Forum Thread
W: Event Mega-Ables and Mega Stones H: PD, Nuggets, Art, Etc
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → W: Event Mega-Ables and Mega Stones H: PD, Nuggets, Art, EtcEverything I'm looking to buy/trade for is below!
Normal Pokemon:
All unreleased Alola Pokemon
Mega Stones x13
I am ONLY interested in buying Mega Stones in bulk amounts (minimum 2 stones).
Mega-Powered OR fully Mega-Evolved:
Autumn Alakazam
Summer Ampharos
Autumn Ampharos
Festival Gardevoir
Winter Camerupt
Lord Salamence
None atm
None atm
What I can offer is the following:
Spare Pokemon (Additional Pokemon found here or here. Double-check with me on that last box; since it's the landing box, something unintended might be in there.)
Items in spoiler

Hard Rock x1
Light Rock x4
Star Piece x3
Jaw Fossil x1
Root Fossil x2
Sail Fossil x3
Plume Fossil x1
Skull Fossil x3
Cover Fossil x1
Old Amber x1
Enigma Stone x2
Weather Balloon x20
Mixer x4
Enigma Pearl x1
Misdreavus Cosplay x1
DNA Splicer Black x1
Sky Plate x3
Zap Plate x3
Fist Plate x2
Dread Plate x2
Iron Plate x1
Insect Plate x1
Meadow Plate x1
White Powder x1
I can also possibly make art for you?

I'm only going to draw Pokemon or Pokemon-like characters (ie. monsters, animals, etc.). If you request art of an OC, please send a reference so I know what they look like! If you do happen to request something, it'll take me a day or so to complete once I let you know I've started it (I work rather quickly).
I'd prefer inquiries be kept to this topic, but if you want to palpad/PM that's fine too. I'll pay fair price check prices if you're interested in PD or nuggets. If the current market value is too expensive for me to afford, I'll have to decline your offer unless you'll take under value. Items and Pokemon are negotiable!
If you're able to sell/trade me any of the Pokemon I need, I would greatly appreciate it! Right now I would really like a Cresselia or its matching map/summon item, since the market seems to be severely lacking those! XD
Please let me know if you have any you'd be willing to sell to me (especially for a reasonable price). Also, if you know of anyone breeding events and they're willing to hunt for a mega-able event, let me know as well! I couldn't have gotten this far without help from the community! ^ ^