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Forum Thread

[L] Roto Lotto!

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [L] Roto Lotto!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 00:00 (6 Years ago)
To celebrate the addition of my favorite (and the overall greatest ever) Pokemon to the site, I'm holding a huge lottery! There's no real goal aside from encouraging my unhealthy obsession! XD

Lottery begins January 1, 00:00 server time (reset). Deadline to enter the lottery is January 31, 23:00 server time (one hour before reset).

1. All PH rules apply. Please be polite!
2. All items sent to me will be kept and are non-refundable (as is the nature of a lottery).
3. You may enter as many times as you'd like! Tickets will be given out in order (ex. User 1 gives a Rotom and gets Tickets 1-20, User 2 gives a Microwave and gets Tickets 21-60, etc.)
4. Winners are chosen via random.org. If you do not win a prize, I apologize. Bad luck of the draw!
5. If you have blocked me or I have blocked you, please do not enter the lottery. Do NOT ask others to enter in your place.
6. If you have questions, feel free to ask me via PM or Palpad. The thread is better organized this way!
7. Please keep the thread and ticket list clean! Ex. Do not buy a single ticket for PD after every other user who enters, as it creates a mess.

Not really a rule, but it might be wise to subscribe to the thread for updates! Due to the large nature of the lottery, I will not contact individual winners, and it is up to you to check to see if you've won at the end of the month and contact me to claim your prize.

-Each tier lists multiple prizes. There are over 60 prizes available, so you have a good chance of winning at least something!
-Art prizes can only be won by a user once; ex. if User A wins a 12-month ticket, they cannot win a 4-month ticket. Other prizes can be won multiple times by the same user if their ticket numbers are drawn!
-Art prizes must follow my art shop's posted rules and regulations (ie. no humans/humanoids) and are valued at minimum 250,000 PD apiece.
-Art prizes are non-transferrable. If you win and do not want the art prize for yourself, a new ticket will be drawn for it. This also means a multi-month ticket cannot be "split" or shared with multiple users. You are given the opportunity to "opt-out" of winning an art prize at the time of entry.

Special thanks to Zerenity and 20BiTeen for donating some of the prizes!

***Note to Mods and Entrants: All Pokemon available in the lottery can be found here.***

-Ticket for one free art request a month from my art shop (12 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 3 million PD)
-Ticket for one free art request a month from my art shop (12 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 3 million PD)

-1000 Nuggets
-1000 Nuggets
-Shiny Beldum Evolution Set (Beldum, Metang, Metagross)
-Ticket for one free art request every two months from my art shop (6 Pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1.5 million PD)

-1 million PD
-Mega Metagross
-Mega Lucario
-Mega Ampharos
-Mega Gallade
-Shiny Santa Furfrou
-Shiny Santa Furfrou
-Shiny Santa Furfrou
-Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1 million PD)
-Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots, valued at minimum 1 million PD)
-Ticket for one free character designed by me; contact me via PM upon receiving this prize for details
-Ticket for one free character designed by me; contact me via PM upon receiving this prize for details

Show hidden content
-Mega Gyarados
-Mega Pidgeot
-Super Event Pack 1 (Witch Vulpix, Sproutlett, Perchaun, Slowyore, Autumn Mareep, Summer Mareep, Sala da Menci, Blossomly, Rokkyu, Valenfloon)
-Super Event Pack 2 (Autumn Ampharos, Festival Gardevoir, Snowbuck, Candaria, Lord Salamence, Raylong, Cosmoneon, Flower Girl, Messenger Fletchling, Floette Sakura)
-Snowbuck breeding pair
-Mesprit Egg Voucher
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)
-Ticket for one free art request from my shop (bypasses full slots)

Show hidden content
-Shiny Shinx (m)
-Shiny Shinx (f)
-Shiny Absol
-Shiny Sableye
-Shiny Mawile
-9 Random Unown
-9 Random Unown
-Safari Zone Summon Pack (Hard Stone, Cold Stone, Light Stone)
-DNA Splicer Pack (Black and White)
-Super Smash Bros Pack (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, Greninja, Incineroar)
-Buttercream breeding pair
-Thunderus Pack (Therian and Incarnate)
-Fossil Starter Pack (Jaw, Root, Sail, Cover, Plume, Skull)
-Relic Gold x4

