelin Claimed!
-Shiny Ampharos-21438, Zerenity Claimed!
-Delphox breeding pair-18492, TomatoSoup Claimed!
-Luxray breeding pair-25148, Amilee Claimed!
-Retro Pack (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Sentret, Hoothoot)-4209, ImperialHound
-Hoopa-2957, Fionna49 Claimed!
-Hoopa-4408, Zucchini Claimed!
-Jirachi-12677, Amilee Claimed!
-Lugia egg voucher-6799, Zucchini Claimed!
-Lugia egg voucher-14003, Zerenity Claimed!
-Lugia egg voucher-27887, TomatoSoup Forfeited!
-Lugia egg voucher-28097, TomatoSoup Forfeited!
-Lugia egg voucher-21644, Zerenity Claimed!
-Lugia egg voucher-510, -Max
-Lugia egg voucher-348, -Max
-Ten Pokemon from my Junk box-10761, Zerenity Claimed!
-Ten Pokemon from my Junk box-15458, Hopelin Claimed!

Special Awards
Most Tickets Total- Ticket for one free art request every two months from my art shop (6 Pictures total; bypasses full slots)-7365, Amilee Claimed!
Most Tickets Purchased Without Winning A Prize- Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots)-874, Ralsei Claimed!

Instructions on claiming your prizes: Please message me via Palpad (or PM if you have your palpad set to friends-only) and state which prizes you're claiming. If you would like to forfeit a particular prize (ex. Lugia voucher) and keep the others, please let me know. Once claimed, items/Pokemon will be sent via gift/private trade.

If you won an art prize, please contact me to confirm that you do in fact want your prize and I will add your name to my art shop's first post. Art tickets will be used in my shop, not via PM/palpad.

In the case that you won a free character design, I will send you instructions via PM and we'll work on the character privately.

Prizes not claimed via palpad/PM by February 5 at reset will be considered forfeited!

Note to Self: Cross out prizes as they are claimed by their respective winners!

Congratulations to everyone who won, and thank you to everyone who gave Rotom/items/plushies for tickets! Thanks to this lottery, my Rotom box has almost reached 1000 precious friends! ;w;

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 23:05 (6 Years ago)
@TomatoSoup: Got here in the nick of time! ^ ^ I've added your tickets!

@All: LOTTERY IS NOW CLOSED! I'll now be rolling all of the prizes and will post the winners here a few minutes after reset! Please make sure to come back and check to see if you've won, bzzt! >o<

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 22:53 (6 Years ago)
@ONIKITSUNE: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! ^ ^

@All: Lottery will end in less than ten minutes! Prizes will be rolled a little bit after reset!

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 22:39 (6 Years ago)
@Sartor: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! :3

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 21:40 (6 Years ago)
@Zucchini: AAAA more plushies, thank you very much! I've added your tickets! >w<

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 21:21 (6 Years ago)
@Rodrigoon: It was sent as a private trade, so make sure you remember to accept my offer! ^ ^

@T0xic : Yay, thank you! I've added your tickets! :3

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 20:02 (6 Years ago)

Avatars of the following Pokemon have been added:


Solgaleo, Lunala, and the 4 Tapus have been added to the to-do list (that being said, my art shop is opening again so this thread will slow down drastically!).

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 19:40 (6 Years ago)
@Rodrigoon: Thank you! Please make sure to send everything to me via gift, and I'll add your tickets!

@Amilee: YAY! So many Rotom! >o< I've added all your tickets! X3

@Zerenity: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! >o< (Just barely, haha!)

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 02:31 (6 Years ago)
@JosieThePanda: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! ^ ^

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 00:43 (6 Years ago)
@CrystalFlowers: I've added your tickets!

@All: This is the last day of the lottery! The lottery will close for new tickets ONE HOUR BEFORE RESET (ie. if the time reads 31/Jan/2019 23:00:00 you're too late to get tickets). Any items sent after this time will be considered gifts and not count towards the lottery out of fairness to everyone already entered.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:03 (6 Years ago)
@Zucchini: So many plushies! Thank you! I've added your tickets! :3

@Rose~Kitty: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets too! ^ ^

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 19:24 (6 Years ago)
@Mimpii: Yay~! Thank you for being timely! I've added your tickets! :3

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 23:46 (6 Years ago)
@Buchanan: Thank you! I've received the plushies. Please send the PD when you're able to. I've added your tickets! :)

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 16:07 (6 Years ago)
@Hopelin: More plushies! Thank you! I've added your tickets! >o<

@BulbaForLife: Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! ^ ^

@All: Three-ish days remaining! Meant to post this at last reset but I forgot how timezones work, haha!

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