Forum Thread
Pokerus (..yep, this again)
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Pokerus (..yep, this again)however; those 4 times that they were rejected, was because it was /literally/ just "hey another game does it we should do it like them"
I'm here to try and bring in the idea, that we can somehow make Pokerus work on here, and make it unique to Pokeheroes, as is; with all other features we have on this site.
That being also said though; if the mods deem this worthy to be locked because it has been rejected multiple times, by all means go for it :)
I figure it’s worth a shot to at least try though.
TL;DR ; making it so theres' a small chance that wonder traded pokemon contract Pokerus, and can infect other pokemon through random interactions.
Long version;
As in the current pokemon games, when you wondertrade with someone, your pokemon has a very small chance to come back with Pokerus; Said Pokemon infected with Pokerus, can be infected with it between 1-4 days, following the game mechanics (slightly, not the 1 in 21,845 chance lmao)
Within that amount of time, each time someone interacts with a pokemon who has Pokerus, there is a small chance that a Pokemon in their current party can contract it, and the life cycle continues. Once Pokerus has left the infected host, that Pokemon may not contract it again it's a one time event.
Multiple pokemon can be infected by the same pokemon, although as said, it's a rather rare occurance.
How it could work on PH:
Infected pokemon, unlike in the games (where they gain double the EV values) essentially gain double the exp (as you normally would on a regular 2X day) , thus they can level up quicker for the random alloted time they're infected. (on 2X days, it could either be stacked as a 4x, cut down to a 2.5x, or, just cannot be stacked at all)
Once infected, the Pokemon will have the Pokerus icon on their personal page, like so;
Once healed from Pokerus,your Pokémon will have the cured icon on their page, like so;
it's super minimal on the page itself, as the chosen icons are fairly small, and doesn't shove any other icon out of place.
If the pokemon is placed in storage, people can still manually interact with the pokemon, and still have a chance to infect their own pokemon in their current party. Placing your pokemon in storage does not extend Pokerus (as it would in some of the earlier Pokemon games)
How is this beneficial to PH:
Honestly, it's more just of a fun feature to add. The only beneficial part is once your pokemon is infected, it gains double the exp for the alloted time, and then it's gone.
Aside from being only really beneficial to just one pokemon though, it would be pretty neat to be able to add in another rank list option like "most infected user" so we can finally fill in that one missing box section in Pokemon ranklist lmao.
It would add a little more challenge to people who actively participate in the medal rally as well, for "highest leveled pokemon", whereas, instead of solely relying on interactions returned, or rare candies, they can now hope for their pokemon being infected with Pokerus, as well, which would guarantee more clickbacks, as others will try to infect their own pokemon.
"We already have the index page and the weather page, we don't need this"
You're right, we don't, however, it's never a bad idea to suggest things within reason when the last time this was suggested was literally 3+ years ago
A fresh look from eyes who've just been on the site the last year or less is always good tbh.
thank you, kaitotemari, for this signature!
I remember seeing a quote by Riako awhile back that this wasn't a valid reason to reject a suggestion.
Anyway, I support the idea due to bringing a system from the actual games and having it implemented in a way that suits this site. Did well on explaining ways to mitigate the "OP'ness" of such an RNG based system.
Possible dynamics that will change from this;
1) Strong Pokemon Medal Rally - Whoever has a PKRS to spread to their pokemon will get an advantage (not necessarily a bad thing)
2) Prof. Oak Battles
3) Ranklist - If you ever cared about being on that board, good luck.
As for what Buumee said, you can just make some special exceptions to certain pokemon.
pokemon will not appear in the medal rally/ranklist if they have pokerus
"Gift pokemon" like injured pokemon and prof. Oak battle pokemon cannot catch pokerus
Other special event pokemon (bug catching contest, etc.) Cannot catch pokerus.
I hope my idea helps :)
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