Show hidden content
-Shiny Jigglypuff
-Shiny Graveler (evolves once traded; specify if you'd like it to stay unevolved upon winning)
-Shiny Ampharos
-Delphox breeding pair
-Luxray breeding pair
-Retro Pack (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Sentret, Hoothoot)
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Lugia egg voucher
-Ten Pokemon from my Junk box
-Ten Pokemon from my Junk box

Special Awards
Most Tickets Total- Ticket for one free art request every two months from my art shop (6 Pictures total; bypasses full slots)
Most Tickets Purchased Without Winning A Prize- Ticket for one free art request every three months from my art shop (4 pictures total; bypasses full slots); it's possible this prize will remain unawarded if every entrant wins a prize
First Person to send me an Old Dex forme-change item- Ticket for three free characters designed by me; contact me via PM upon receiving this prize; will be awarded as soon as applicable Won by Hopelin on January 20!

All Prizewinners will be publically announced Feb 1, 2018 in this thread. If a prize is not claimed by Feb 5 (or is forfeited by choice), a new winner will be drawn and publically announced on Feb 6. If the prize remains unclaimed after the re-draw, on Feb 8 it will be retained by me, sent back to its donor, or donated to the GTS.

How to Earn Tickets
QuoteOld Dex- 1000 Tickets
Lawnmower- 40 Tickets
Electric Fan- 40 Tickets
Refrigerator- 40 Tickets
Washing Machine- 40 Tickets
Microwave- 40 Tickets

Drill- 2 Tickets
Monitor- 2 Tickets
Mixer- 2 Tickets

Rotom- 20 Tickets
Shiny Rotom- 200 Tickets
(These are added to my collection box)

Rotom Plush- 15 Tickets
Rotom Plush (any appliance forme)- 25 Tickets
(If sending these, leave the message blank or write something nice/cute, not "lottery entry" or something similarly bland)

Matching Box and Key Pair (gold)- 30 Tickets
Matching Box and Key Pair (common colors)- 20 Tickets
Single Box or Key (common colors)- 8 Tickets

1000 PD- 1 Ticket
50 Nuggets- 75 Tickets

Share the hashtag below- 5 Tickets (will only be counted once per person for the entire month to prevent spam/oversaturation)

If it is not listed above, I will not accept it for tickets!

1. Before you send me your items/Rotom, fill out the form below and post it in the thread. If you answer "no" to the art question, I will mark your tickets with * to indicate I should re-roll a different winner if your number is chosen for an art prize.
2. Send the items listed in your form to me via gift. I will accept the gift and credit you however many tickets it is worth. To minimize error, I'll reply to your post and credit your tickets after I've received the items.
2a. If sending a Rotom, please send it via Private Trade and I will give a Junk Pokemon in return. If you reject my offer I will not credit you tickets, so please remember to accept!
3. Feel free to return here and trade more things for tickets, but make sure you remember to fill out a form each time you do!

Any items sent without filling out a form prior to sending will be considered gifts!


[b]Number of Tickets:[/b]
[b]Are you interested in the Art Tickets?:[/b] Yes or No

Example form:
Username: ProfessorGreenie
Sending: 4 Microwaves, 2 Washing Machines
Number of Tickets: 240
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes
Other: Thanks for holding this lottery! >w<

