Congratulations! Your shiny Bagon hatched on egg #52! You have 24
hours to claim it in a private trade before it goes to the next
user in line. Thank you for your patience.
Mega-Able you want:riolu
Breeder of mega-able:Mega_Wolfy
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other: this is my third time ordering from Mega_Wolfy for a total
of 3 separate occasions(Shiny Hunts). If you decline, I will
So sorry about the long delay!
Howdy @Shinymew3217, @HarmonyFox your shiny alolan meowth have
hatched and ready to be claimed. Please check your private trade
and offer a trash poke. You have 24 hrs to claim before the pokemon
gets passed down to the next one in line.
Have a nice day!
Username: 41hrva
Shiny you want:dewpider
Breeder of shiny: HT_Beta_Bruh
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other: thanx, i hope i get a slot
Shiny you want:dewpider
Breeder of shiny: HT_Beta_Bruh
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:Yep
Other:How many slots did i use lready and thank you
Username: Qwerty125
Shiny you want:dewpider
Breeder of shiny: HT_Beta_Bruh
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other: i hope i am not too late
I don't want to minimod but the dewpider hunt was started by an
inactive breeder. HT_Beta_Bruh are taking over the hunt and people
who ordered before still have their slots so the slots are full
I’ll take it from here.
Sorry guys, all dewpider slots have been taken previously.
Like Quaz said, this hunt was taken from a inactive breeder. So the
slots remain the same. I won’t mention that I didn’t say the amount of slots I was
doing, I only said “Moving onto the shiny dewpider hunt”. Please,
read the rules and check out the breeder page to see what hunt have
open slots or not!
Have any questions or concerns, PM/PP me! I’ll answer to my best
Hi there @ChikoritaMining! Your shiny
baby Dunsparce hatched and is ready to be adopted in 2 days. Please
offer a random Pokemon in the trade. Thank you for ordering
Now I'm no longer a Premium user, I'll have a long break. (really
tired when dealing with Dunsparce hunt, it didn't go as well as I
thought -_-)
Shiny you want: super shroom
Breeder of shiny: heha192
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: yeah
Other: stay safe and stay healthy everyone ;)