Forum Thread
What other videogames besides pokemon do you guys enjoy?
Forum-Index → General Discussion → What other videogames besides pokemon do you guys enjoy?
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mother/Earthbound, Rhythm Heaven, Pikmin, Super Mario, Kirby, Mega Man Classic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Yo-Kai Watch, Professor Layton, Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro Classic, Undertale, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, Slime Rancher, A Hat in Time, Cuphead, Minecraft
So basically a bunch of Nintendo games and meme games. :T
Animal Crossing WW/PC/ACNL (and I'm hoping to get the Switch version), Aura Kingdom, Aion, TERA, Guild Wars 2, Maplestory 2, Blade n Soul (RPG MMOS), Terraria, Sims 3/4, League of Legends, Legend of Zelda BOTW, Mario Kart, Overcooked ^-^
There is more but nobody probably wants to read all this haha! I like a variety.

Squad: Online
Life: None
*cracks knuckles* Yep, it's gamer time
GTAV/O, The Witcher 3, Gwent, Mortal Kombat X, Watch_Dogs 1&2, The Sims 4, Saints Row 4&5, Town of Salem, Besiege, Garry's Mod, Cities: Skylines, Tower Unite, Subnautica, Sniper Elite 3&4, Spore, C&C: Red Alert 3, Minecraft and occasionally Fortnite
As you might have guessed, I don't have the time to play all of them, so I usually take long breaks from each game after progressing a good amount. Not really good in terms of gaming experience but I can focus on school that way.
I like
Kingdom hearts, Mario kart, mario party, Smash Bros., Jak and Daxter, Danganronpa, Legend of Zelda, Fire emblem, LEGO games, Animal Crossing, Sonic games, Mario games, and a few others.....

"you were too correct"