List of Tickets:
Show hidden content

1-40 Latios736*
41-95 Sartor
96-537 -Max
538-617 Meggy124124
618-689 Mimpii
690-889 Fionna49
890-1514 Zucchini
1515-3014 Fionna49
3015-3279 JosieThePanda (H)
3280-3968 LinkOfHyrule
3969-4133 Amilee (H)
4134-4318 ImperialHound (H)
4319-4324 TheRisingDitto (H)*
4325-4644 Zucchini
4645-4934 Zerenity
4935-5718 Ralsei (H)
5719-6018 JosieThePanda
6019-6043 BulbaForLife (H)
6044-6048 Cofagrigus (H)
6049-6053 Rose~Kitty (H)
6054-6058 Meggy124124 (H)
6059-6063 Mimpii (H)
6064-6068 Sartor (H)
6069-6073 Zarkesh (H)
6074-6103 DarkIceball (H)
6104-6223 Zucchini
6224-6323 DarkIceball
6324-6378 Soul-Heart (H)
6379-6478 JosieThePanda
6479-6738 Amilee
6739-7363 Zucchini
7364-7368 Hipsterpotamus (H)
7369-7373 ~Quilava~ (H)
7374-7393 Rose~Kitty
7394-7853 Amilee
7854-8293 ONIKITSUNE
8294-8333 Rose~Kitty
8334-8338 Jolteon_Trainer (H)
8339-8343 ONIKITSUNE (H)
8344-8472 CuppyTheArtist (H)
8473-8477 HideOrSeeking (H)*
8478-9857 Amilee
9858-10007 Zerenity
10008-10207 JosieThePanda
10208-10312 Sartor (H)
10313-10492 Zerenity (H)
10493-10792 Zerenity
10793-11384 Buchanan (H)
11385-11584 JosieThePanda
11585-13724 Amilee
13725-13904 Rascal
13905-14614 Zerenity
14615-15094 Amilee
15095-16339 Hopelin
16340-16949 Zerenity
16950-16974 Rose~Kitty
16975-17094 HideOrSeeking *
17095-17194 Ferret~ *
17195-19199 TomatoSoup (H)
19200-19934 Zerenity
19935-19984 JosieThePanda
19985-20074 Ralsei
20075-20849 Zerenity
20850-20949 ONIKITSUNE
20950-21674 Zerenity
21675-21799 Hopelin
21800-21812 BulbaForLife
21813-22187 Buchanan
22188-22404 Mimpii
22405-23029 Zucchini
23030-23129 Rose~Kitty
23130-23137 CrystalFlowers *
23138-23437 JosieThePanda
23438-23442 ChibiTogepi (H)*
23443-23447 buckembarnes (H)*
23448-23452 RoyalGecko (H)*
23453-23546 Rodrigoon (PENDING)
23547-26026 Amilee
26027-26586 Zerenity
26587-26625 T0xic
26626-27250 Zucchini
27251-27304 Sartor
27305-27404 ONIKITSUNE
27405-28279 TomatoSoup

Hashtags entries are counted and added to the list every morning when I wake up (unless mentioned at time of entry). They are marked with (H) to ensure I don't count the same person's feed twice. Entries marked with * means the user is not interested in art.

Ticket Totals per User:
Show hidden content

Latios736- 40
Sartor- 219 (60+105+54)
-Max- 442
Meggy124124- 85
Mimpii- 294 (77+217)
Fionna49- 1700
Zucchini- 2940 (625+320+120+625+625+625)
JosieThePanda- 1415 (265+300+100+200+200+50+300)
LinkOfHyrule- 689
Amilee- 7365 (165+260+460+1380+2140+480+2480)
ImperialHound- 185
TheRisingDitto- 6
Zerenity- 5035 (290+150+180+300+710+610+735+775+725+560)
Ralsei- 874 (784+90)
BulbaForLife- 38 (25+13)
Cofagrigus- 5
Rose~Kitty- 190 (65+25+100)
Zarkesh- 5
DarkIceball- 130
Soul-Heart- 55
Hipsterpotamus- 5
~Quilava~- 5
ONIKITSUNE- 645 (445+100+100)
Jolteon_Trainer- 5
CuppyTheArtist- 129
HideOrSeeking- 125
Buchanan- 967 (592+375)
Rascal- 180
Hopelin- 1370 (1245+125)
Ferret~- 100
TomatoSoup- 2880 (2005+875)
CrystalFlowers- 8
ChibiTogepi- 5
buckembarnes- 5
RoyalGecko- 5
Rodrigoon- 94
T0xic- 39

Last updated- January 31, 23:00 server time



[url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=ProfessorGreenie]ProfessorGreenie[/url] is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!

[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=74054]Visit the lottery here[/url] for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!

Share this entire post to get 5 free tickets for the lottery! Code is found in the lottery thread.

Lottery ends January 31, 2019!

Thank you for checking out my lottery, bzz-zzt! Good luck, bzzzt! >o<
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 16:29 (6 Years ago)
Username: Latios736
Sending: Just a single Microwave
Number of Tickets: 40
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: No thanks.
Other: That’s a lot of prizes. And good luck.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 16:45 (6 Years ago)
THE LOTTERY IS NOW APPROVED! You may now get tickets!

@Latios736: As the lottery is now open, your tickets have been added to the list! Thank you.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 236
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:08 (6 Years ago)
Username: Sartor
Sending: 5,000 PD, and Two appliance rotom plushies :3
Number of Tickets: 55 total
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes!
Other: I love your art, and thanks for the opportunity!!

by -Vio99

by -Vio99

Made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:20 (6 Years ago)
@Sartor: Thank you~! Your tickets have been added! :3

@All: Hashtag entries will be counted and added to the list tomorrow morning (when I wake up) so I don't accidentally skip any of them!
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 956
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:23 (6 Years ago)
Username: -Max
Sending: x1 Lawnmower, x2 Microwave, x3 Refrigerator, x5 Washing Machine, x1 Drill
Number of Tickets: 442 Tickets, I think? o:
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yup
Other: Will be back soon when I get with Rotom hunt :p

Max here!

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:27 (6 Years ago)
Sending:1 microwave and 1 electric fan
Number of Tickets:80
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes!!!
Other:Goodluck to everyone and have fun! Thank you Greenie!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:32 (6 Years ago)
@-Max: Yup, it's 442! Your tickets have been added! Thank you very very much! :3

@Meggy124124: Yay! Thank you! Your tickets have been added! ^ ^
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 17:55 (6 Years ago)
Username: Mimpii
Sending: 1 Drill, 2 form-change plushies, and 1 Rotom
Number of Tickets: 72?
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes!
Other: Thank you so much for this opportunity! This is such a huge lottery and it's so generous of you to be hosting something like this! <3
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 18:21 (6 Years ago)
Username: Fionna49
Sending: 50000 pd and 100 nuggets
Number of Tickets: 200
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?:yes
other: good luck to everyone else
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 18:44 (6 Years ago)
@Mimpii: Yup, 72! Thank you very much! I've added your tickets! ^ ^

@Fionna49: Thank you! I've added your tickets! Please send the nuggets and PD as soon as possible! c:
Trainerlevel: 163

Forum Posts: 830
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 20:18 (6 Years ago)
Username: Zucchini
Sending: x5 Mow Rotom Plush / x5 Fan Rotom Plush / x5 Frost Rotom Plush / x5 Wash Rotom Plush / x5 Heat Rotom Plush
Number of Tickets: 625 Tickets (I think?)
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yep
Other: Thank you!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 20:26 (6 Years ago)
@Zucchini: Yup, 625! Thank you very very much for the plushies; your tickets have been added! ;w;
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:01 (6 Years ago)
Username: Fionna49
Sending: 1000 nuggets
Number of Tickets:1500 (i think)
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes
Other: will you take a roton thats already transfomed
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:43 (6 Years ago)
@Fionna49: Yup, that'll be 1500 tickets! You're now in the lead for most tickets per user! Please send the nuggets when possible! ^ ^
And yes, I will take Rotom holding forme-change items; both the Rotom and item will be counted for tickets (ex. a Frost Rotom will be worth 20+40=60 tickets).
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 668
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:55 (6 Years ago)
Sending:8x rotom, share hashtag, 100k pd
Number of Tickets:1165
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes! ofc
Other:sorry if I missed something, its a lot haha
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 32
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 22:00 (6 Years ago)

Title: Hi

Username: LinkOfHyrule
Sending: 9,000 PD, 400 nuggets,refridgerator,Microwace
Number of Tickets: I am not good at math pls do it for me
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: YE!
Other: N/A
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 668
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 22:07 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 90

Forum Posts: 1,357
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 22:35 (6 Years ago)
Username: Amilee
Sending: 1 electric fan, 3 refrigerator + hashtag share
Number of Tickets: 165
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes
Other: love your rotom obsession :D

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"

Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 544
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 22:48 (6 Years ago)
Username: ImperialHound
Sending: Lawnmower, Rotom Plush, all 5 of the other forme rotom plushies ( i forget their names oof),
Number of Tickets: 180 (+5 for hashtag, so 185?)
Are you interested in the Art Tickets?: Yes!
Other: sharing hashtag as well